[Sigvis-l] 2nd call for SIG-CR workshop papers
Mikel Breitenstein
mikel at breitenstein.com
Mon Mar 15 18:36:46 EST 2004
15th ASIS&T SIG-CR Classification Research Workshop, 2004
Submissions are invited for the annual SIG-CR workshop preceding the ASIS&T
Annual Meeting next November in Providence, Rhode Island. See the ASIS&T
website, www.asis.org, for dates and details later.
The theme for the 2004 SIG-CR Classification Research Workshop is ?More
Than Words? ? organizers are looking for topics that address classification
issues that deal with images, sounds, and objects. The idea is a broad one,
not excluding the traditional words on paper format, but addressing special
aspects of classifying a particular form. Examples include but are not limited
to videos, sound recordings, clothing, sculpture, machinery, postcards,
posters, maps, letters, and books with a particular characteristic.
Interested authors should submit a brief paper (maximum 6 pages, single
spaced, Times Roman 12 pt.) by May 1. See BELOW for Instructions for Authors.
All papers will be reviewed by at least two referees. All accepted papers
will be published in the 15th Advances in Classification Research series
by Information Today. Approximately 8 accepted papers will be selected by
the reviewers for brief presentation at the workshop. Authors will be notified
of acceptance by June 15.
All workshop attendees are invited to bring a small (max 24? x 36?) ?poster?
session on any topic that relates to the workshop. Creativity is encouraged
in designing these information displays. Posters will be displayed in the
workshop room, and ample time will be allowed during the lunch break for
attendees to talk with others informally about their posters. We hope that
this will add to the ?collaborative workshop? mood of the day.
Submit all papers by email or on a CD-R in Rich Text Format or Microsoft
Word format (PC or MAC). The file should be titled ?SIGCRpaper-your full
name.format?. Send papers postmarked by May 1, 2004 to:
Mikel Breitenstein
6721 E. 9th Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
mikel at breitenstein.com
Instructions for Authors
SIG/CR Workshop 2004
1. The title of the paper should be in 14 point sized Times Roman font in
upper and lower case, bold-faced, beginning on the first line, centered.
Leave one line blank beneath the title.
2. The authors' name(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es) be in 12
point sized Times Roman font, centered. Examples:
One author
Jonathan Furner
Department of Information Studies
University of California, Los Angeles
jfurner at ucla.edu
More authors, same institution
Jane Greenberg & Paul Solomon
Department of Library and Information Studies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
janeg at ils.unc.edu; solomon at ils.unc.edu
More authors, different institutions
Clare Beghtol
Faculty of Information Studies
University of Toronto
beghtol at fis.utoronto.ca
Barbara Kwasnik
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
bkwasnik at syr.edu
Leave one line blank beneath the e-mail address.
3. The paper should begin with an introduction that summarizes the content
that follows. The word ?Introduction? should be typed in upper case, bold,
and left flush, and the section should be numbered:
1. INTRODUCTION. Leave one line blank beneath the word.
4. A maximum of two levels of numbered headings should be used: main headings
(all in upper case, bold); sub-headings (in upper and lower case, bold).
Leave a blank line before each heading. Flush the heading to the left margin.
3.3. Examples of ethnographic studies
5. The paper should be no longer than 6 pages, printed in single space.
6. Use 12 point sized Times Roman font throughout the paper, except in the
title (14 pt).
7. Paragraphs should not be indented. Leave one blank line between paragraphs.
8. Right and left margins should be 1.0 inch (2.54 cm) wide. Do not use
the justification function. Top and bottom margins shall be 1.0 inch. Do
not use columns.
9. Graphics and tables should not exceed 4.5 x 7.5 inches (11.4 x 19 cm).
Keep graphics simple and clearly readable in black and white at this scale.
10. The pages should be numbered consecutively. Position the page number
at the bottom of the page, centered.
11. Do not add headers or footers to your paper.
12. Footnotes should be avoided altogether. If footnotes are needed then
list them at the end of the paper under a major heading, unnumbered, NOTES.
Do not use footnotes at the bottom of pages. Do not use the endnotes function.
13. The references should be under a major heading, unnumbered, REFERENCES.
14. All acronyms or abbreviations should be spelled out in full when first
used in the text.
15. Authors should be careful to cite properly all materials by others.
Authors should ensure that permission, where required, to reproduce material
by others quoted in their papers has been obtained from the relevant copyright
holders. The author, before submission of the paper, should secure any required
permissions of any employer, supervisor, or funding body.
16. Authors of accepted position papers may be asked to revise their paper
according to comments made by the referees. No substantial changes in content
can be made to the paper after the final version of the accepted paper has
been received; the author(s) should therefore ensure that the final version
of their paper is definitive.
17. Citation style: For all other questions of style, authors should follow
the 5ed edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (APA).
Please contact Mikel Breitenstein (mikel at breitenstein.com) if you have any
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