[Students-l] Fwd: [SIGMETRICS] postdocs in innovation studies / science policy

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Thu Mar 24 06:38:27 EDT 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[SIGMETRICS] postdocs in innovation studies / science policy
Date: 	Thu, 24 Mar 2011 08:18:59 +0100
From: 	Ismael Rafols <ismaelrafols at GOOGLEMAIL.COM>
Reply-To: 	ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics
Organisation: 	SPRU, Univ. Sussex

Two post doctoral positions for a joint ESRC-ANR project will be
available from ~October 2011 for 24 months, one at SPRU (University of
Sussex, Brighton), and one in Latts (Paris-Est University, Paris-Marne
La Vallée) for the project "Emergence & institutionalisation of
epistemic communities in science-based technologies".

This project aims to combine various analytical dimensions to study the
formation of epistemic communities in emergent technologies: knowledge
dynamics, normativities (social values, expectations), and
institutionalisation. As a result, the research involves diverse
methodological approaches, including:
• Mapping research dynamics using publications, patents and press data
• Interviews of key actors on field dynamics, values, expectations
• Survey techniques for exploring wider communities
This work will be performed through six case studies of emergent

Competences required:
• Background in innovation studies or management, STS, or related (flexible)
• Familiarity with quantitative data manipulation and visualisation
• Training in interviewing (plus)
• Interest in mixing / articulating quantitative and qualitative analyses

Two post doctoral positions :
* one in Brighton (SPRU), one in Paris-Marne La Vallée (LATTS),
* two years with about six months in the partner location
* up to 31 K£/year-32 KEuros/year (before tax) (abour 28KEuros/year for
first postdoc)

Applications should be sent by April 15th by e-mail including:
* Extended CV
* Two recommendation letters
* One article or conference paper

Submission are to be made to Aurelie Delemarle from LATTS
(a.delemarle at esiee.fr) and Ismael Rafols from SPRU
(i.rafols at sussex.ac.uk), indicating preference for location (i.e.
Brighton or Paris). Candidates will be asked to hold interviews in
early-mid May in Brighton and/or Paris. Results will be announced by the
end of May.


SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research, www.sussex.ac.uk/spru) is
a world-leading department at the University of Sussex where research
and high-level policy advice are combined with postgraduate teaching in
science, technology, and innovation policy and management. Its highly
interdisciplinary faculty addresses the analysis of the rate and
direction of scientific change and innovation, the promotion and
management of innovation, the regulation of technological risks, the
search for effective energy policies and paths to a more sustainable
society. SPRU researchers are prominent participants in debates
concerning biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, nuclear power, climate
change, technology in development and the roles of public and private
research organisations.

LATTS (a French acronym meaning “research group on technology,
territories and societies”), which was founded in 1985, is a joint
research group of the French National Center for Scientific Research
(CNRS - http://www.cnrs.fr), the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
(ENPC, a top French engineering institute under the auspices of the
French Ministry of Public Works - http://www.enpc.fr/) and the
University of Marne-la-Vallée (http://www.univ-mlv.fr). Latts brings
together a team of approximately thirty researchers (in city planning,
economics, ergonomics, geography, management, history, political science
and sociology) mainly originating from these three academic institutions
and thirty doctoral candidates. Latts members carry out research into
enterprises, public administration, local institutions, collective
action, territorial dynamics and the related technical systems. By means
of field research, comparative investigations and conceptual thought
processes, this work in the social sciences pursues multidisciplinary
aims: between disciplines, between theory and empirics and between
scientific controversy and public debate.


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