[Asis-l] Shaw Named Interim Dean For SLIS at Indiana University

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Mon Apr 14 10:19:30 EDT 2003

[Forwarded.  Dick Hill]

>Indiana University
>Tuesday, April 8, 2003
>Shaw Named Interim Dean For SLIS
>BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Debora Shaw will be recommended to the Indiana
>University Board of Trustees as interim dean of the School of Library
>and Information Science through the 2004-05 academic year, according to
>an announcement today (April 8) by Bloomington Chancellor Sharon
>Stephens Brehm. Shaw succeeds Blaise Cronin, who has served as dean
>since 1991.
>Shaw is currently associate dean and associate professor in the school.
>Her research interests include information seeking and use by humanities
>scholars, as well as the design and impact of electronic information
>sources. Shaw teaches regularly on information services and the
>retrieval of online information.
>Shaw has been a frequent co-author with Cronin, and the two have written
>articles on image-makers and author-nationality relationships. In
>addition, Shaw has published in the areas of undergraduate use of CD-ROM
>databases and bibliographic database-searching by graduate students in
>language and literature.
>"After serving seven years as an excellent associate dean, Debora is
>well prepared to direct the school," Brehm said. "Her work as the head
>of the data services division of the Indiana State Library and her
>research in online databases encompasses the two major fields
>encompassed in the school. I will value her counsel as we examine the
>ways to maintain and enhance IU's reputation as a leader in information 
>Shaw earned her M.A.L.S. degree at the University of Michigan School of
>Library Science in 1974 and received an IU doctorate in information
>science in 1983. She is a graduate of the Committee on Institutional
>Cooperation Academic Leadership Program and received the 1993 Watson
>Davis Award for outstanding continuous contributions and dedicated
>service to the American Society for Information Science. A member of the
>American Library Association, Shaw also served in 1997 as president of
>the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
>"The demands of the Information Age challenge the School of Library and
>Information Science to prepare information professionals for
>unprecedented opportunities and responsibilities in libraries and many
>other settings," Shaw said. "I look forward to working with the
>excellent faculty and supportive alumni who have made the school a
>national leader in library and information science."
>Office of Communications and Marketing
>530 E. Kirkwood Ave., Suite 201
>Bloomington, IN 47408-4003
>Phone: 812-855-3911
>Fax: 812-855-7002
>e-mail: ocm at indiana.edu
>Web: http://newsinfo.iu.edu
>Related Information:
>Media Contacts:
>David Bricker
>IU Media Relations
>brickerd at indiana.edu
>Perry Metz
>IU Chancellor's Office
>metz at indiana.edu
>Related Links:
>School of Library and Information Science http://www.slis.indiana.edu
>Debora Shaw bio
>Shaw Named Interim Dean For SLIS
>Diane J. Squire, M.B.A.
>Director of Marketing and Communications
>Indiana University, SLIS
>School Of Library And Information Science
>LI Room 011C
>1320 East Tenth Street
>Bloomington, Indiana 47405-3907
>Direct Phone: 812-855-5530
>SLIS Phone:  812-855-2018
>Toll Free: 888-335-SLIS (7547)
>Fax: 812-855-6166
>E-Mail: djsquire at indiana.edu
>E-Mail: slisnews at indiana.edu
>WEB: www.slis.indiana.edu

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