[Asis-l] JASIST Volume 5, # 1 TOC
Richard Hill
rhill at asis.org
Wed Nov 19 10:24:42 EST 2003
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Volume 55, Number 1; January 1, 2004
[Note: at the end of this message are URLs for viewing contents of JASIST
from past issues. Below, the contents of Bert Boyces In this Issue has
been cut into the Table of Contents.]
In This Issue
Bert R. Boyce 1
Mapping Information Policy Frames: The Politics of the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act
Terrence A. Maxwell
Published online 19 September 2003
In this issue we begin with Maxwell who is interested in how
government representatives, authors, user advocates, content providers, and
internet service providers, stakeholders all in the debates over the
formulation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, framed their
positions as shown in their testimony in the nine relevant congressional
hearings, as well as which groups were most effective. All hearing
utterances by an individual were consolidated into a single document
resulting in 71 documents, 29 from congress and 42 from stakeholders.
Maxwells policy taxonomy which develops 8 classes: Communal Cohesion,
Marketplace of Ideas, Knowledge Creation, Individual Happiness, Information
Dissemination, Information Ownership, Global Village, and Global Hegemony,
was utilized as a framework. Concordance software produced 1537 words that
were consolidated into 88 coding terms assigned as indicators to the
appropriate taxonomic class. The documents were then auto-coded with
AtlasTi content analysis software generating a file of 4,441 content units
with at least one code. A factor analysis produced key terms in different
sectors of the taxonomy and an MDS run produced 4 clusters both indicating
participants expressed themselves across multiple taxonomic sectors. While
Congress displayed linkages indicating attempts to play a balancing role,
congressional framing tended to be closer to content providers than to
other groups.
Spatialization of Web Sites Using a Weighted Frequency Model of Navigation Data
René F. Reitsma, Lehana Thabane, and J. Michael B. MacLeod
Published online 23 October 2003
Reitsma, Thabane, and MacLeod are interested in the display of
document sets as visualized geometric spaces. Such spaces can use metrics
and dimensions determined arbitrarily prior to analysis of data, or they
may use secondary data (logged website transaction counts, perhaps) with
techniques like factor analysis or MDS to find a structure. Using high
transaction volume between an origin and a destination as an indicator of a
small distance and a low volume as an indicator of a large distance, a
transaction log can provide input to MDS. One problem is the possible
origination of multiple sessions from the same address where one can not
determine if consecutive requests are part of the same transaction and thus
frequencies may be invalid. They suggest the use of the probability that a
count is a transaction as a weight rather the count alone, with this
probability depending upon the time separation between an origin and a
destination with less time indicating a higher probability. A transaction
log for a website for undergraduate engineering learning was analyzed in
this manner and weighted transaction counts were compared to the use
of straight count inputs to MDS using the Euclidean metric and four
dimensions. Weighted results were not significantly different.
Localization in Modern Standard Arabic
Ahmed Abdelali
Published online 22 September 2003
Abdelali points out that spoken Arabic variants can be large
enough to affect comprehensibility while Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is
taught in schools, and used by the media in 21 Arab countries. He
investigates the degree of variation from country to country in MSA by
examining various Arabic language newspapers available in machine readable
form on the Web. While 48% of words collected are unique to their source,
most of these occur less than three times, and a threshold above three
decreases the uniqueness percentage dramatically indicating in general a
high degree of uniformity. Differences are identified based upon
spelling, transliteration of English and French words, different degrees of
usage geographically, local only use of tribal names, and imported words.
Enhanced Web Document Retrieval Using Automatic Query Expansion
M. Shamim Khan and Sebastian Khor
Published online 19 September 2003
Khan and Khor want to expand the traditionally short web query
using contiguous term phrases of four or less non-verbs extracted from the
first 40 sentences of initially retrieved documents. A rule governed
tagging scheme is utilized to identify noun phrases. Each identified phrase
is then searched independently, so that the top of the retrieved list for
each can be skimmed. Using three questions obtained from questioning past
searchers, and doing their own category decisions for relevance judgements,
they ran the analysis on the top thirty documents retrieved for each query
and scored the documents retrieved by the initial and expanded searches
with a 1 or 0 depending upon the presence of the predetermined categories.
For two out of the three queries the relevance scores of the initial
queries are higher than the expanded queries, but expansion did succeed in
retrieving more categories than the initial queries.
Information Search Performance and Research Achievement: An Empirical Test
of the Anxiety-Expectation Mediation Model of Library Anxiety
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Qun G. Jiao
Published online 19 September 2003
Onwuegbbuzie and Jiao have, with Bostick, presented an information
literacy process model of library anxiety, which they believe is a
significant problem in the use of academic libraries by students not
particularly anxious in other areas of their lives. The Anxiety-Expectation
Mediation or AEM model is a structural equation model that incorporates
library anxiety, research proposal writing achievement, age, GPA, learning
style, perfectionism, academic procrastination, hope, and academic self
perception. Here Onwuegbbuzie and Jiao are interested in whether anxiety
effects educational outcomes. Using 225 graduate students from a
introductory level research methods course, scores were obtained on the
Library Anxiety Scale, Self-Perception Profile for College Students, the
Hope Scale, the Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students, Multidimensional
Perfectionism Scale, the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey, and
a Background Demographic form was completed. Library anxiety and academic
self-perception mediate the relationship between ability to write research
proposals and the other variables thus supporting the AEM model. Library
anxiety is related negatively to research performance while self-perception
is related positively.
Catalogers' Common Ground and Shared Knowledge
Alenka Sauperl
Published online 7 October 2003
Sauperl believes that an indexers subject interpretation of a
document is dependent upon the sociologically constructed knowledge state
of the author, the likely user, and that of the indexer herself, and that
each such state can result in differing interpretations. She believes that
this places the source of indexing inconsistency with the indexers
background and culture and conducts think aloud observations and interviews
with twelve American academic library catalogers to construct a model of
the indexing process and to determine if they are aware of the
inconsistency situation. Meaning is gathered from the document itself, but
also from public sources, the practice of the individual library, and the
catalogers interest and experience. Catalogers are aware of the
multi-meaning problem and actively tried to limit its effects, but are more
oriented toward the cataloging community than toward readers or authors
Literature Growth, Journal Characteristics, and Author Productivity in
Subject Indexing, 1977 to 2000
Ming-yueh Tsay
Published online 30 September 2003
Ming-yueh Tsay conducts a bibliometric study of 24 years of the
literature of subject indexing as collected by searching LISA for the term
subject indexing from 1977 to 2000, identifying 14,382 items. The
literature grew rapidly from 1978 to 1981, slows from 1983 to 1985, and
resumes strong growth from 1987 to 1991. There is a drastic reduction in
new papers in 1992, an even greater fall in 1993, and production then
continues at this level, providing a relatively good fit for a logistic
curve. Journal articles provide 78% of the items, proceedings 16.3%, and
books about 6%. Article distribution shows the typical Bradford
distribution. Authors of a single item constituted 76.7% of the set, with
an average production of 1.4 papers per author. The observed data on author
productivity do not conform with Lotkas law.
An Experiment Using Coordinate Title Word Searches
Frederick G. Kilgour
Published online 4 November 2003
Once again Kilgour looks at the efficacy of known item title word
search using the University of Michigan Online Public Access Catalog. In
previous tests he found single screen display results 84% of the time using
surname and one title word, 96.1% of the time using surname plus both first
and last title word, and 98.5% of the time using surname and researcher
chosen significant title words. Here he uses title words alone to search
for 749 records selected from those used at the University of North
Carolina Chapel Hill in the first half of 1993. One fifth of these
items had no authors. Use of title words alone was successful 86.4% of the
time with items having personal authors and 91.5% of the time with
anonymous items. Use of title words is consistently more productive than
the 53.8% success rate of author alone search.
An Improved Fast Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization
Li-Juan Liu, Xu-Bang Shen, and Xue-Cheng Zou
Published online 22 September 2003
Liu, Zou, and Shen provide an algorithm for image data compression
using a vector quantization technique which appears more efficient than the
previous vector quantization technique and which they claim will speed up a
code book searching process.
Technology and the New Economy, edited by Chong-En Bai and Chi-Wa Yuen
John Cullen
Published online 19 September 2003
The Universal Computer: The Road From Leibniz to Turing, by
Martin Davis
Julian Warner
Published online 28 October 2003
XML Data Management: Native XML and XML-Enabled Database Systems,
edited by Akmal B. Chaudhri, Awais Rashid, and Roberto Zicari
Nicholas Rhodes
Published online 28 October 2003
The ASIS web site <http://www.asis.org/Publications/JASIS/tocs.html>
contains the Table of Contents and brief abstracts as above from January
1993 (Volume 44) to date.
The John Wiley Interscience site <http://www.interscience.wiley.com>
includes issues from 1986 (Volume 37) to date. Guests have access only to
tables of contents and abstracts. Registered users of the interscience
site have access to the full text of these issues and to preprints.
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