From rhill at Thu Mar 13 14:59:40 2008 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:59:40 -0400 Subject: [Studentchapadv] Call for ASIS&T 2008 Award Nominations Message-ID: <044501c8853c$650e7f40$> I just posted a message to ASIS&T lists regarding all awards, but the awards below should be of special interest to students. Please help distribute this information. NOMINATIONS ARE NOW BEING SOUGHT FOR 2008 ASIS&T AWARDS Awards Information at Award capsules below, in order of deadline for nominations. All these nominations for awards should be made electronically. UMI/Proquest Doctoral Dissertation Award: Honors outstanding achievements by information scientists in the completion of dissertation projects. The award will consist of a $1,000 cash award and $500 travel reimbursement to the ASIS&T annual meeting. Eligibility: All information scientists who have completed their dissertations within the past year are eligible. Deadline: June 1st ISI/ASIS&T Citation Analysis Research Grant: Supports research based on citation analysis by encouraging and assisting individuals in this area of study with their research. Citation analysis is broadly defined, including but not limited to analyses using resources developed by ISI. Because of the limits proposed by timing considerations, the grant may be made for research underway as well as for new research proposed. The grant consists of an award of $3,000 and $500 travel reimbursement to the ASIS&T annual meeting. Eligibility: Candidates for the ISI/ASIS&T Citation Analysis Grant shall be eligible without regard to nationality, membership in the Society, or other limitation. The Grant is a once-in-a-lifetime award. Deadline: June 1st Pratt-Severn Student Research Award: Recognizes substantive work performed by Masters students in the field of information science and encourages research and writing. Since 1996 it has been sponsored by Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science, on behalf of the late David Severn. The award will consist of $500 travel expenses and full registration for the ASIS&T annual meeting. Eligibility: Any student in a Masters degree-granting institution can submit a paper that falls within the scope of the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Doctoral theses are not eligible. Deadline: June 15th Thomson ISI Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award: This award, co-sponsored with the Thomson ISI, recognizes sustained excellence and the unique contributions of an individual in the teaching of information science. The award will consist of a cash award of $1,000 and up to $500 travel reimbursement to the ASIS&T annual meeting. Eligibility: Any individual directly involved in teaching some aspect of information science on a continuing basis, regardless of ASIS&T membership, is eligible. Nominations: Nominations must be made by ASIS&T members. Deadline: July 1st Thomson ISI Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Scholarship: This scholarship fosters information science research by encouraging and supporting doctoral students with their dissertation research. The award will consist of an award of $1,500 and $500 travel reimbursement to the ASIS&T annual meeting. Eligibility: All active information science doctoral students enrolled in institutions granting doctoral degrees are eligible. Students must have completed all course work and have received acceptance of their dissertation proposals. Deadline: July 1st Awards will be presented at the Annual Meeting, unless otherwise stated. For more information contact 301 495-0900, ASIS at _____ Richard B. Hill Executive Director American Society for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Fax: (301) 495-0810 Voice: (301) 495-0900 From SMiksa at Sat Mar 15 14:28:32 2008 From: SMiksa at (Shawne Miksa) Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 13:28:32 -0500 Subject: [Studentchapadv] Student Chapter Annual Reports Message-ID: <> Greetings all, It?s time to start preparing for Student Chapter Annual Reports! Due date is July 1, 2008. It would be prudent, however, to plan to have it in, or at least composed, before the end of your Spring term (before everyone scatters for the Summer). The report also serves as the chapter's nomination for Student Chapter of the Year, but please don't let that stop you from filing a report. Filing a short Word document into the submission area just to let me know what you have been doing for the past year is perfectly fine and very much encouraged. All the information you need for completing the report is at A few suggestions about formatting?try for a more formal report with plenty of narrative to give the chapter activities some context. You may obtain membership lists for your chapter from ASIST headquarters - contact Vanessa Foss, Membership Services Manager, vfoss at Please submit your report electronically, at Students: If you know other student members and they didn't get this message, then let me know - we need to be sure that we can reach our student members. You do not actually have to be a student member of ASIST to join this list, though it is preferred. Anyone can join by going to Student Advisors: If you are receiving this notice, but are not the current advisor at your school please do pass this on to that person, and let me know their name and all necessary contact information. If your school?s student chapter doesn't have an advisor, please also let me know. Please also take the time to review the information at for accuracy. We will have an Advisors' meeting at the annual conference in Columbus in October. (Students are more than welcome to attend.) There will also be a students-only gathering?announcements will be sent to the student-listserv shortly before the meeting. Let me know if you have any questions. I?ll be more than happy to help. Remember, due date for reports is July 1, 2008. Best, Shawne D. Miksa smiksa at ASIST Student Chapter Representative -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From SMiksa at Sat Mar 15 14:28:32 2008 From: SMiksa at (Shawne Miksa) Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 13:28:32 -0500 Subject: [Studentchapadv] [Students-l] Student Chapter Annual Reports Message-ID: <> Greetings all, It?s time to start preparing for Student Chapter Annual Reports! Due date is July 1, 2008. It would be prudent, however, to plan to have it in, or at least composed, before the end of your Spring term (before everyone scatters for the Summer). The report also serves as the chapter's nomination for Student Chapter of the Year, but please don't let that stop you from filing a report. Filing a short Word document into the submission area just to let me know what you have been doing for the past year is perfectly fine and very much encouraged. All the information you need for completing the report is at A few suggestions about formatting?try for a more formal report with plenty of narrative to give the chapter activities some context. You may obtain membership lists for your chapter from ASIST headquarters - contact Vanessa Foss, Membership Services Manager, vfoss at Please submit your report electronically, at Students: If you know other student members and they didn't get this message, then let me know - we need to be sure that we can reach our student members. You do not actually have to be a student member of ASIST to join this list, though it is preferred. Anyone can join by going to Student Advisors: If you are receiving this notice, but are not the current advisor at your school please do pass this on to that person, and let me know their name and all necessary contact information. If your school?s student chapter doesn't have an advisor, please also let me know. Please also take the time to review the information at for accuracy. We will have an Advisors' meeting at the annual conference in Columbus in October. (Students are more than welcome to attend.) There will also be a students-only gathering?announcements will be sent to the student-listserv shortly before the meeting. Let me know if you have any questions. I?ll be more than happy to help. Remember, due date for reports is July 1, 2008. Best, Shawne D. Miksa smiksa at ASIST Student Chapter Representative -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- _______________________________________________ Students-l mailing list Post to Students-l at To subscribe, unsubscribe, or edit your settings: From SMiksa at Fri Mar 28 15:27:21 2008 From: SMiksa at (Shawne Miksa) Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 14:27:21 -0500 Subject: [Studentchapadv] ALA Library Student Twining Project Message-ID: <> Global understanding comes with making connections outside your country, and learning from colleagues around the world. The ALA International Relations Committee, spearheaded by Chair Blanche Woolls, has created the ALA Library Student Twining Project to connect students studying at library schools in the United States and Canada, (which ALA accredits), with library students in programs in other parts of the world. The objective is to provide library students the opportunity to connect with each other, to share their experiences with students studying elsewhere. Students interested should go to Please send your email address to Prof. Blanche Wools (bwoolls"at" in order to receive email announcements.