From Heting.Chu at Mon Nov 1 13:28:41 2004 From: Heting.Chu at (Heting Chu) Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 13:28:41 -0500 Subject: [Studentchapadv] Reception invitation to ASIST student members Message-ID: Dear advisors, Besides asking Dick to email the following invitation to all ASIST student members, may I ask you to foward it to your student chapter members? Thanks a lot! Dick, could you please send this invitation to individual ASIST student members as you have done in the past? Many thanks. Heting Chu Chapter Assembly Rep for Student Chapters ================================================ Re: Reception at the ASIS&T annual meeting 2004 If you are going to the annual meeting in Providence, RI, we would like to invite you to experience the delights of the Presidential Suite while enjoying wine or other beverages and munching on delicious snacks between 7:30-8:30pm on Monday, November 15. You should have plenty of time for the other two events to be held on that day: the Alumni Reception (6:30-8pm) and the International Reception (8pm-?). The reception for ASIS&T student members was initiated by Candy Schwartz, my predecessor, in 1999, and has been kept as a tradition ever since. Rong Tang (currently the alternate rep) and I will host this year?s reception. There, you will not only have the opportunity to meet and network with your peers/colleagues but also be able to meet some ASIS&T leaders (e.g., presidents and more). Last year, more than 60 students and ASIS&T leaders attended the reception. In order to know how much goodies we should get for the reception, I would like to know if you are able to come. Please RSVP to me at hchu at at your earliest convenience. Also please feel free to forward this message to any students you know who will be attending the annual meeting. All students are welcome. This is a casual fun event, and we look forward to seeing you there. Heting Chu Chapter Assembly Rep for Student Chapters P.S. Please ask for the location of the Presidential Suite at the conference registration desk before the reception.