[Sigvis-l] Call for papers: ISCRAM 06
Neal, Diane
DNeal at mail.twu.edu
Fri Nov 11 09:28:07 EST 2005
There is one special session specifically on visualization at this conference, and a number of other sessions exist where there might be possibilities for discussion on visualization-related topics.
Diane Neal
Co-Chair, SIG VIS
Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Conference
Paper solicitation and Information for Authors
May 14, 2006: Workshops, PhD Colloquium (Sunday 10AM-4PM)
May 15-17, 2006: Conference (Monday to Wednesday)
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark NJ (USA)
Program Chair: Murray Turoff, turoff at njit.edu <mailto:turoff at njit.edu>
Conference Chair: Bartel Van de Walle, bartel at uvt.nl <mailto:bartel at uvt.nl>
Conference Theme: An author may submit any paper dealing with Information Systems in any phase, intersection of phases, and/or integration of phases of the Emergency Management and Preparedness lifecycle:
Planning, Training, Mitigation, Detection, Alerting, Response, Recovery, and Assessment
Keynoters: Commissioner Gino P. Menchini: Chief Information Officer (CIO) of New York City
Paul Currion, http://www.currion.net <http://www.currion.net/> , Information Management for Humanitarian Operations
Important Dates
All Papers of all types due no later than (earlier is better): January 12, 2006
Latest notification to authors of review and decision: March 3, 2006
Final print ready copy by: March 17, 2006
Early registration December 1st 2005 to March 17th 2006
The following list of specific sessions is one that has resulted from external proposals for sessions at ISCRAM 06 (only one chair or co-chair listed here). Papers may be submitted under the general theme or for one of the workshops or sessions below.
Workshops (Sunday May 14, 2006)
PhD Colloquium, David Mendonca, mendonca at njit.edu <mailto:mendonca at njit.edu>
Emergency Management Systems: Future Needs and Requirements, Paul Burgardt, paul.burghardt at decis.nl <mailto:paul.burghardt at decis.nl>
Emergency Communication Systems: Future Needs and Requirements, B.S. Manoj, bsmanoj at ucsd.edu <mailto:bsmanoj at ucsd.edu>
Providing Assurance by Auditing Emergency Preparedness: Role of the Auditor, Michael Alles, alles at rbsmail.rutgers.edu <mailto:alles at rbsmail.rutgers.edu> and Murray Turoff, turoff at njit.edu <mailto:turoff at njit.edu>
Forecasting, Risk Assessment, and decision support systems for large scale evacuations, Rene Windhouwer, rene at windhouwer.demon.nl <mailto:rene at windhouwer.demon.nl> and Bartel Van de Walle, bartel at uvt.nl <mailto:bartel at uvt.nl>
Special Sessions accepted for ISCRAM 06 (May 15-17, 2006)
Audit activities and functions in Emergency Preparedness and Management, B. Elisabeth Rossen, brossen at fau.edu <mailto:brossen at fau.edu>
Communication Challenges in Emergency Response, B.S. Manoj, bsmanoj at ucsd.edu <mailto:bsmanoj at ucsd.edu>
Communities in Emergency Management, Wendy Schafer, was15 at psu.edu <mailto:was15 at psu.edu>
Comparing Military and Civil Information Systems for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Tim Grant, TJ.Grant at mindef.nl <mailto:TJ.Grant at mindef.nl>
Creating and using the window of opportunity, Rene Windhouwer, rene at windhouwer.demon.nl <mailto:rene at windhouwer.demon.nl>
Emergency Response Reachback: Cases, Concepts, Processes, and Tools, Steven R. Haynes, shaynes at ist.psu.edu <mailto:shaynes at ist.psu.edu>
Exploring Knowledge Management in Crisis Response, Murray E. Jennex, mjennex at mail.sdsu.edu <mailto:mjennex at mail.sdsu.edu>
Human factors aspects in multi-agency crisis management, Liz Carver, liz.carver at baesystems.com <mailto:liz.carver at baesystems.com>
Incident Command Systems Workflow Management, Allen Milewski, amilewsk at monmouth.edu <mailto:amilewsk at monmouth.edu>
Information, Communication, and Coordination Issues from Hurricane Katrina, John R. Harrald, jharrald at gwu.edu <mailto:jharrald at gwu.edu>
Mobile Emergency Announcements and Multi Channel Emergency Announcements (MEA/MCEA) systems, Ronja Addams-Moring ronja.addams-moring at tkk.fi <mailto:ronja.addams-moring at tkk.fi>
Modeling and Computer Simulation of Disaster Plans and Emergency Response, Maria Santos, masantos at lnec.pt <mailto:masantos at lnec.pt>
Multi-agent Systems for Disaster Management and Response, Frank Fiedrich, fiedrich at gwu.edu <mailto:fiedrich at gwu.edu>
Multi-Disciplinary Requirements Capture for Emergency Management Systems, Paul Burghardt, Paul.Burghardt at DECIS.nl <mailto:Paul.Burghardt at DECIS.nl>
Personal Area Networks (PAN) for Emergency Response, Susan McGrath, Susan.P.McGrath at dartmouth.edu <mailto:Susan.P.McGrath at dartmouth.edu>
Public Warning, Information and Engagement, Art Botterell, acb at incident.com <mailto:acb at incident.com>
Real-time alerts for earthquakes and tsunami, Max Wyss, wapmerr at maxwyss.com <mailto:wapmerr at maxwyss.com>
Research Methods in Crisis Decision Making and Support, David Mendonça, mendonca at njit.edu <mailto:mendonca at njit.edu>
Stakeholder coordination for crisis management, Julie Dugdale, dugdale at irit.fr <mailto:dugdale at irit.fr>
Standards in Emergency Management Systems, Jane Fedorowicz, jfedorowicz at bentley.edu <mailto:jfedorowicz at bentley.edu>
System Dynamics Modeling for Emergency Response and Management, Peter Otto, po36 at cornell.edu <mailto:po36 at cornell.edu>
Visualization in Emergency Management, Erika Darling, edarling at mitre.org <mailto:edarling at mitre.org>
Full Paper word limit is 5000 words; Research in Progress or Practitioner Case Studies 2500 words; Overall acceptance on above limited to around 75 papers; Prior acceptance rates for papers have been 45-55%; Workshop position papers or PhD Colloquium submissions: 1000-2500 words; Conference attendance limit is around 200
See http://ISCRAM.ORG <http://iscram.org/> for more details on: paper types, prior proceedings, detailed session descriptions, paper template, Keynoters, hotels, restaurants, Newark, the Ironbound, local travel, etc. Individual membership for the ISCRAM community website is free.
Any type of paper submitted must be sent or copied to ISCRAM06 at njit.edu <mailto:ISCRAM06 at njit.edu>
If the paper does not fit into one of the workshops or sessions above, it will still be reviewed and if accepted will be put into a session created for it and related papers, or assigned to an existing session if appropriate.
If your paper does clearly fit into one of the sessions above it should also be sent to the chair or co-chairs for the special session. For questions on the appropriateness of a possible paper send an abstract as soon as possible to ISCRAM06 at njit.edu <mailto:ISCRAM06 at njit.edu> or to the chair of the special session that you wish to submit to.
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