[Asis-l] ASIST 2003 ideas

Mikel Breitenstein mikel at breitenstein.com
Sun Dec 15 15:47:07 EST 2002

SIG-CR invites you to suggest ideas for the Annual Meeting next year. 

We already have tentative plans in these topic areas:

1. Classification across disciplines: The same, only different

2. Humanizing the catalog: Organizing works

3. What is reality? Ontologies now

4. Knowledge organization: Mapping problems to solutions
Parts I and II: Theories and Case Studies

5. Facts + People + Systems = Information Automation

Please send me a message if you are interested in contributing to these
sessions or if you have other panel sessions that SIG-CR might like to sponsor.

Mikel Breitenstein -- SIG-CR Chair Elect -- 2003 Session Planner

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