From qiping.zhang at Thu Sep 2 10:34:37 2010 From: qiping.zhang at (Qiping Zhang) Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 10:34:37 -0400 Subject: [Studentchapadv] FW: Item for ASIST Student Advisor List In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: FYI ------ Forwarded Message From: "Wallace, Amy" Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 17:03:19 +0000 To: Qiping Zhang , "swainham at" Cc: "Cassidy R. Sugimoto" Subject: Item for ASIST Student Advisor List Hi Qiping & Deborah, Can you send this message to the student advisors listserv. I think student chapters will be interested in this opportunity. Thanks, Amy Chapter Leaders, Do you need funds to revitalize a chapter, recruit new members, launch an innovative project, publicize exciting events & activites, or document chapter activities & history? Then you should consider applying for ASIS&T Chapter Development Funds. It is easy and can be done online at The purpose of the fund is to assist in the development of new chapters, revitalizing inactive chapters, and providing support for projects that are intended to increase chapter membership and/or overall ASIS&T membership. The Chapter Development Fund was established to provide chapters with a resource for building, developing, and strengthening chapters. The fund money should be used for projects which will result in the development of a new chapter, revitalization of an existing chapter, or increased membership, member retention, or publicity for an existing chapter. Chapter Development Fund money cannot be used to pay travel expenses for ASIS&T members or honoraria for speakers. It is as easy as one, two, three, four: The chapter developer or chair will completed and submit a Chapter Development Proposal Form . The form will be reviewed by a ad hoc committee consisting of the Chapter Assembly Director, Deputy Assembly Director, and the chapter?s Chapter Assembly Advisor, and the ASIS&T Executive Director as an ex-officio member. The Chapter Assembly Director will communicate the committee?s decision within one month of proposal submission. The chapter will be responsible for submitting a Chapter Development Fund Summary Report, including all proper receipts, with their next annual report. The money in the Chapter Development Fund is distributed upon requests from the Chapters according to procedures established by the Chapter Assembly. A regional chapter may request up to $1,000 from the Chapter Development Fund annually. A student chapter may request up to $200 from the Chapter Development Fund annually. Joint projects, including any combination of regional and student chapters, may request up to $1500. annually. Apply Online Today! See you at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in October, Amy Wallace ASIST Chapter Assembly Director ------ End of Forwarded Message -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: