[Students-l] Fwd: The doctoral network at the School of Business and Economics, ÅAU

Isto Huvila isto.huvila at abo.fi
Fri Nov 15 06:12:16 EST 2013

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Gunilla Widen <gwiden at abo.fi>
> Date: 15 november 2013 12:57:18 EET
> Three doctoral positions are announced within the doctoral network at the
> School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University. Application
> deadline is 16.12.2013.
> This announcement is open to those who have a Master's degree in one of
> the subjects at the School of Business and Economics AND a potential
> supervisor (who has agreed in advance to supervise the applicant) at the
> University.
> For more information please see
> http://www.abo.fi/forskning/doctoralnetwork

See also a
New Master's Programme in 
Information and Knowledge Management

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