[Studentchapadv] ASIST Student Chapter-of-the-Year Award - 2nd Call for Nominations

Heting Chu Heting.Chu at liu.edu
Mon May 3 10:47:32 EDT 2004

Dear Advisor,

This is a second call for nominations for the ASIST Student Chapter-of-the-Year award. Please remind your student chapter officers that their annual report, which can also serve as self-nomination for the award, should be submitted to the headquarters by Monday, May 31, 2004 electronically.

A webpage has been set up, thanks to Dick's support and efforts, at http://www.softconf.com/asist/StudChapYr04/submit.html for your chapter to submit your report/nomination electronically. Guidelines and nomination/report form (aka Criteria & Checklist) are hyperlinked from the submission page. 

Thank you very much for your help. Look forward to receiving the annual report from your student chapter.


Heting Chu
Student Chapter Representative

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