[Students-l] [Fwd: [Asis-l] DigCCurr II is now recruiting for 2009 Ph.D. Fellows in Digital Curation]

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Mon Nov 3 08:59:49 EST 2008

-------- Message original --------
Sujet : 	[Asis-l] DigCCurr II is now recruiting for 2009 Ph.D. Fellows 
in Digital Curation
Date : 	Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:03:06 -0400
De : 	Helen Tibbo <tibbo at email.unc.edu>
Pour : 	<Asis-l at asis.org>

*DigCCurr II is now recruiting for 2009 Ph.D. Fellows in Digital Curation*

The School of Information and Library Science (SILS), University of 
North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), is seeking applicants interested 
in Digital Archiving and Curation and in earning a Doctoral Degree. 
These Fellowships are funded by the Institute for Museum and Library 

*What the 3-Year Fellowships Offer:*

* A 20 hr/wk position as a Research Fellow in Digital Curation

* An annual stipend of $19,000

* In-state tuition and health coverage

*Annual enrichment funds of $800

*Extensive opportunities to meet key leaders in the Digital Curation 
research and practice arenas through workshops and symposia to be held 
at UNC.

*About DigCCurr II:*

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)-funded project, 
“DigCCurr II: Extending an International Digital Curation Curriculum to 
Doctoral Students and Practitioners” seeks to develop an international, 
doctoral-level curriculum and educational network in the management and 
preservation of digital materials across their life cycle. This project 
will prepare future faculty to perform research and teach in this area, 
as well as provide summer institutes for cultural heritage information 
professionals already working in this arena.

*Applying for the Fellowship:*

To apply for the fellowship, please follow the regular application 
procedures found on the SILS Ph.D. Admissions page 
(http://sils.unc.edu/programs/phd/admissions.html). The deadline for 
these materials is January 1, 2009.

In addition to the required written statement of your intended research 
focus, we ask that you write a separate essay elaborating on these goals 
and how they are related to the goals of DigCCurr II. Please see the 
DigCCurr II web page for more details 
(http://ils.unc.edu/digccurr/aboutII.html). Please send this essay in an 
email to Dr. Helen Tibbo (tibbo at email.unc.edu 
<mailto:tibbo at email.unc.edu>), Dr. Cal Lee (callee at ils.unc.edu 
<mailto:callee at ils.unc.edu>), or Heather Bowden (hbowden at email.unc.edu 
<mailto:hbowden at email.unc.edu>), DigCCurrII Project Manager and Carolina 
Digital Curation Doctoral Fellow, no later than February 15, 2009. 
Earlier applications are encouraged. Please note that we are only able 
to accept applications from United States Citizens at this time.

For more information on Carolina Digital Curation Doctoral Fellowship 
opportunities, send e-mail to Dr. Helen Tibbo (tibbo at email.unc.edu 
<mailto:tibbo at email.unc.edu>), Dr. Cal Lee (callee at ils.unc.edu 
<mailto:callee at ils.unc.edu>), or Heather Bowden (hbowden at email.unc.edu 
<mailto:hbowden at email.unc.edu>), DigCCurrII Project Manager and Carolina 
Digital Curation Doctoral Fellow.

Interested applicants may also direct correspondence to:

DigCCurr II Fellowships

School of Information and Library Science

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Campus Box 3360 Manning Hall

Chapel Hill NC 27566-3360

Dr. Helen R. Tibbo

School of Information and Library Science

201 Manning Hall CB#3360

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360

Tel: 919-962-8063

Fax: 919-962-8071

Email: tibbo at email.unc.edu <mailto:tibbo at email.unc.edu>

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