[Siguse-l] FW: [CurrentCites Dec 2007] ASIS&T bulletin on virtual reference

Stephanie Willen Brown stephanie.brown at uconn.edu
Tue Jan 8 09:23:07 EST 2008

Nice review of the current issue of the ASIS&T Bulletin in the Dec. 2007
Current Cites.  See below for the review, or see 


for the 45-page issue of the ASIS&T bulletin.


ps, join us on the Facebook SIG USE site if you haven't already ...

Stephanie Willen Brown
Electronic Resources Librarian
University of Connecticut Libraries
stephanie.brown at uconn.edu

                                  Current Cites
                                  December 2007
                            Edited by [2]Roy Tennant
   Contributors: [3]Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Keri Cascio, [4]Leo Robert
   Klein, Brian Rosenblum, [5]Roy Tennant

   "[11]Special Section -- Virtual Reference Services"  [12]Bulletin of
   the American Society for Information Science and Technology
2008)(http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Dec-07/Bulletin_DecJan08.pdf). -
   This special section of the Bulletin of the American Society for
   Information Science and Technology addresses the issues affecting
   virtual reference services in libraries. We are still asking: who's
   using these services, who's not using these services, and why? Joe
   Janes gives us insight into the frustrations of virtual reference,
   including the confusion of license agreements, staffing levels, and
   marketing. R. David Lankes introduces us to "StoryStarters," a site
   that connected experts and bloggers with question askers. For
   evaluating online reference services, we turn to Jeffery Pomerantz.
   looks at evaluation from the perspective of library staff and library
   users. Pnina Shachaf provides us with an environmental scan of
   professional and ethical standards and how they are (or are not)
   applied to virtual reference services. In the last article in the
   section, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Marie L. Radford, and Timothy J.
   Dickey join together to study the non-users of virtual reference
   services while working together on an IMLS project called Seeking
   Sunchonicity. They found that non-users value personal relationships
   and privacy in their reference transactions, and weren't sure if
   virtual reference would fill these requirements for them. In all,
   special section of the ASIST Bulletin is a must for those librarians
   considering a virtual reference service, as well as those with
   established programs. - KC

   Current Cites - ISSN: 1060-2356 is hosted by the community at
   (c) Copyright 2007 by Roy Tennant
   [32]Creative Commons License

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