[Sigvis-l] NFAIS Humanities Roundtable, October 15

Richard Hill rhill@asis.org
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 15:53:46 -0400

[Posted by request.  Dick Hill]

NFAIS Humanities Roundtable III scheduled for October 15, 2004.

The third in a series of seminars and discussions targeted to Database
Producers in the Humanities will take place on Friday, October 15, 2004
at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, CA. Among other topics, the one-day
session will focus upon issues of retrospective conversions, the use and
management of thesauri and vocabularies, and the recruitment/retention
of volunteer contributors. There will be ample time for open discussion
of issues raised in advance by participants, as well as optional social
activities following the close of the session. Registration for the
Roundtable is only $50, including lunch, thanks to the generous support
of The J. Paul Getty Trust, the American Theological Library
Association, and the RILM Abstracts of Music Literature.  However, space
is limited, so registrations should be made as soon as possible.

The full program and registration information is available on the NFAIS
Web site at: http://www.nfais.org/events/event_details.cfm?id=28.  A
limited block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn
Brentwood-Bel Air (170 N. Church Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90049,
310-476-6411 - mention the Getty Center to receive the meeting rate of
$109), and a shuttle will be available from the hotel to the Getty

Individuals interested in registering to attend this one-day event
should contact Jill O'Neill, NFAIS Director of Planning & Communication,
via email (jilloneill@nfais.org) or voice at (215)-893-1561.