Ian Johnson (absimj) i.m.johnson at rgu.ac.uk
Mon May 5 12:33:27 EDT 2003

K. G. Saur Verlag
Munich, Germany

Announces the 2003 annual award for

Best LIBRI Student Paper

Since 1950, through 53 volumes, LIBRI International Journal of Libraries and Information Services has been a leader among scholarly journals in the international library world. As part of its strategy to remain one of the premier library journals, LIBRI is issuing a call for "Best Student Paper of 2003." This competition supports LIBRI's goal of publishing the best articles from the next generation of library and information science professionals. We are proud once again to recognize the very best article with this special award. 

Students at all levels* are invited to submit articles with clarity and authority. For 2003, there is no stated theme. Research papers should address one of the significant issues facing today's librarians and information professionals.  Case studies, best practices, and pure research papers are all welcome.

Length: approx. 5000 words
Language: English
Deadline: May 31, 2003

The best paper will be selected by a panel consisting of the members of the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board, and other international experts. The paper will be judged on the basis of 

* originality of thought and observation
* depth of research and scholarship
* topicality of problems addressed
* the international readership of the journal

The article will be published in the 2003:3 issue. The author of the winning article will be honoured with an award of 500.00 USD and with a complementary subscription to LIBRI for 2003. If the quality of competition warrants, some papers may be designated as honourable mention and the authors will receive complementary subscriptions to Libri for 2004.

Manuscripts should be sent to the LIBRI Editorial Office, Statsbiblioteket, Universitetsparken, DK 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. Electronic submissions are encouraged and may be submitted to libri at statsbiblioteket.dk. 

Authors instructions are available at the Libri site at http://www.librijournal.org/authorinst.html.

* Exception: Senior information scholars returning to school for additional degrees outside the field of library and information science are not eligible for this award.  

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