From qiping.zhang at Mon Oct 4 10:14:13 2010 From: qiping.zhang at (Qiping Zhang) Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 10:14:13 -0400 Subject: [Studentchapadv] 2010 Student Chapter of the Year! In-Reply-To: Message-ID: We are pleased to announce the 2010 winner of the ASIS&T Student Chapter of the Year award! The Student Chapter of the Year Award goes to Simmons College ASIS&T Student Chapter. This chapter engaged in a significant number of activities. Our committee member remarked on their ?good range and distribution (across the calendar) of the programs and selection of topics in various areas of interest to their members -- from board games to World Usability Day.? The committee also commended their two placement events - ?Alumni Speed Networking and Online Career Fair - to help place their student members in such a harsh economy.? The chapter is also noteworthy for their impressive work on member recruitment and retention through attractive publications and good use of social media, which led to a total of 279 chapter members. Finally, the committee would like to laud their use of an award to recognize contributions by a member of the student chapter. The Student Chapter of the Year Award Committee would like to recognize the many accomplishments of all Chapters that submitted reports for the award. Everyone should be very proud of their many accomplishments. The committee was very impressed with all report submissions. Qiping Zhang and Deborah Swain ASIST Student Chapter Co-Representative -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From qiping.zhang at Tue Oct 19 15:44:28 2010 From: qiping.zhang at (Qiping Zhang) Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 15:44:28 -0400 Subject: [Studentchapadv] Student Chapter Advisor Meeting at 12:30pm on Monday In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Dear Student Chapter Advisors, This is a friendly reminder that we will have the student chapter advisor meeting at 12:30pm on Monday (Oct. 25) at ASIST annual meeting. Attached is the agenda of our meeting. We will elect new Student Chapter Representative and Alternative Representative in the meeting in addition to reviewing our activities in the past year. Please do remember to attend it. If your chapter advisor is changed, please update us with the new information. Deborah Swain and Qiping Zhang ASIST Student Chapter Co-Representative -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Agenda_ASIST STUDENT CHAPTER ADVISORS_2010.doc Type: application/msword Size: 117760 bytes Desc: not available Url : From qiping.zhang at Tue Oct 19 15:55:21 2010 From: qiping.zhang at (Qiping Zhang) Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 15:55:21 -0400 Subject: [Studentchapadv] Secret party at ASIST on this coming Sunday 8pm In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Dear friends, Please mark your calendar for a clandestine student party on Sunday night at upcoming ASIST annual meeting at the conference hotel. It is by invitation only. It will be a fun social gathering with your peers at ASIST! Some of our ASIST leaders will join us at the party. Time: 8pm, Sunday (Oct. 24) Place: Berens suite, Room # 2304 Grand Pittsburgh Downtown (formerly the Pittsburgh Hilton) 600 Commonwealth Place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 United States? Thanks and look forward to seeing you all soon, Deborah Swain & Qiping Zhang ASIST Student Chapter Representative -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: