[Asis-l] Cleveland SLA Breakfast Meeting - February 28, 2003 : Branding

Penny OConnor pjo at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 12 07:00:52 EST 2003

Posted for Sally Fell.

Special Libraries Association Cleveland Chapter presents:

Topic - Branding: Its Importance and Impact

Speaker - Mary Ann Francis, Senior Vice President, National City Bank

Friday, February 28, 2003
8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Hilton Garden Inn - Cleveland Airport
4900 Emerald Court S.W.
Cleveland, Ohio 44135
(I-480 at Grayton Road Exit)

SLA is poised for substantial brand changes as it moves forward in the
21st century.  Understanding the importance of branding and its impact
will enable SLA members to help establish the future direction of their

As Manager of payment solutions, corporate product management and
wholesale banking, Mary Ann Francis knows the value and power of
branding.  Join your SLA colleagues in learning more about branding and
its impact.

Cost: Members - $18.00        
Students, Retired, or Unemployed Members - $15.00
Non-members - $20.00    

Food: Sit-down breakfast of pancakes, sausage, pastries, coffee, tea,
Registration and Questions:  Sally B. Fell,  216-368-6600,
sallyfell at cwru.edu

Registration Deadline:  Tuesday, February 25, 2003.  Space is limited so
register early!




____Member - $18.00   
____Student, Retired or Unemployed Member - $15.00  
____Non-member - $20.00

Make Checks Payable to SLA/Cleveland Chapter and return to:
Sally Fell, 30007 Winsor Drive, Bay Village, Ohio 44140
Phone: (216) 368-6600   Fax:  (216) 368-6950   Email:
sallyfell at cwru.edu

Directions: Take I-480 to the Grayton Road Exit which is just west of
the Cleveland Hopkins Airport.  Go north on Grayton Rd.  Just past the
first light, turn left into the Emerald Corporate Park entrance.  Follow
driveway to hotel.


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