[Asis-l] NISO Releases Digital Still Image Metadata Draft Standard
Marilyn Geller
marilyn.geller at configuredinfo.com
Fri Jun 7 09:11:52 EDT 2002
Bethesda, Md., USA - (June 7, 2002) NISO, the National Information
Standards Organization, has released a draft of Z39.87, the Data
Dictionary for Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images for trial
use. NISO collaborated with the Association for Information and Image
Management (AIIM) in the development of this standard.
Two overarching goals led NISO and AIIM to develop this data dictionary.
The first is to identify the data elements that would be used by
applications to control transformations of images against stated metrics
(or "anchors") for meaningful quality attributes such as detail, tone,
color, and size. The second is to propose elements that would be used by
digital repository managers, curators, or imaging specialists to assess
the current aesthetic and functional values of a given image or
collection of images. The purpose of this data dictionary is to define a
standard set of metadata elements for digital images. Standardizing the
information will allow users to develop, exchange, and interpret digital
image files. The dictionary has been designed to facilitate
interoperability between systems, services, and software as well as to
support the long-term management of and continuing access to digital
image collections.
Co-chairs Robin Dale (RLG) and Oya Y. Reiger (Cornell University) led
this standards committee which included Janet Gertz (Columbia
University), Meg Bellinger (OCLC), Dr. Marianne Doerr (Leitung VD17 und
Muenchener Digitalisierungszentrum), Betsy Fanning (AIIM International),
Dr. Franziska Frey (Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of
Technology), Erich Kesse (University of Florida), Matt Kirschenbaum
(University of Kentucky), Kelly Russell (University of Leeds), Linda
Tadic (HBO), Colin Webb (National Library of Australia) and Herbert J.
White (LDS Church-Family History Division).
This proposed national standard is being released as a Draft Standard
for Trial Use for the period June 1, 2002 through December 31, 2003.
Like all NISO standards documents, this document is available for
downloading free from the NISO web site (http://www.niso.org).
About NISO:
NISO is the only U.S. group accredited by the American National
Standards Institute to develop and promote technical standards for use
in information delivery services providing voluntary standards for
libraries, publishers and related information technology organizations.
All NISO standards are developed by consensus under the guidance of
experts and practitioners in the field to meet the needs of both the
information user and the producer. For information about NISO's current
standardization interests and membership possibilities, please visit the
NISO website at http://www.niso.org.
For additional information contact NISO Headquarters at (301) 654-2512.
Email: nisohq at niso.org
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