From Heting.Chu at Sat Oct 30 17:27:04 2004 From: Heting.Chu at (Heting Chu) Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 17:27:04 -0400 Subject: [Studentchapadv] ASIST Student Chapters at the Annual Meeting 2004 Message-ID: Dear advisors, Attached is an agenda for the Student Chapter Advisors Meeting to be held at 5pm on Nov. 15 at the annual meeting. I'll make enough hard copies of the agenda as well as the minutes for last year's meeting available at the meeting. Please try your best to attend the meeting. Meanwhile, please feel free to invite your student members to go to the meeting as well. We always welcome students' participation and input as this whole process is for them. As indicated in the meeting agenda, we are scheduled to hold an election of chapter assembly rep for student chapters and the alternate for the next two years. As I have served as the rep for the past two years and the alternate for two years before that, I do wish to step down and let others have an opportunity to serve. The current alternate, Rong Tang, is willing to remain on the same position for another term but does not intend to be the rep due to her packed schedule. So we need nominations, including self-nominations, for the rep position. If you are interested in this position or know someone who'd be ideal for it, please email me at hchu at Frankly speaking, the rep position does not need a lot of your time based on my experience. In other words, it is not a huge commitment time-wise. In addition, Dick Hill is always there to offer help and advice whenever needed. We'll again host a reception for student members this year at the annual meeting. Formal invitation will follow after some details are finalized. Thanks for your attention and see you in Providence, Heting Chu Chapter Assembly Rep for Student Chapters -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Agenda2004.doc Type: application/msword Size: 25600 bytes Desc: Agenda2004.doc Url : -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: AdvisorsMeetingMinutes2003.doc Type: application/msword Size: 34816 bytes Desc: AdvisorsMeetingMinutes2003.doc Url :