[Sigvis-l] Reminder:: SIGVIS meeting at ASIST annual meeting - Nov 4 Tuesday 2-3 PM
Krystyna Matusiak
Krystyna.Matusiak at du.edu
Tue Nov 4 13:21:38 EST 2014
Dear SIGVIS members,
This is just e reminder that we have a meeting 2-3 PM in the Juniper room. See you there.
Krystyna K. Matusiak, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Library & Information Science Program
Morgridge College of Education
University of Denver
Portfolio: http://portfolio.du.edu/kmatusia
E-Mail: Krystyna.Matusiak at du.edu
Phone: 303-871-6163
ADDRESS: Katherine A. Ruffatto Hall, Room 248, 1999 E. Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80208
From: Krystyna Matusiak
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 4:43 PM
To: sigvis-l at asis.org
Subject: SIGVIS meeting at ASIST annual meeting - Nov 4 Tuesday 2-3 PM
Dear members of the SIG VIS (Visualization, Images & Sound),
Please join us for the SIGVIS business meeting and planning session at the annual ASIST meeting in Seattle. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 4, 2:00-3:00 PM in the Juniper Room.. Bring along your friends, students, and colleagues who are interested in joining our SIG.
Krystyna K. Matusiak
SIG VIS Chair-Elect
Krystyna K. Matusiak, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Library & Information Science Program
Morgridge College of Education
University of Denver
Portfolio: http://portfolio.du.edu/kmatusia
E-Mail: Krystyna.Matusiak at du.edu
Phone: 303-871-6163
ADDRESS: Katherine A. Ruffatto Hall, Room 248, 1999 E. Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80208
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