[Asis-l] SIG-DL - Digital Libraries panels: call for proposals

Luz M Quiroga lquiroga at hawaii.edu
Tue Dec 9 11:39:13 EST 2003


The SIG on Digital Libraries, SIG-DL, wants to promote and support panels
and activities related with "Digital Libraries", during the next ASIST
Annual meeting: "Managing and Enhancing Information: Cultures and
Conflicts" (Providence, Rhode Island, November 13 - 18, 2004).

A wide variety of topics, theories, case studies, debates will be of
interest, including but not limited to:

Digital libraries and the preservation of culture, heritage, and
indigenous knowledge

Digital inclusion

Digital preservation

Communities repositories / memories

Global Digital libraries; international collaboration

Users of digital libraries

Digital libraries education

Training the users of digital libraries

Standards for building digital collection

Improving access to digital libraries: metadata, indexing, taxonomies,
thesauri, ontologies

Strategies and models for interoperability

Large and small digital libraries initiatives and projects

Portals; Virtual libraries, archives and museums.

Technologies for building and managing digital collections

Adaptive technology for digital libraries

Please contact us if you are interested in participating as a panelist or
if you would like to organize a panel. Also please let us know if there
are other topics that you would like to be discussed but were not covered
in the previous list.

Thomas Terrell (SIG-DL Chair) <tterrell at chuma1.cas.usf.edu>

Luz M. Quiroga (SIG-DL Chair elect): lquiroga at hawaii.edu

As the deadline is January 14 please contact us as soon as possible;
please see guidelines in ASIST website:

Thank you

Luz M. Quiroga

Luz M. Quiroga                             Assistant Professor
mailto: lquiroga at hawaii.edu                Information & Computer Sciences
(808) ICS: 956-9988 LIS: 956-5821          Library and Information Science
(808) 956-3548 fax                         University of Hawai'i at Manoa
http://hypatia.slis.hawaii.edu/~lquiroga   1680 East West Road, POST 314B

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