[Sigvis-l] Re: New SIG VIS website -- now in beta!

Samantha Hastings Hastings@unt.edu
Fri, 16 Jan 2004 17:21:33 -0600

Diane and Ray,

What wonderful, creative work!  I love the site and am delighted to see =
you revitalizing SIG/VIS.  Thank you for your good work.

ASIS&T President 2004

>>> Diane Neal <diane_neal@sbcglobal.net> 01/16/04 04:08PM >>>
SIG VIS members,
With the indispensable help of Ray Uzwyshyn at the University of Miami, we =
now have a beta version of an updated SIG VIS website!  Please take a look =
at it at http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGVIS/index.html.
We would love to hear feedback on the design of the new site.  We also =
would like some updated content.  If you have articles that you would like =
to see linked or ideas for inclusion in a newsletter, please let me know.
Thanks in advance for your input!
Diane Neal
Chair, SIG VIS