[Sigvis-l] Search Result Visualization Panel - Call for Participant

Uzwyshyn, Raymond John ruzwyshyn at miami.edu
Wed Dec 14 10:42:19 EST 2005

Hi Everyone,



SIG VIS is in the process of finalizing a co-sponsored panel for next
year's ASIS&T conference in Austin, Texas on Search Result
Visualization.  The panel will be co-sponsored with SIG LT (Library
Technology).  We are currently looking for one, possibly two more
panelists to participate here.  If you are working on cutting-edge
research or applications that fit into this area, please e-mail Ray
Uzwyshyn, ruzwyshyn at miami.edu co-chair SIG-VIS and we will be glad to
consider your work for part of the panel.  Interested parties should
send a brief paragraph outlining their work following the model below.
Please read our session outline draft and list of other confirmed
panelists. We are interested in developing synergies between groups.  As
we are in the process of finalizing this panel, it would be appreciated
if you could send your paragraph and bio details in the next few days
for consideration.  Also, if you are developing or doing other research
in information visualization, images and or/sound and would like to
contribute to our Weblog http://informationvisualization.typepad.com
<http://informationvisualization.typepad.com/>   in the upcoming year,
please send article submissions (3-7 paragraphs max.) with minimum 3
links and 3 images to ruzwyshyn at miami.edu and we will be glad to also
consider these for our publication.


Thank you for your consideration,





Ray Uzwyshyn, Ph.D., M.L.I.S.
Co-chair SIGVIS

Dept of Digital Library Initiatives
University of Miami Libraries




Search Result Visualization 

Session Outline

Co-sponsored by SIG-VIS and SIG-LT

2006 ASIS&T Annual Meeting

November 3-9, Austin Texas



The application of information visualization to information retrieval
(IR) has resulted in innovative applications developed in research and
operational environments.  Visualization-based IR systems have the
potential to visually depict search result sets, show relationships
between search result items, and illustrate relationships between users'
queries and the resulting search set.  These cutting edge tools are now
available for Web-based retrieval, components of online public access
catalogs and other commercial applications.  Given the spectrum of
information in general Web-based repositories, digital libraries and
other sources, how can visualization tools assist in information
retrieval and what are some of the current technologies available?  This
session brings together researchers and practitioners to discuss these
current state-of-the-art topics including: 1) an overview of information
visualization; 2) user interaction research with web-based information
visualization systems; 3) applications for libraries; and 4) commercial
visualization-based information technologies.   Members of the panel
will synthesize key technological and research concepts that have
pragmatic implications for the development and application of
information visualization tools in library and information environments.


Moderator: Ray Uzwyshyn, Ph.D., M.L.I.S., University of Miami Digital
Library Initiatives




Brad Eden, Ph.D., Head, Web and Digitization Services, University of
Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries, brad.eden at unlv.edu


This presentation will provide an general overview of this topic,
showing some interesting examples from two books written by the author
on this topic (3D Visualization Techniques, and Innovative Digital
Projects in the Humanities, both published by ALA TechSource, 2005).  



Sherry Koshman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, School of Information

University of Pittsburgh, skoshman at sis.pitt.edu


A basic question arises when examining information visualization
systems: can people use them?  This presentation examines user
interaction research with visualization-based information retrieval
systems including those currently available on the web and explores
avenues for future research that will enhance our understanding of
visualization system design for information retrieval.



Chaomei Chen, Ph.D. Associate Professor, College of Information Science
and Technology, Drexel University, chaomei.chen at cis.drexel.edu


This presentation will start with a few examples of a domain
visualization of the evolution of information retrieval and highlight
trends and thematic changes in terms of the interrelationship between
information visualization technology and information retrieval. In
addition, the presentation will address the needs, challenges, and
implications of perceiving information retrieval as an integral
component of an ecological system of information analysis and decision
making. Finally, I will introduce the emerging field of visual analytics
and its value as a broader context for visual information retrieval.



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