From michel.menou at Tue Apr 4 11:14:10 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2017 17:14:10 +0200 Subject: [Students-l] =?utf-8?q?Fwd=3A_Air-L_Digest=2C_Vol_152=2C_Issue_23?= =?utf-8?q?_Call_for_Participation_=E2=80=93_Digital_Methods_Summer_School?= =?utf-8?q?_2017?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Air-L Digest, Vol 152, Issue 23 Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 15:00:23 -0700 From: air-l-request at Reply-To: air-l at To: air-l at Message: 2 Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 21:26:09 +0100 From: Fernando van der Vlist To: air-l at Subject: [Air-L] Call for Participation ? Digital Methods Summer School 2017 Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Dear all, The Digital Methods Initiative (DMI) will host its 11th annual Digital Methods Summer School from 26 June ? 7 July 2017 at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Below please find the call for participation. This year's theme is 'Get the Picture. Digital Methods for Visual Research'. The deadline for applications is 5 May 2017. More information is available from: Best regards, Fernando van der Vlist -- F. N. van der Vlist, BDes MA *Doctoral Researcher* *Research Associate, Media of Cooperation* *Research Associate, Digital Methods Initiative* *Lecturer, New Media and Digital Culture* University of Siegen, DFG Collab. Res. Centre 1187 University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Media Studies F.N.vanderVlist at; @fvandervlist -- # CALL FOR PARTICIPATION # DIGITAL METHODS SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 # 27 JUNE - 7 JULY 2017 # UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM # GET THE PICTURE # DIGITAL METHODS FOR VISUAL RESEARCH Gillian Rose employs the term visual methodologies for "researching with visual materials" (2016). Iconography, semiotics, framing analysis and multimodal analysis are among the approaches that may be applied to digital materials. One may also ask, does the online make a difference to the study of the visual? That is, with which approaches is the image considered primarily, or secondarily, as a digital object embedded in online media? Apart from the change in the setting of the object, there may also be methods that emerge from the new media, engines and platforms. What kinds of so-called ?natively? digital methods can be repurposed productively for visual analysis? How to make use of the Google?s reverse image search? Gillian Rose employs the term visual methodologies for "researching with visual materials" (2016). Iconography, semiotics, framing analysis and multimodal analysis are among the approaches that may be applied to digital materials. One may also ask, does the online make a difference to the study of the visual? That is, with which approaches is the image considered primarily, or secondarily, as a digital object embedded in online media? Apart from the change in the setting of the object, there may also be methods that emerge from the new media, engines and platforms. What kinds of so-called 'natively' digital methods can be repurposed productively for visual analysis? How to make use of the Google's reverse image search? More broadly, with the increasing focus on selfies and memes but also on Instagram stories, animated gifs, filters, stickers and emoticons, social media and digital communications are pushing for a visual turn in the study of digital culture. Such a push invites visual analysis into the realm of digital studies, too. One may begin to open the discussion of interplay by examining the new outputs such as journalists' data visualisations as well as policy-makers' dashboards like the open data city platforms. One may similarly compare visual literacies. Are there new ways of interpreting images through data, both substantively (which are the related materials?) and temporally (how do they develop over time? do they resonate? are they memes?). In digital methods, the image is not only a research object but also a research device. Making images "that can be seen and manipulated" (Venturini, Jacomy & Pereira 2015) enables scholars to access and actively explore datasets. How to make them and read them? At the same time, the technical properties of digital images both in terms of their color, resolution, and timestamp, as well as their 'networkedness', traceability and resonance, become available for research, allowing one to think with images (as visual guides and narratives) as well as through them (as data objects). Novel visual methodologies then emerge. There is the 'active' data visualisation, which includes research protocol diagrams, data dashboards, visual network analysis, and issue mapping. Protocol diagrams (Figure 1) guide analysts, programmers and designers through their collaborative research project. Data dashboards offer a visual aid for data metrics and analytics, in side-by-side graphs and tables; or become critical tools (as in the People's Dashboard). Visual network analysis offers a way into data that can be engaged with and requires an active research attitude (Venturini, Jacomy & Pereira 2015). Issue mapping renders legible the actors and substance of a (possibly controversial) issue (Rogers, S?nchez-Querub?n & Kil 2015). In a second group of approaches, the image is treated as a digitised or natively digital object of study. This includes visual and cultural analytics, which provide distant visual reading techniques to explore and plot visual objects such as selfies and websites based on their formal properties (Manovich 2014; Ben-David, Amram & Bekkerman 2016). Networked visual content analysis, in which images may be queried 'in reverse' to study their circulation, can be used to critically assess questions of representation and cultural standing (Figure 2). Another group of approaches repurpose visual formats, where more playful explorations appropriate (and tweak) the templates and visual aesthetics of the web, creating research GIFs and critical social media profiles (Figure 3). In this 10th Digital Methods Summer School we will explore and expand such digital methods for visual research, and critically inquire into their proposed epistemologies. We look forward to welcoming you to Amsterdam in the Summertime! -- ## SUMMER SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY The Digital Methods Summer School is exploratory and experimental. It is not a setting for 'just' tool training or for principally tool-driven research. Substantive research projects are conceived and carried out. Participants are encouraged to 'span time with their issue' and the materials. In other words, we heed Alexander Galloway's admonition about data and tool-driven work: "Those who were formerly scholars or experts in a certain area are now recast as mere tool users beholden to the affordances of the tool - while students spend ever more time mastering menus and buttons, becoming literate in a digital device rather than a literary corpus" (Galloway 2014: 127). We encourage device and corpus literacy! The device training we ask you to do prior to the Summer School through online tutorials, and at the Summer School itself, in a kind of flipped learning environment (if you'll excuse the overused phrase), we would like to believe that you have familiarised yourself already with the tools and completed the tutorials available online. During the Summer School we will discuss and tinker with the nitty-gritty, aim to invent new methods, techniques and heuristics and create the first iterations of compelling work to be shared. ## ABOUT DIGITAL METHODS AS A CONCEPT Digital methods is a term coined as a counterpoint to virtual methods, which typically digitize existing methods and port them onto the Web. Digital methods, contrariwise, seek to learn from the methods built into the dominant devices online, and repurpose them for social and cultural research. That is, the challenge is to study both the info-web as well as the social web with the tools that organize them. There is a general protocol to digital methods. At the outset stock is taken of the natively digital objects that are available (links, tags, threads, etc.) and how devices such as search engines make use of them. Can the device techniques be repurposed, for example by remixing the digital objects they take as inputs? Once findings are made with online data, where to ground them? Is the baseline still the offline, or are findings to be grounded in more online data? Taking up these questions more theoretically (but also practically) there is also a Digital Methods book (MIT Press, 2013) as well as a complementary Issue Mapping book (Amsterdam University Press, 2015), and other digital methods publications. ## ABOUT THE DIGITAL METHODS SUMMER SCHOOL The Digital Methods Summer School, founded ten years ago, in 2007, together with the Digital Methods Initiative, is directed by Prof. Richard Rogers, Chair in New Media & Digital Culture and Department Chair at Media Studies, University of Amsterdam. The Summer School is one training opportunity provided by the Digital Methods Initiative (DMI). DMI also has a Winter School, which includes a mini-conference, where papers are presented and responded to. Winter School papers are often the result of Summer School projects. The Summer School is coordinated by PhD candidates in New Media at the University of Amsterdam, or affiliates. This year the coordinators are Sabine Niederer, Natalia S?nchez-Qu?rubin and Fernando van der Vlist. The Summer School has a technical staff as well as a design staff, drawn from the ranks of Density Design in Milan. The Summer School also relies on a technical infrastructure of some nine servers hosting tools and storing data, which recently (and intrepidly) moved to the cloud. In a culture of experimentation and skill-sharing, participants bring their laptops, learn method, undertake research projects, make reports, tools and graphics and write them up on the Digital Methods wiki. The Summer School concludes with final presentations. Often there are subject matter experts from non-governmental or other organizations who present their analytical needs and issues at the outset and the projects seek to meet those needs, however indirectly. For instance, Women on Waves came along during the 2010, Fair Phone to the 2012 Summer School and Greenpeace International and their Gezi Park project in 2013 as well as the COP21 Lima project in 2015. We have worked on the issue of rewilding eco-spaces with NGOs in the 2014 Summer School. More recently we have sought to repopulate city dashboards (Summer School 2015 and Winter School 2017). * Previous Digital Methods Summer Schools, 2007-2016, https://wiki. * Previous Digital Methods Winter Schools, 2009-2017, https://wiki. * What's it like? Digital Methods Summer School flickr stream 2012 and flickr stream 2013. There is also a 2015 flickr collection. * Most recently we have created Summer and Winter school shorts (thanks to Lisa Maier): Promo video about the Digital Methods Summer School (2014); Summer School in 2015. (tip!) and Winter School 2016 video. * 2016 keynote lecture by Prof. Richard Rogers on Critical Analytics ## ABOUT THE DIGITAL METHODS INITIATIVE The Digital Methods Summer School is part of the Digital Methods Initiative (DMI), Amsterdam, dedicated to developing methods for Internet-related research. DMI was founded a decade ago with a grant from the Mondriaan Foundation, and the Summer School has been supported by the Center for Creation, Content and Technology (CCCT), University of Amsterdam, organized by the Faculty of Science with sponsorship from Platform Betatechniek. It also has received support from the Citizen Data Lab, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences as well as "Media of Cooperation," University of Siegen. The 2017 Summer School will be held in collaboration with the Netherlands Research school for Media Studies (RMeS). ## APPLICATIONS & KEY DATES To apply for the Digital Methods Summer School 2017, please use the University of Amsterdam Summer School form. Or, please send a one-page letter explaining how digital methods training would benefit your current work, and also enclose a CV (with full postal address), a copy of your passport (details page only), a headshot photo as well as a 100-word bio (to be included in the Summer School welcome package). Mark your application "DMI Training Certificate Program," and send to summerschool [at] * The deadline for applications for the Summer School is 5 May 2017. * Notifications will be sent on 8 May. Accepted participants will receive a welcome package, which includes a reader, a schedule, and a face book of all participants. * The cost of the Summer School is eur 895 and is open to PhD candidates and motivated scholars as well as to research master's students and advanced master's students. Data journalists, artists, and research professionals are also welcome to apply. Accepted applicants will be informed of the bank transfer details upon notice of acceptance to the Summer School on 8 May. * The fee must be paid by 16 June. * University of Amsterdam students are exempt from tuition and should state on the application form (under tuition fee remarks) that they wish to apply for a fee waiver. Please also provide your student number. * RMeS members participate in the first two days of the Summer School. To participate in the full Summer School the regular fee applies. Any questions may be addressed to the Summer School coordinators Sabine Niederer, Natalia S?nchez-Querub?n, and Fernando van der Vlist: summerschool [at] Informal queries may be sent to this email address as well. ## SCHOLARSHIPS The Digital Methods Summer School is part of the University of Amsterdam Summer School programme, which has a video giving a flavor of the Summer School experience. Students from universities (outside of the Netherlands) in the LERU and U21 networks are eligible for a scholarship to help cover the cost of tuition for the DMI Summer School. Please state LERU or U21 university affiliation under tuition remarks when applying to the Summer School. Dutch universities are not eligible. ## ACCOMMODATIONS & CATERING The Summer School is self-catered, and there are abundant cafes and a university mensa nearby. For a map we made of nearby lunch (and coffee) places, see Apply as early as possible to the reasonably priced Student Hotel. For those who prefer other accommodations, we suggest Airbnb or similar. For shorter stay, there is Hotel Le Coin, where you may request a university discount. ## SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION & COMPLETION CERTIFICATES To successfully complete the Summer School and receive a completion certificate (and 6 ECTS when necessary), you must complete a significant contribution to two Summer School projects (one in week one and the other in week two), evidenced by co-authorship of the project reports as well as final (joint) presentations. Templates for the project report as well as for the presentation slides are supplied. ## SUMMER SCHOOL SCHEDULE The Summer School meets every weekday. Please bring your laptop. (An iPad is not enough.) We will provide abundant connectivity. We start generally at 9:30 in the morning, and end around 17:30. There are morning talks one to two days per week. All other time is devoted to project work with occasional collective and individual feedback sessions. On the second Friday we have a a festive closing with a boat trip on the canals of Amsterdam. ## REFERENCES * Ben-David, A., Amram, A. & Bekkerman, R. (2016). The colors of the national Web: visual data analysis of the historical Yugoslav Web domain. International Journal on Digital Libraries. doi:10.1007/s00799-016-0202-6 * Galloway, A. (2014). The Cybernetic Hypothesis. Differences. 25(1), 107-131. Manovich, L., Stefaner, M., Mehrdad, Y., Baur, D., & et al. (2014). Selfiecity. Investigating the style of self-portraits (selfies) in five cities across the world. URL: * Rogers, R. S?nchez-Querub?n, N. & Kil, A. (2015). Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Open access book download * Rose, G. (2016). Visual Methodologies. An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials. London: Sage. * Venturini, T., Jacomy, M, De Carvalho Pereira, D. (2015). Visual Network Analysis, (working paper). URL: content/uploads/2014/08/Venturini-Jacomy_Visual-Networ k-Analysis_WorkingPaper.pdf. ----- Aucun virus trouv? dans ce message. Analyse effectu?e par AVG - Version: 2016.0.8007 / Base de donn?es virale: 4767/14168 - Date: 23/03/2017 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Wed Apr 5 03:33:57 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 09:33:57 +0200 Subject: [Students-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] PhD opportunities in development informatics with Monash University and Oxfam. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [ciresearchers] PhD opportunities in development informatics with Monash University and Oxfam. Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2017 15:29:34 +1000 From: Larry Stillman Reply-To: ciresearchers at, Larry Stillman To: ciresearchers at, communityinformatics at Dear Colleagues (and particularly potential PhD candidates). Are you interested in a PhD working with Oxfam and Monash Australia on social-technical issues related to Bangladesh? Four scholarships which incudes fees, stipend and allowances for PhD research in Australia and Bangladesh are now available. _Applications close April 30 2017 and can only be made via the Expression of Interest form (see the link for information below)._ We are seeking qualified candidates to join a growing program. PROTIC (Participatory Research and Ownership with Technology, Information and Change) works in rural Bangladesh trialling innovative information and communications strategies though participatory action research. PROTIC has a focus on empowering women though enhancing community well-being and livelihoods in poor agricultural communities. The PROTIC project is a partnership between Oxfam in Bangladesh and its community partner organisations, Oxfam Australia, and the Faculty of IT, Monash University, supported by the Empowerment Charitable Trust. PROTIC is part of the overall RECALL program at Oxfam in Bangladesh. There are 4 scholarships available, 2 in social-technical issues, 2 in technical areas. For specific details including the application process, see - about the scholarships, - EoI to make an expression of interest (the first step in applying). PROTIC 1: Information Ecology for Sustainable Development PROTIC 2: Interface Design for Bangladeshi Farmers PROTIC 3: Advanced Satellite Data Analytics for Agricultural Applications in Rural Bangladesh PROTIC 4: Gender, Small and Medium Enterprises, Microbusiness and Mobile Opportunities Please do not direct inquiries to Oxfam in Bangladesh. Queries should be directed to me or Tom Denison tom.denison at Please forward this announcement to relevant lists and possible candidates. Larry Stillman, PhD Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of IT Lead Researcher, PROTIC Monash-Oxfam Project for Information Empowerment in Bangladesh Monash University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Daniel.Alemneh at Mon Apr 10 16:29:42 2017 From: Daniel.Alemneh at (Alemneh, Daniel) Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2017 20:29:42 +0000 Subject: [Students-l] New Leaders Award applications Message-ID: Are you a new ASIS&T member, in your first 3 years? ASIS&T is accepting applications for the 2017-2018 New Leaders Program! The New Leaders Award endeavors to recruit, engage and retain members and to identify members that have leadership potential and are interested in increasing their involvement in ASIS&T. Recipients will receive up to $1000 in travel expense reimbursement and free conference registration over two years. Applications are due by May 1, 2017. Please note that only members in their first 3 years of membership are eligible to apply. More details about the application process and requirements can be found at the New Leaders Award webpage. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Creekmore (co-Chair, ASIS&T Leadership Committee), laura at or Emily Agunod (member, ASIS&T Leadership Committee and New Leader 2015-2016), e.agunod at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Thu Apr 13 04:43:42 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 10:43:42 +0200 Subject: [Students-l] Fwd: Re: [Asis-l] PhD Scholarships available at the UCD School of Info & Comm Studies In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Re: [Asis-l] PhD Scholarships available at the UCD School of Info & Comm Studies Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 10:09:20 +0100 From: Amber Cushing To: asis-l at Apologies, there was a typo in the last message: Applications are due May 15th, 2017 (not June). Dr. Amber L. Cushing Lecturer/Assistant Professor Director, Msc & Graduate Certificate in Digital Curation PhD Programme Coordinator School of Information and Communication Studies University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland +353 01 716 8441 *new office location as of 6 Sept 2016-C117 Newman* On 12 April 2017 at 10:05, Amber Cushing wrote: > PhD Scholarships available at the School if Information & Communication > Studies, UCD, Dublin, Ireland. (tuition remission at the EU rate + 10k > stipend per year, renewable for 3 years-if you are non-EU, you can apply > part of the stipend to International tuition, if you like). Most full-time > PhDs in UCD social science complete in 3-4 years. Applications due June 15, > 2017. > We have strengths in the areas of > > - Digital Curation and Digital Heritage > - Information and Digital Literacy > - Human Computer Interaction and Informatics > - Communication with and through Technology > - Critical Information Studies > - Information Behaviour > - Data and Society > - Data Journalism > > Please the link below for more information > > > > Dr. Amber L. Cushing > Lecturer/Assistant Professor > Director, Msc & Graduate Certificate in Digital Curation > PhD Programme Coordinator > School of Information and Communication Studies > University College Dublin > Belfield > Dublin 4 > Ireland > +353 01 716 8441 > > *new office location as of 6 Sept 2016-C117 Newman* > ________________________________________ ASIS&T 2017 Annual Meeting Crystal City, VA Oct. 27th - Nov. 1, 2017 Diversity of Engagement: Connecting People and Information in the Physical and Virtual Worlds ________________ Asis-l mailing list Asis-l at ----- Aucun virus trouve dans ce message. Analyse effectuee par AVG - Version: 2016.0.8012 / Base de donnees virale: 4769/14295 - Date: 12/04/2017 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Tue Apr 25 11:25:35 2017 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 17:25:35 +0200 Subject: [Students-l] Fwd: [Air-L] CFA Postgraduate Conference - Digital Communities: interdisciplinary perspective In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 09:22:27 +0000 From: Chiara Poletti To: "Air-L at" Subject: [Air-L] CFA Postgraduate Conference - Digital Communities: interdisciplinary perspective Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" *** Please spread the word to any postgraduate students in your network that might be interested. Thank you *** Post-Graduate Conference Digital Communities: interdisciplinary perspective Monday 3rd July 2017, Cardiff We look forward to welcoming you to our first Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference! ?Digital Communities: interdisciplinary perspectives? postgraduate conference will be organised by PhD students from the schools of Social Science, Computer Science, Law and Politics in Cardiff University, supported by the ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP). It will bring together PhD students and academics from different disciplines interested in studying the implications of the digital on society. The principal aim of ?Digital Communities? is to encourage doctoral researchers to consider how the concept of digital communities is applied inside and outside of their own subject areas. Overview How are digital technologies impacting upon, and affecting the lives and relationships of people and things? How are communities developed and maintained in these contexts? How are they, and how could they be, governed and threatened? How can they be researched? Through this conference we will provide a space for discussion around emerging and pertinent issues faced by people and communities in their interactions with the digital, as well as the opportunities and barriers that face researchers studying the digital. Students at all levels of postgraduate study, as well as early career researchers, are invited to give presentations on their own research (ongoing or completed) as well as various aspects of their study and experience, including but not limited to: complete and preliminary findings, insights and observations, theoretical/methodological/ethical issues and approaches, problems and challenges, personal/professional interests and experiences related to the digital, and so on. Given this open and inclusive scope, we especially welcome contributions that have relevance across different academic and professional disciplines. Keynote Speakers Presentation groups will be bookended by two academic keynote speakers: Dr Athina Karatzogianni, Associate Professor in Media and Communication at the University of Leicester: ?The Problem of Trading Discursive for Affective Power in Digital Political Communities?. Dr Suzy Moat, Associate Professor of Behavioural Science at Warwick Business School, co-director of Data Science Lab: ?Sensing human behaviour with online data?. Call for Abstracts Presentations will be 15-20 minutes, organised into three topical blocks, with Q&A sessions at the end of each block, and extensive networking and discussion opportunities later in the day. We encourage a wide range of submissions involving, but not limited to, the following thematic topics: Identity, subjectivity and digital communities: What kind of human subject is enabled by the digital? How does this affect people?s lives within and outside of their digital communities? How are interactions and expressions mediated by the digital? How are forms of activity and organisation privileged and stifled? Topics appropriate for submission include but are not limited to: ?old and new? communities, community development and digital technologies, urban and rural communities, migrants, refugees, LGBTQ, activism and social movements on social media, influence on media and policies). Threats, antagonism and digital communities: How is problematic activity and speech (un)regulated? What old and new antagonisms propagate online? How are technologies used to disrupt, manipulate and antagonise digital communities and individuals? Topics appropriate for submission include but are not limited to: developing and supporting digital communities, cyberconflict and digital communities, technological threats, such as phishing/scam/privacy related issues, problems of governance and regulation of online spaces and communities). Study of digital communities: What is the ontological and epistemological status of the digital? To what extent are digital communities ?new? or novel? What are the opportunities and affordances of different methods of research into the digital? What is digital data? How do the actions and structure of digital platforms and their operators constrain and influence methodological development? How can digital research draw from micro and macro approaches to research? What are the ethical challenges involved in the study of the digital? Topics appropriate for submission include but are not limited to: methodological and ethical considerations in the study of digital communities, different types of research: participatory approaches, community-centred design, case studies of communities, computational social science (e.g. digital communication dynamics, text analysis and natural language processing of social phenomena, network analysis of social systems, large-scale social experiments and/or phenomena, causal inference and computational methods for social science, novel digital data and/or computational analyses for addressing societal challenges, methods and analyses of biased, selective, or incomplete observational social data, social news curation and collaborative filtering, methods and analyses for social information). Abstracts should be 300 words, indicating name, institutional affiliation and title of presentation. Abstracts should be submitted no later than 15/05/2017 to this link: You will have to create an account in Easychair in order to submit. We will notify you of acceptance by June 7. For further details please visit: website or write to CardiffDigitalStuff at