[Students-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] Hong Kong Poly: PhD fellowship message

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Tue Aug 13 08:23:25 EDT 2013

-------- Original Message --------

*From:*Qureshi, Israr [MM] [mailto:israr.qureshi at polyu.edu.hk]
*Sent:* Saturday, August 10, 2013 9:13 AM**


Graduate students and practitioner with evidence of academic excellence, 
research ability, good communication skills, and interest in pursuing 
their dissertation in the field of social entrepreneurship and ICT for 
development are invited to apply for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme.

The Fellowship provides monthly stipend of HK$20,000 and travel 
allowance of HK$10,000 per year. In addition, each awardee will also 
enjoy tuition fees waiver for a maximum of three years.

Hong Kong serves as an excellent hub to access China, South-East- and 
South-Asia, dynamic social innovations space. To understand how social 
entrepreneurship is helping solve social issues, PolyU has recently 
established three centers: Sustainability Research Management Center; 
Design Institute for Social Innovation; and Research Institute for 
Sustainable Urban Development.

For additional information on PhD fellowship see 

For any clarification about application process: contact Ms Martha Hui 
(martha.hui at polyu.edu.hk <mailto:martha.hui at polyu.edu.hk>)

For information on ongoing research projects on social entrepreneurship: 
contact Dr. Israr Qureshi (israr.qureshi at polyu.edu.hk 
<mailto:israr.qureshi at polyu.edu.hk>)


Israr Qureshi, Ph.D. (Ivey)

Assistant Professor & Area Convener (Social Enterprise & ICTD)

Sustainability Management Research Center

Lead Member (Social Enterprise Research Group)

Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development

Dept. of Management and Marketing

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hung Hom, Hong Kong

E-mail: israr.qureshi at polyu.edu.hk <mailto:israr.qureshi at polyu.edu.hk>


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