[Students-l] Annual ASIS&T student chapter survey

Irene Lopatovska ilopatov at pratt.edu
Tue Feb 6 09:23:21 EST 2018

Dear ASIS&T Student Chapter officers, advisors and members,

The ASIST&T would like to hear from you and update your chapter's contact

If you have already completed our annual survey, THANK YOU!

If you did not have a chance participate yet, please fill out this brief
student chapter survey: https://goo.gl/forms/8j10GJ0fxCGGGFVo2 

Please consider creating a permanent chapter email address that is
accessible to all officers and advisor(s). For example, my Pratt student
chapter address is asist at pratt.edu <mailto:asist at pratt.edu>  and our student
officers do not have to worry about updating individual officers' emails
every time the officers change/graduate.  

I hope you will find a few minutes to fill out the survey:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the ASIS&T
student chapter alternate representative Annie Kim (jeonghyun.kim at unt.edu
<mailto:jeonghyun.kim at unt.edu> ) or me.


Irene Lopatovska, Ph.D.
ASIS&T Student Chapter Representative
Associate Professor, School of Information, Pratt Institute
144 w. 14th street, 6th floor, New York, NY 10011-7301 
ilopatov at pratt.edu <mailto:ilopatov at pratt.edu>  |

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