[Students-l] Fwd: [NORSLIS] Post doc researcher in LIS at Borås

Isto Huvila isto.huvila at abo.fi
Tue Apr 12 21:01:25 EDT 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Helena Francke" <Helena.Francke at hb.se>
> Date: 12 april 2011 13.51.44 CEST
> To: <norslis at listar.hi.is>
> Subject: [NORSLIS] Post doc researcher in LIS at Borås
> The Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University of Borås, Sweden in collaboration with LinCS invite junior researchers to apply for a position as researcher in Library and Information Science focusing on Information literacy, information practices and learning. The position is 50% for 2 years with at least part of that time located in Borås. The position requires some knowledge of Swedish. Please visit the web page below (in Swedish) for more information. Deadline for applications is May 3, 2011.
> http://www.hb.se/wps/portal/platsannonser/platsannons?name=hb_2011-68-40_forskare_lincs
> Helena Francke, PhD
> Co-director, The Linnaeus Centre for Research on Learning, Interaction and 
> Mediated Communication in Contemporary Society (LinCS)
> Swedish School of Library and Information Science
> University of Borås 
> SE-501 90 Borås, Sweden
> phone +46 33 435 43 20
> e-mail helena.francke at hb.se
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