[Asis-l] Fwd: Rural Telecongress Tackles Congress Next Month
Michel J. Menou
Michel.Menou at wanadoo.fr
Tue Aug 26 03:51:41 EDT 2003
This is a forwarded message
From: Richard Civille <rciville at rockisland.com>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2003, 4:02:51 AM
Subject: Rural Telecongress Tackles Congress Next Month
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My apologies for cross posting. Please feel welcome to forward to
interested colleagues.
If you're passionate about rural telecommuniations issues, don't miss
the early registration deadlines this week for the Rural Telecongress,
taking place on September 28 - October 1 in Washington DC. I wanted to
make sure that word got out about about the hotel discount deadline date
of this Thursday, August 28th, for reserving a room at the conference
hotel at the special rate of $150.00 + taxes for this year's Rural
TeleCongress. Plus, they have great deals on double and even triple
occupancy rates. Airfares to DC right now are quite reasonable.
With the recent Congressional criticsms of the FCC, we now have a
terrific opportunity to raise the voices of Rural America's small
businesses, local governments and community based organizations that
must develop effective access and use of broadband to kickstart our
nation's economy and start creating jobs again. With this upcoming
conference, the Rural Telecongress is coming of age. It is very
important to send a strong signal to Congress now. We have created the
perfect opportunity to do so. The Hyatt is just a block from Congress
and we have a great a agenda assembled. I hope that you and your
colleagues are planning to attend. Your voice needs to be heard.
To review the agenda please go here now:
http://www.ruraltelecon.org/conference/sessions.php . Conference
keynotes feature FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, US Senator Conrad Burns
of Montana, and Congressmen Robert Goodlatte of Virginia. Panels include
numerous key federal and state officials, and nationally recognized
speakers that will address hot topics such as "New Economy and Rural
Development", "Homeland Security and Broadband Internet", "Building
Demand for Broadband" and "E-Government as a Tool for Economic
Development". Plus, there will be a special reception on Capitol Hill.
Be sure to invite your representatives.
To immediately register for the conference go here now:
http://www.ruraltelecon.org/conference/index.php . If you do so before
9/1/2003 you can save $40.00 on the registration fee. After 9/1/2003 the
registration fee will be $395.00 Or, call Jennifer at (651) 224-2802.
To reserve a room online at the Hyatt, go here now:
Or, call the Hyatt directly at 1-800-233-1234 and request the special
conference rate for the Rural Telecongress. Remember, they will NOT
charge your card until several days before the conference, so there is
plenty of time to cancel if need be or make arrangements to share your
room with a colleague to cut costs.
Please note, our special room discount EXPIRES on August 28, this
Thursday. It is really important to organize a show of force to
Congress. The best way to do that is for everyone to be able to meet
and to work together at one place very close to the Capitol for several
days. Beginning Friday this week, the hotel may not guarantee the
special conference rate. Rooms may go to over $230 - $265.00 / nite +
taxes. So, please take 10 minutes today to register for the conference
and reserve your room.
I hope you will join the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Rural
Telecommunications Congress, and the Rural Broadband Coalition for this
exciting conference. See you there ....... And, please feel free to
contact me personally if you have questions.
Richard Civille
Friday Harbor, WA
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