[Students-l] Fwd [JESSE]: Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Poster Competition

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Wed Aug 7 05:37:26 EDT 2013

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Poster Competition
Date: 	Tue, 6 Aug 2013 10:36:22 -0400
From: 	Susan Davis <susanedavis at UWALUMNI.COM>

*Jean Tague-Sutcliffe*

*Doctoral Student Poster Competition*



*Submission Deadline: October 1, 2013*

*Notification of Acceptance: November 2, 2013*

*About the Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Poster Competition*

This competition was established in memory of Jean Tague-Sutcliffe, 
professor and former dean of the Graduate School of Library and 
Information Science at the University of Western Ontario (now the 
Faculty of Information and Media Studies). During her thirty-year 
career, Professor Sutcliffe’s research on the measurement of information 
made significant contributions to the theoretical, methodological, and 
practical foundations of library and information science. This award, 
established by students at UWO in 1997, also recognizes Professor 
Sutcliffe’s dedication to the education of information professionals by 
awarding a certificate, a one-year student annual membership to ALISE, 
and a $200 cash prize to the first-place winner.


·Only one submission per student is permitted.

·Only doctoral students who have completed or are near completion of 
their doctoral dissertation research (i.e., post-proposal; the core data 
have been analyzed; the student is at the stage of drawing conclusions 
from the research findings) are eligible to enter this competition.

·Students whose posters are accepted must submit a final copy of the 
poster as a PDF by November 30, 2013. Failure to submit a poster at this 
time will result in elimination from the competition.As with poster 
proposals, final poster submissions will be made through EasyChair (see 
below for more information).

·Students whose posters are accepted are required to register for and 
attend the ALISE 2014 Conference in Philadelphia, PA, on January 21-24, 

*Judging Criteria*

Posters will be judged according to the following criteria on a scale of 

*Practical, theoretical, and statistical significance*: The discovery 
has broad application and potential benefit for practice, promotes the 
understanding of theory or suggests a new theoretical direction, and 
reports results that are statistically significant or provide a 
persuasive basis for argument.

*Design and method*: Research design is logical and appropriate to the 
problem or research question(s), and method(s) of data collection, and 
analysis is appropriate, well described and demonstrates meaningful results.

*Oral presentation*: Presentations are clear and to-the-point and are no 
longer than necessary to describe broadly the overall nature of the 
problem, the design and methodology, the results, and their implications.

*Organization, clarity, and aesthetics of visual materials*: Posters 
should be well organized and attractive, understandable without the oral 
presentation, and coherent with the oral presentation.

*Submission Requirements*

Submissions should include the following:

·Student’s name and the name of the student’s advisor

·Title of the research study

·50-word brief abstract (for the conference program)

·500-word extended abstract (in Word format)

Submissions should be made by midnight October 1, 2013, through the Easy 
Chair system, at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/conf=alise2014.

Follow these steps:

1.Log on the system (create an EasyChair account if you do not already 
have one).

2.If you are also a reviewer, please be sure to select "author" as your 
role for your own submission.

3.Select "New Submission".

4.Complete all the information requested. Enter a title and provide a 
50-word abstract for your submission. This will be used for the 
Conference Program.

5.Upload your Word file (extended abstract) and press "Submit".

6.You should also receive a confirmation email from the EasyChair system.

Please note: submitting a proposal constitutes your permission for ALISE 
to publish the brief and extended abstracts in the conference program 
and on the ALISE website, if your proposal is accepted.


Please direct any questions regarding the 2014 ALISE Jean 
Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral

Student Research Poster Competition to:

*Susan E. Davis, Ph.D.*

Associate Teaching Professor

The iSchool, College of

Information Science and Technology

Drexel University

sed48 at drexel.edu <mailto:sed48 at drexel.edu>

*Athena Salaba, Ph.D.*

Associate Professor and Assistant Director

School of Library and Information Science

Kent State University

asalaba at kent.edu <mailto:asalaba at kent.edu>

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