[Studentchapadv] Money

Candy Schwartz candy.schwartz at simmons.edu
Thu Aug 4 15:27:33 EDT 2005

Hi advisors

Just a reminder - if you filed your annual report, you can ask Dick Hill for
the grand sum of $50. But you have to requet it. And you have to account for
how you spent it in next year's report. It's almost more time than $50 is
worth, but that's another story which we will get to later.

Candy Schwartz
Co-Editor, Library & Information Science Research
Simmons College GSLIS, 300 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115-5898, USA
Vox: 617.521.2849; Fax: 617.521.3192
candy.schwartz at simmons.edu

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