[Students-l] Fwd: [EGOV LIST] Two open positions for young researchers interested in European Union research projects and in potentially doing a PhD @ Research Group Electronic Government, University of Koblenz-Landau

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Mon Aug 13 02:41:13 EDT 2012

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [EGOV LIST] Two open positions for young researchers interested 
in European Union research projects and in potentially doing a PhD @ 
Research Group Electronic Government, University of Koblenz-Landau
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 12:20:17 +0200
From: Prof. Dr. Maria A. Wimmer <wimmer at uni-koblenz.de>
To: egov-list at u.washington.edu

Dear colleagues,

Below, I send you an announcement of two open positions in my research
group. I kindly ask you to spread the word to potentially interested
Many thanks and kind regards,
Maria Wimmer
PS: please apologize if you receive multiple postings

The Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Koblenz-Landau is
well known in the international field for its research excellence in the
area of E-Government. The research group engaged in the area performs
many research and implementation projects, both at international as well
as national level.
The Research Group E-Government at the Institute for Information Systems
Research currently offers two vacant positions for young researchers
interested in European Union research projects and in potentially doing
a PhD in e-government research. The positions are immediately available
and granted for one year. The employment scheme is TV-L 13, with a 75 %
FTE position each. One of the two positions (the one in eGovPoliNet) can
also be granted for two years (depending on negotiations). Extensions of
the contract are possible if research grants are available. The
employment contract is subject to the regulations of temporary jobs in
academia (WissZeitVG) in Germany.
Job description:
The applicant will be collaborating in EC-funded projects of the
research group. Self-contained elaboration of tasks and team work in
currently running projects (OCOPOMO, eGovPoliNet, etc.) are expected.
The domain of work includes E-Government, E-Participation, ICT for
governance and policy development, etc. Further duties will be:
- scientific publications and contributions to write project proposals
- collaboration in practical works of student projects in the frame of
funded projects of the EC and with cooperation partners of public
administration in the region of Rhineland-Palatinate and Germany, and
with ICT industry serving the public sector.
Beyond the employment contract, the intention to carry out a PhD at our
group is welcome and explicitly supported.
Conditions of employment:
- successful completion of a master study program at a University or
equivalent level of school (bachelor degree is not sufficient)
preferably in one of the following domains: MSc in E-Government, MSc in
Information Systems, MSc in Computer Science, MSc in Information
Management or similar directions.
- Good language skills in conversation and academic writing in English
and German
- Capacity for teamwork
- Ability to work under pressure
- Absolute reliability
- Flexibility
- Autonomous working
- Quick comprehension
- Discretion
- Disposition for travels

Women with equal qualification, skills and topical excellence will be
privileged in the case of under-presence of women, unless particular
arguments for a special person among the applicants outweigh this claim.
Applicants with special needs will be privileged in case of equal
qualification, skills and topical excellence (severe disability must be

Candidates send their job application (Curriculum Vitae, Certificates,
etc.) till 22nd August 2012 to President of the University of
Koblenz-Landau, Presidential office, Rhabanusstraße 3, 55118 Mainz,
Germany. Please indicate the following reference when submitting your
job application: 91/2012.

For any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Maria Wimmer
(wimmer at uni-koblenz.de).  Please only submit copies of certificates - do
not submit any original certificate or attestation. Please do not use
any briefcase or transparent films, as these will not be sent back to
you for cost efficiency reasons. Alongside data protection regulations,
the documents received will be annihilated after the procedure is
terminated. Please note that we don't send acknowledgement of receipts.

The German version of the job description is available at


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