[Asis-l] Visual Indexing and the Basics of Media Asset Management (MAM) Workshop

K. A. Spern kspern at bestweb.net
Mon Jun 17 12:54:19 EDT 2002

Archive Impact presents:

Visual Indexing and the Basics of Media Asset Management (MAM) Workshop
Detroit, Michigan

Wednesday, July 31, 2002
Michigan Building, 220 Bagley, Detroit MI 48226.


Morning Session: Visual Indexing
The strength of an organizational system lies in the accuracy of its
descriptive terms and categories. Participants will walk away with an
understanding of how to analyze still and motion imagery. Attendees are
encouraged to participate in the intensive work groups and experience
for themselves the different ways that people see the same imagery. You
will learn to reach consensus and consistency through thought provoking
group discussion.

Afternoon Session: The Basics of Media Asset Management
Choosing a computer system to manage your digital assets is a complex
process. Participants will learn common terminology, how to pick a MAM
tool and what to expect from a MAM vendor. Attendees will see an
overview of features and compare various systems. The workshop promises
theory, practice, and discussion.

If coming from out of town, you may elect to stay at The Atheneum Suite Hotel
1000 Brush Street, located in Detroit's historic "Greektown." Reservations 
can be
made at 800-772-2323. Other places of interest in walking distance include the
Fox Theater, Detroit Opera House, and the Renaissance Center.

Early registration* Whole Day $275.00
Early registration* Visual Indexing $160.00
Early registration* Basics of MAM $150.00
Late registration and on-site Whole Day $325.00
Early registration* for two or more people of the same organization
Whole Day $225.00 per person
Late registration and on-site for two or more people of the same
organization Whole Day $300.00 per person
*Early registration deadline: July 22, 2002. Any registrants after
this date are subject to pay late registration. Lunch is included with
morning and whole day sessions.

To register, call 313-879-0044 ext. 201 or go to the Archive Impact
website and download a printable/faxable form

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