Goh Hoe Lian, Dion (Dr) ASHLGoh at ntu.edu.sg
Tue May 20 20:15:31 EDT 2003


Call for Chapters: Design and Usability of Digital Libraries : Case Studies in the Asia Pacific
Idea Group, Inc. Editors: Yin-Leng Theng and Schubert Foo 
(Submission Deadline: Full Manuscript Due: October 29, 2003) 

Design and Usability of Digital Libraries :
Case Studies in the Asia Pacific

Edited by  : Yin-Leng Theng, PhD and Schubert Foo, PhD 
Nanyang Technological University, School of Communication and Information, Singapore

E-mail: {tyltheng, assfoo}@ntu.ed.sg

   Digital libraries are part of the global infrastructure being envisioned to interconnect many computer networks and various forms of information technologies around the world, a partial fulfilment of Bush's 1945 dream "memex" of a personal microfiche-based system to tackle the problem of information overload. Digital libraries, more organized and structured than the Web, is an overwhelming example of a shared world-wide collection of information.  They are at a stage of development where developers are keen to find out more about the design, use and usability of digital libraries. 
   However, designers often design for themselves unless they are trained to realise that people are diverse, and that users are unlikely to be like them. The more errors that can be avoided "up front" by the right method, the less work both test-users and designers will have to put in to refine digital libraries to improve their design, use and usability.
   This book aims to showcase best practices in the Asia Pacific region, with special emphasis on the design, use and usability of digital libraries, which include work surrounding digital libraries and related technologies, the management of knowledge in digital libraries, and the associated usability and social issues. The book's focus on the Asia Pacific is opportune to the increasing, global effort in the encouragement and promotion of the sharing of research and development around the world, limited at the moment to America and Europe. 
   This call for book chapters invites participation from practitioners, researchers, educators and policy makers from a variety of disciplines such as computer science, library and information sciences, archival and museum studies, knowledge management, and other areas in the social sciences and humanities. 
   The book will be organised around five areas : (1) Design Architecture; (2) Implementation; (3) Use and Impact; (4) Usability; and (5) Development History and Future Trends. Submissions on all these areas are welcome and may include research, system, evaluation, policy and position papers reporting digital library research and development in the Asia Pacific.  The following is a list of possible topics for the book chapters :

* social, institutional, and policy issues 
* pedagogical issues 
* document genres and electronic publishing 
* collection development and management 
* intellectual property 
* provision of services 
* user communities 
* web cataloguing 
* metadata and content 
* digital preservation 
* digital archives and museums 
* knowledge management 
* content management 
* digital library infrastructure and architecture 
* human-computer interaction 
* information retrieval 
* information mining 
* ontology-based services 
* semantic web 
* semi-structured data management 
* text categorization 
* web information gathering 
* information filtering 
* information extraction 
* hypertext and multimedia 
* security and privacy 

Submission Information

   Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a 2-5 page chapter proposal by July 30, 2003 detailing the background, motivations and structure of the proposed chapter. All chapter proposals will be peer-reviewed.  Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by August 15, 2003 on the status of their proposals. Full chapters, due on October 29, 2003 should be between 15-20 double-spaced pages formatted according to the guidelines which will be provided upon acceptance of the chapter proposal. Final revised manuscripts are due on March 1, 2004.

   The book is scheduled to be published by Idea Group, Inc., publisher of the "Idea Group Publishing," "Information Science Publishing," and "IRM Press" (see http://www.idea-group.com) imprints in the later half of 2004.

Important Dates

* Chapter Proposal Due 			        : 	July 30, 2003
* Notification of Chapter Proposal Acceptance	: 	August 15, 2003
* Full Chapter Due				:	October 29, 2003
* Notification of Chapter Revision		:	December 30, 2003
* Revised Final Chapter Due			: 	March 1, 2004

Please send all inquiries and submissions (preferably through e-mail as Word files) to :
       Dr. Yin-Leng Theng
       School of Communication and Information
       Nanyang Technological University
       31 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637718
       Tel: (65) 6790 5834
       Email: tyltheng at ntu.edu.sg

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