[Asis-l] ASIST SIG/CR Workshop on Classification Research

Jens-Erik Mai jemai at u.washington.edu
Wed Oct 16 13:56:21 EDT 2002

The 13th ASIST SIG/CR Workshop on Classification Research will take place on
Sunday Nov. 17 at the Wyndham Philadelphia at Franklin Plaza hotel in
connection with the ASIST Annual Meeting.  The theme for this year's
workshop is "Reconceptualizing Classification Research".

The aim of this year's workshop is to identify and articulate research
questions and research agendas that could form the core of classification
research in the next decade.  The underlying assumption is that this is an
exciting time for classification research, but that the
classification-research community needs to revisit the current state of
knowledge in order to identify potentially productive directions for future
research and future collaborations with other areas of information science.

The program consists of a keynote address, nine position papers, and plenty
of time for discussion!!  Pauline Atherton Cochrane will start the day by
talking about "Promising Past and Future Research Agendas in
Classification."  Then we will have three panels with three papers in each.
The presentations will be followed by discussions, general Q&A, comments,
general discussion of research directions, possible specific projects,
potential groups, suggestions for contacts, etc. for the session area as a
whole.  Each panel is lead by a chair and another person, a rapporteur, will
take notes and write them up for inclusion in the proceedings.  Marcia Bates
will give the concluding remarks and lead a concluding discussion at the end
of the day. 

The agenda for the workshop can be accessed at this web page:
www.ischool.washington.edu/sigcr/ <http://www.ischool.washington.edu/sigcr/>

Best wishes,
Jens-Erik Mai

Jens-Erik Mai, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
The Information School
University of Washington
Mary Gates Hall
Box 352840
Seattle, WA 98195-2840
Phone: 206 616 2541
Fax: 206 616 3152
E-mail: jemai at u.washington.edu
Web: www.ischool.washington.edu

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