Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Wed Jul 26 04:33:17 EDT 2017

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[ciresearchers] PhD Scholarship: VALUES-FIRST SOFTWARE DESIGN 
Date: 	Wed, 26 Jul 2017 11:57:09 +1000
From: 	Larry Stillman <Larry.Stillman at monash.edu>
Reply-To: 	ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net, Larry Stillman 
<Larry.Stillman at monash.edu>
To: 	ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net, 
communityinformatics at vancouvercommunity.net

Dear colleagues,

Please pass on this notice to interested candidates.  For more 
information, please go to: monash.edu/it/protic.   Expressions of 
Interest ( EOI ) are sought for the scholarship (PROTIC 5) as part of 
the IT for Resilient Communities Flagship of the Centre for Community 
and Social Informatics ( COSI ) of the Faculty of Information Technology 
at Monash University.


(Supervisors: Professor Jon Whittle, TBA)

Designing new software technology for communities in rural Bangladesh 
should be carried out with a thorough understanding and consideration of 
the values of local end-users and other stakeholders. Human values – 
such as equality, diversity, respect for tradition, privacy, a sense of 
belonging, and freedom – are all too often ignored in the design of new 
software systems. And yet, any new technology impacts human values, 
either deliberately or unintentionally. Furthermore, values are highly 
context-dependent and so software design in rural Bangladesh should be 
inherently different than software design elsewhere. Whilst there are 
some existing methods for considering values in software design 
(values-sensitive design, value in design, etc.) there does not yet 
exist an end-to-end approach for ensuring that values are considered 
throughout the software lifecycle.

This PhD project will examine the role of values in software design for 
communities in rural Bangladesh particularly in the context of the 
PROTIC and REE-CALL projects at Oxfam.  Further information about PROTIC 
and REE-CALL can be found here.

The PhD student will carry out a review of existing values-based design 
approaches, evaluate their effectiveness in the Bangladeshi context, and 
develop new values-first software design approaches as necessary. The 
student will work closely with other students and project staff who are 
developing software applications, using these applications as case 
studies and driving examples.

*Candidate Requirements*

The ideal candidate will have a strong background both in software 
development methods and practices as well as knowledge and interest in 
the socio-technical aspects of new software systems, such as how to 
design systems that fit into existing practices.

The successful candidate will have knowledge of and/or be able to learn 
quickly about:

  *      Participatory design methods
  *      Human-computer interaction (from a socio-technical viewpoint)
  *      Software development skills (including requirements
    engineering, software design methodologies – both agile and
    plan-driven, programming)
  *      Qualitative research methods, e.g., observational studies,
    interviewing, ethnography

Advanced communication skills in English are critical to this project, 
as well as fluency in Bengali. Fieldwork in Bangladesh will be required.

The successful candidate will receive a full tuition scholarship and 
stipend ($AUD26,682 per annum) for a single person for the period of 
required research residency in Australia and fieldwork in Bangladesh

For more information, please go to: monash.edu/it/protic.

Larry Stillman, PhD

Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of IT
Lead Researcher, PROTIC Monash-Oxfam Project for Information Empowerment 
in Bangladesh
Monash University


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