[Asis-l] CfP:Workshop on Evaluation of Collaborative Information Systems and Support for Virtual Enterprises (WETICE 2004)

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Thu Dec 4 07:31:48 EST 2003

[Forwarded for Hanne Albrechtsen <hanne.albrechtsen at risoe.dk>.  Dick Hill>
Call for Participation

Workshop on Evaluation of Collaborative Information Systems and Support for 
Virtual Enterprises

June 14-16, 2004
University of Modena, Italy


Information for the workshop on Evaluation of Collaborative Information 
Systems and Support for Virtual Enterprises (WETICE 2004)

Effective collaboration involves people, communication, and the co-creation 
of meaning through information sharing that may be synchronous and/or 
asynchronous. Researchers and practioners need tools to measure the 
incremental progress towards developing useful collaborative groupware 
systems, as well as methods to evaluate the impact of specific technologies 
on the effectiveness of human to human, or human to machine collaboration. 
We believe that developing effective evaluation methodologies will 
facilitate progress in designing and deploying collaborative 
technologies.  The primary goal of this workshop is to provide a forum, in 
which researchers and practitioners can share approaches to evaluation of 
collaborative enterprises, lessons learned from deployment of collaborative 
technologies in organizations or educational institutions, and ideas for 
directions the area of evaluation must move toward in order to facilitate 
the progress of distributed virtual collaboration. Ultimately, there needs 
to be a framework or taxonomy that can answer:

*Which approaches are best for evaluating different types of collaborative 
systems? Are different approaches useful for different phases of analysis?

*In the design cycle of collaborative software development, when are 
particular evaluation approaches effective and when are they not? Can a 
spectrum be developed?

*What combination of methods and techniques for gathering metrics are most 
effective for the situation under evaluation?

*Which evaluation approaches, methods and techniques address collaboration 
process and product effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction?

*Which metrics address product and process effectiveness, efficiency, and 
satisfaction of the collaborative enterprise under study?

*What evaluation tools and mechanisms are best for generating specific 

Topics that contribute to this framework may include:

*Benchmark collaboration scenarios and associated evaluation measures for 
groupware system design and development,
*Adaptation of single-user software development and evaluation techniques 
to groupware evaluation,
*Groupware design principles or heuristics for use in groupware evaluation. 
Analysis of group characteristics (organizational, behavioral, and 
technical) and corresponding groupware characteristics,

*Collaboration evaluation methods and tools that use design ethnography,
*Case studies evaluating collaborative enterprises,
*Methods and tools for lowering the cost of evaluating collaborative 
enterprises, and
*Methods and tools for effective field study evaluation.

Additionally, we invite participation from the following perspectives:
*Intelligent community-based systems
*Context-aware groupware systems
*Intelligent user interfaces
*Mobile telephony & handheld devices
*Knowledge Management
*Interactive Storytelling Applications
*Software Engineering issues
*Requirements Management
*Assessment of Tool integration and interworking for virtual organisations
*Evaluation of IT benefits in the context of virtual organisation

This workshop is an excellent opportunity to bring together people who are 
addressing the unique and challenging needs of collaborative enterprise 
evaluation. We welcome delegates from all aspects of industry and academia. 
Previous WET ICE workshops have attracted delegates from areas such as 
computer science, information science, artificial intelligence, 
communication, psychology, sociology, education, human factors, usability, 
systems engineering, and library sciences.  WET ICE is well established as 
a working conference for the development of theory and practice.  The 
evaluation workshops aim at establishing and disseminating rigorous 
approaches to collaborative systems evaluation. We encourage authors to 
consult the workshop reports and papers from the previous WET ICE 
evaluation workshops held in 2000, 2001 and 2002, in order to contribute to 
developing dialogue, whether by developing themes from the earlier 
workshops or by identifying problems, issues and solutions that have so far 
been overlooked.

Important Dates

Full papers due to workshop - March 1, 2004

Notification to authors - April 12, 2004

Final papers for Post-proceedings to IEEE - May 21, 2004 (pdf file, IEEE 

Advance registration deadline - May 21, 2004

Final workshop reports by Workshop Chairs - June 27, 2004 (after the workshop)
Workshop Dates - June 14-16, 2004


Submission: Technical Papers:
Authors of technical papers should submit an original paper (not submitted 
or published elsewhere), preferably in portable document format (pdf) 
format, or failing that in rtf format, by email to 
cboldyreff at lincoln.ac.uk. Submissions should include the title of the 
paper, the name and affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract, and no 
more than eight keywords. Submissions should not exceed 3000 words in 
length (including figure equivalents). The name, position, address, 
telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the author responsible 
for correspondence must be included.

Submission: Poster papers or Demonstrations:
The Evaluating Collaborative Enterprises workshop committee invites poster 
papers or demonstrations of new and exciting research work, 
work-in-progress and demonstrations related to the workshop themes. Authors 
of poster papers should submit an extended abstract by email to 
cboldyreff at lincoln.ac.uk. Submissions should include the title of the paper 
the name and affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract, and no more 
than four keywords. Submissions should not exceed 1500 words in length. The 
name, position, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of 
the author responsible for correspondence must be included.

Refereeing Process and Paper Format
All submissions will be refereed, and a selection of accepted papers will 
be published in the workshop post-proceedings.  Papers accepted for 
publication in the proceedings are limited to six pages (approximately 
2000-2500 words) in IEEE format (two columns, single-spaced, 10pt Times) 
for technical papers and two pages for poster papers. Authors are strongly 
encouraged to adhere to this format also when submitting papers to the 
workshop. Detailed information on the IEEE format (together with some 
templates) is available at 

Submission: Panel proposals:
Send panel proposals, by email, to cboldyreff at lincoln.ac.uk  Include a 
title, a 150-word scope statement, proposed session chair, panelists and 
their affiliations, the organizer's affiliation, address, telephone number, 
fax number, and e-mail address.

Please send all inquiries regarding this workshop to the Workshop Co-chairs 
or Associate Chair. For inquiries regarding WET ICE in general, contact 
wetice at cerc.wvu.edu or call (U.S.) +1-304-293-7226.

Main WET ICE 2004 website: 

Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
PHONE: (301) 495-0900


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