Margaret L. Delaney delanema@oplin.org
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 14:58:03 -0500

Ohio Valley Area Libraries (OVAL) Regional Library System invites ALL STAFF
of academic, public, school and special libraries to attend the following
continuing education workshop:



When/Where: Monday, February 9, 2004; 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. @ OVAL

Presented by: Maria Levetzow and Rose Mary Honnold

Costs: ALL STAFF of academic, public, school and special libraries are
invited to come to OVAL and participate in this workshop FREE!

This videoconference is offered in various locations throughout Ohio. NOLA
Regional Library System is the host agency. Check with NOLA, your local
regional library system or the State Library of Ohio for the nearest
location to you!

---We have invited two experts to come share their plans for teen summer
reading programs this year and describe other ideas that have worked well in
the past. Maria Levetzow, the Bettendorf, Iowa Public Library's young adult
librarian and author of the 2004 "Discover New Trails at Your Library" Teen
Summer Reading Program manual, will offer hints and tips for a successful
teen summer reading program. Learn how to use your teen volunteers
effectively and give them ownership of your program. You will hear success
stories from other libraries, and gather ideas big and small for your own
program. Ohio's own Rose Mary Honnold, author of 101+ Teen Programs That
Work, (Neal Schuman), will share some of her expertise on what has worked
for her in the past, and her ideas for the coming year. There will be time
for questions for both presenters. Come and get ideas so that your teen
summer reading program this year is the best ever!

To REGISTER for this workshop and for further details, please visit the OVAL
Web site { http://www.oval.lib.oh.us } and click on the Continuing Education

For more information about any OVAL workshop, contact OVAL Continuing
Education Coordinator Margaret Delaney, at mailto:ceoval@oplin.org or
1-800-759-1537 x2 or 740-384-2103 x2.

All OVAL professional & technical training opportunities apply towardrenewal
of your Ohio Public Library Certification.

"OVAL: Your Source for Instruction, Insight, Inspiration, Innovation!"

Margaret L. Delaney, Continuing Education Coordinator
Ohio Valley Area Libraries Regional Library System (OVAL)
252 West Thirteenth Street, Wellston, OH 45692
740-384-2103 x 2 ~ 740-384-2106 fax
http://www.oval.lib.oh.us ~ mailto:ceoval@oplin.org