[Sigvis-l] CfP: Mapping Humanity's Knowledge and Expertise in the Digital Domain

Katy Borner katy@indiana.edu
Sat, 28 Aug 2004 23:25:24 -0500

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                                     Call For Participation
"Mapping Humanity's Knowledge and Expertise in the Digital Domain"

This CfP is also accessible as Web page and PDF:



Session Title:  Mapping Humanity's Knowledge and Expertise in the
Digital Domain

Session Organizers: Katy Börner, Indiana University
André Skupin, University of New Orleans

Place & Time:  101st Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Denver, CO, April 5-9, 2005

Sponsors:   Cartography and GIS specialty groups

This session will bring together leading researchers and practitioners
that aim to develop techniques, tools, and infrastructures to map
humanity's knowledge and expertise for the improvement of science and

Knowledge and expertise is typically extracted from digitally available
literature, news, computer mediated communication data as well as from
information about the producers and consumers of those data sets.
Advanced data analysis techniques in combination with spatial metaphors,
geographic principles, and cartographic methods are applied to organize,
visualize, and communicate the semantic relationships inherent in the

The ultimate goal of this work might be an interactive cartographic map
of all of science, with continents representing the major research areas
such as, e.g., biology or physics, dots denoting major authors, PIs,
papers or news, dynamically evolving research frontiers, blinking 'hot'
papers and topics, etc. This map could be used to teach and understand
the evolving structure of all of science, to identify major experts, to
find and read the most relevant papers and news, to see the effects of
resource allocation decisions, to study social networks, etc. Last but
not least, it would provide a unique bird's eye view of major experts in
specific areas and mankind's knowledge in general.

Some of the leading-edge research on this topic is found where geography
intersects with information/library science, computer science, and
cognitive science. We invite papers on the broad foundations,
computational methods, software systems, and evaluation of such data
analyses and visualizations, as they have emerged in this
interdisciplinary endeavor.

Session participants: In addition to geographers, we are looking for
speakers from a broad range of disciplines, including but not limited to
digital libraries, database design, data analysis/mining, information
visualization, interface design, and cognitive science.

Instructions: If you are interested to participate in this session,
please send a structured position paper to Katy Börner
(katy@indiana.edu) and André Skupin (askupin@uno.edu) by October 1,
2004. If possible, please use the template provided here:
We will review the submissions and send out notifications by October 8.
Then, for official registration and submission of paper abstracts (max.
250 words) to the AAG, please refer to the AAG's Call for Papers
(http://www.aag.org/AnnualMeetings/Denver2005/call_4_papers.cfm). Upon
finishing your registration, please forward your participant number to
André Skupin (askupin@uno.edu) by October 15, 2004. Depending on the
number of submissions, we may organize more than one session.

Post-Session Publication:  We are planning to invite session speakers to
submit full, competitively peer-reviewed papers for a special issue of a
suitable scientific journal.

Katy Borner, Assistant Professor
Information Science & Cognitive Science
Indiana University, SLIS
10th Street & Jordan Avenue     Phone:  (812) 855-3256   Fax: -6166
Main Library 019                E-mail: katy@indiana.edu
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA      WWW:    ella.slis.indiana.edu/~katy

Check out the new InfoVis Lab Gallery at

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"Mapping Humanity's Knowledge and Expertise in the Digital Domain"<br>
<pre wrap="">This CfP is also accessible as Web page and PDF:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"

<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
<pre wrap="">Session Title:  Mapping Humanity's Knowledge and Expertise in the
Digital Domain

Session Organizers: Katy B&ouml;rner, Indiana University
Andr&eacute; Skupin, University of New Orleans

Place &amp; Time:  101st Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Denver, CO, April 5-9, 2005

Sponsors:   Cartography and GIS specialty groups

This session will bring together leading researchers and practitioners
that aim to develop techniques, tools, and infrastructures to map
humanity&#8217;s knowledge and expertise for the improvement of science and

Knowledge and expertise is typically extracted from digitally available
literature, news, computer mediated communication data as well as from
information about the producers and consumers of those data sets.
Advanced data analysis techniques in combination with spatial metaphors,
geographic principles, and cartographic methods are applied to organize,
visualize, and communicate the semantic relationships inherent in the

The ultimate goal of this work might be an interactive cartographic map
of all of science, with continents representing the major research areas
such as, e.g., biology or physics, dots denoting major authors, PIs,
papers or news, dynamically evolving research frontiers, blinking &#8216;hot&#8217;
papers and topics, etc. This map could be used to teach and understand
the evolving structure of all of science, to identify major experts, to
find and read the most relevant papers and news, to see the effects of
resource allocation decisions, to study social networks, etc. Last but
not least, it would provide a unique bird&#8217;s eye view of major experts in
specific areas and mankind&#8217;s knowledge in general.

Some of the leading-edge research on this topic is found where geography
intersects with information/library science, computer science, and
cognitive science. We invite papers on the broad foundations,
computational methods, software systems, and evaluation of such data
analyses and visualizations, as they have emerged in this
interdisciplinary endeavor.

Session participants: In addition to geographers, we are looking for
speakers from a broad range of disciplines, including but not limited to
digital libraries, database design, data analysis/mining, information
visualization, interface design, and cognitive science.

Instructions: If you are interested to participate in this session,
please send a structured position paper to Katy B&ouml;rner
(<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:katy@indiana.edu">katy@indiana.edu</a>) and Andr&eacute; Skupin (<a
 class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:askupin@uno.edu">askupin@uno.edu</a>) by October 1,
2004. If possible, please use the template provided here:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
We will review the submissions and send out notifications by October 8.
Then, for official registration and submission of paper abstracts (max.
250 words) to the AAG, please refer to the AAG's Call for Papers
(<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
 href="http://www.aag.org/AnnualMeetings/Denver2005/call_4_papers.cfm">http://www.aag.org/AnnualMeetings/Denver2005/call_4_papers.cfm</a>). Upon
finishing your registration, please forward your participant number to
Andr&eacute; Skupin (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
 href="mailto:askupin@uno.edu">askupin@uno.edu</a>) by October 15, 2004. Depending on the
number of submissions, we may organize more than one session.

Post-Session Publication:  We are planning to invite session speakers to
submit full, competitively peer-reviewed papers for a special issue of a
suitable scientific journal.</pre>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">-- 
Katy Borner, Assistant Professor
Information Science &amp; Cognitive Science
Indiana University, SLIS
10th Street &amp; Jordan Avenue     Phone:  (812) 855-3256   Fax: -6166
Main Library 019                E-mail: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:katy@indiana.edu">katy@indiana.edu</a>
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA      WWW:    ella.slis.indiana.edu/~katy

Check out the new InfoVis Lab Gallery at
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://ella.slis.indiana.edu/~katy/gallery/">http://ella.slis.indiana.edu/~katy/gallery/</a></pre>
