[Siguse-l] SIG USE 2013 Business Meeting Notes

Rong Tang rong.tang at simmons.edu
Tue Nov 26 00:58:04 EST 2013

Dear Members of SIG USE,

Attached please find the notes from the SIG-USE Business Meeting, held on
November 4, 2013 in Montreal.

If you have any questions, thoughts or suggestions for activities for this
coming year, please contact me (rong.tang at simmons.edu) or any of the SIG
USE officers.

The 2013-14 SIG USE Officer names and email addresses are available on this


Many thanks!

Looking forward to working with you all.

Best Regards,
Chair, SIG USE 2013-14

Rong Tang, PhD.
Visiting Associate Professor, National Taiwan University LIS Dept (Aug.
2013-Jan. 2014)
NTU Phone: 02-3366-2972
NTU Email: rongtang at ntu.edu.tw
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Director, Simmons Usability Lab
Simmons College
rong.tang at simmons.edu
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