[Asis-l] REMINDER: HCIL Seminar: 2:00pm-Tuesday, Nov. 5 - Yehuda Koren, "A lgorithms for Drawing Large Graphs"

Harris, Trina tharris at cs.umd.edu
Tue Oct 29 14:56:54 EST 2002


		Human-Computer Interaction Lab Seminar

Tuesday - November 5, 2002
2:00pm, 3258 A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland, College Park

Yehuda Koren
Department of Computer Science and Applied Math
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 

"Algorithms for Drawing Large Graphs"

A graph G(V,E) is an abstract structure that is used to model a relation E over
set V of entities. Graph drawing is a standard means for the visualization of
information, and its ultimate usefulness depends on the readability of the
layout; that is, the drawing algorithm's capability of conveying the meaning of
diagram quickly and clearly. In the last few years the area of automated graph
has received a lot of attention from academic and industrial researchers as

Most graph drawing methods suffer from lengthy computation times when applied to

large graphs. In this talk we describe three new methods for graph drawing that
can deal
adequately with very large graphs, exhibiting a vast improvement over the
fastest algorithms
in the field.

Possible applications include the visualization of huge systems such as the
World Wide
Web or networks of protein-protein interactions. Furthermore, it seems that
variants of those methods can be used for visualizing gene expression data,
revealing its inherent structure.

Joint work with David Harel and Liran Carmel.

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