[Sigvis-l] CIVE 2003 & Special Issue on CIVEs in Presence

Katy Borner katy@indiana.edu
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 15:01:12 -0500

International Symposium on Collaborative Information Visualization Environments
Reminder: Deadline for paper submission is March 7th,  2003.

Special Issue on CIVEs:
A selected set of extended CIVE papers will be published in a special issue of Presence,
MIT Press (http://mitpress.mit.edu) in April 2004.

Timeline for Special Issue:
revised papers submitted to guest editors - September 1st, 2003
revised papers approved by guest editors - October 15, 2003
revised papers approved by co-editors-in-chief  - November 1
authors' hardcopy manuscripts received at editorial office - November 15

Katy Borner wrote:

> ****************************************************************************
> International Symposium on Collaborative Information Visualization
> Environments, IV03-CIVE
> http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/IV03/CIVE.htm
> See also http://vw.indiana.edu/cive03
> ****************************************************************************
> 16 - 17 - 18 July 2003
> SOAS, University of London
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Call for Papers and Participation
> An increasing number of commercial, research, and educational projects
> are collaborative efforts that bring together people with different
> skills and expertise. Computers are evolving into mediators of
> human-to-human and human-to-data interaction. Domain experts are often
> spread out in space and across time zones and consultation and
> collaboration has to proceed remotely instead of face-to-face.
> Distributed teams need to collaborate and access shared data while some
> of their team members are outside of their office environments,
> presenting a new set of challenges in terms of data usage and share.
> Collaborative information visualization environments (CIVEs) enable
> users to interact both with visualizations of data -- e.g. access,
> explore, visualize and manipulate data -- as well as enabling them to
> interact with one another. Such user-user interactions may involve
> referring to the data visualizations: e.g. users can chat with one
> another and, in the process, be able to refer to elements of the
> visualization; and/or users can annotate a part or state or even
> recorded segment of the visualization so that others can see and comment
> on it later. In addition, CIVEs often visualize user interactions
> themselves to facilitate information access, collaboration, and
> decision-making.
> Currently, research on CIVEs is published in diverse subject areas such
> as:
> * Visual interfaces to digital libraries
> * Collaborative filtering, problem solving, or learning
> * Organizational memory / collective intelligence / collaborative memory
> palaces
> * Mobile computing
> * Communicative environments
> * Digital cities
> * Social computing / distributed meetings
> * Social visualization
> * (Usability) studies of CIVEs
> In organizing this symposium, we wish to bring together original CIVE
> research pertinent to the design and/or evaluation of CIVEs from these
> different subject areas.
> The symposium is a forum for discussion about CIVEs designed for various
> user groups, application domains, and interfaces such as 2-D desktop
> interfaces, 3-D virtual environments/virtual worlds, handheld devices,
> etc. that utilize different information Visualization algorithms,
> interaction techniques, and modes of collaboration (e.g. Synchronous,
> asynchronous). Main objectives include, but are not limited to:
> * Increase our understanding of the design requirements for CIVEs.
> * Closely examine long-term use of particular CIVEs.
> * Identify collaborative practices in collocated visualization processes
> that might be supported in CIVEs.
> * Gain a better understanding of architectural and infrastructure
> requirements for CIVEs.
> You are invited to participate in the discussion by submitting papers
> and attending the Symposium.
> Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version
> of their work for review and publication in a special journal issue on
> this topic.
> Last years papers are available online at http://vw.indiana.edu/cive02/.
> Supported by:
> GraphicsLink
> VGRU, SCISM, South Bank University, UK
> Department of Computer Graphics Technology, Purdue University, USA
> Department of Visual Art, University of Northern Colorado, USA
> Computer Graphics & Modelling Group - DMU Milton Keynes, UK
> National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, UK
> School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University, USA
> Motorola UK Research Lab
> Information and Computer Science Department, KFUPM, SA
> Mixed Reality Ltd, UK
> Department of Electronic Imaging and Media Communications, University of
> Bradford, UK
> University of Balearic Islands, Spain
> University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
> Technical University Graz, Austria
> Co-operated by:
> Information Visualisation Society
> PreConference Workshop and Tutorials on 15 July 2003:
> Workshop: CMV 2003 - International Symposium on Co-ordinated & Multiple
> Views in Exploratory Visualization associated with IV'03, London, UK
> Tutorial: Mapping Scientific Frontiers, Chaomei Chen, Ph.D, Drexel
> University, USA
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Important Dates:
> 7 March 2002 -  Submission of papers and  Submission of tutorials &
> pre-conference courses
> 05 May 2002 - Submission of camera-ready and early registration closes
> Further details and registration form are available at the conference
> website:
> http://www.graphicslink.demon.co.uk/IV03/CIVE.htm
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr Katy Börner
> Information Science & School of Informatics, Indiana University, 10th
> Street & Jordan Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
> Phone: +01 812 855-3256, Fax: +01 812 855-6166
> E-mail: katy@indiana.edu
> OR
> Dr. Raquel Navarro-Prieto, Motorola UK Research Lab
> Viables Industrial Estate, Jays Close, Basingstoke RG22 4PD, UK
> Phone: +44 (0)1256 484037, Fax: +44 (0) 1256 471383
> E-mail: Raquel.Navarro-prieto@motorola.com
> --
> Katy Borner, Assistant Professor
> Information Science & Cognitive Science
> Indiana University, SLIS
> 10th Street & Jordan Avenue     Phone:  (812) 855-3256   Fax: -6166
> Main Library 019                E-mail: katy@indiana.edu
> Bloomington, IN 47405, USA      WWW:    ella.slis.indiana.edu/~katy

Katy Borner, Assistant Professor
Information Science & Cognitive Science
Indiana University, SLIS
10th Street & Jordan Avenue     Phone:  (812) 855-3256   Fax: -6166
Main Library 019                E-mail: katy@indiana.edu
Bloomington, IN 47405, USA      WWW:    ella.slis.indiana.edu/~katy