Linda Cooper lcooper at suffolk.lib.ny.us
Sun Apr 6 17:02:46 EDT 2003

Dear Sig Use Members -

We have had a number of suggestions regarding the type of news that would be most appreciated in a newsletter for our special interest group. These include:

- news about current research activities (with and without external funding) of SIG USE members. 
Please include PI name and contact info, institution, research topic, user group studied, method, research questions, study duration, funding agency (if available), project status: (new, in process). 
When the project is completed, perhaps the PI could write a very short preliminary report for the newsletter;

- news about ongoing dissertations (of interest to SIG USE) in LIS programs to get an idea of what's being addressed by the next generation scholars;

- the theories used in user studies could be singled out as an element of structured abstracts since we are still in the early stage of theory development and there have been more concerns about theories in user studies recently;

- conference notices or workshops about user studies; 

- recent projects that may not be ongoing right now but are relevant to the SIG's focus;

- reports on conferences members have been to other than the ASIST annual meeting (and whatever else may be standard in the field) which they have found helpful for our research area;

- information regarding journals in which people have published
or have read relevant pieces; 

- pieces on how other fields overlap with IS that might initiate dialogue regarding commonality in research interest between these areas i.e. overlaps, or interactions , or else, among Academic Disciplines; Inter, in interdisciplinary, might stand for interdiction (to cross border lines between disciplines);

- of course, citations (APA please) for your recent publications are extremely helpful to our members;

- any other contributions that you think would be of interest to our membership.

Many thanks to those who contributed the suggestions above. 
We have a common interest evidenced by our mutual membership in this SIG. 
This is a great opportunity for sharing that can benefit all of us. 
So send in your news for the first issues of SIG USE NEWS by April 15 
to me - Linda Cooper at lcooper at pratt.edu - and look for the first issue 
of our newsletter late spring/early  summer!

Thank you for supporting SIG USE!
Linda Cooper
Communications Officer

Linda Z. Cooper, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Coordinator of the Library Media Specialist Program
School of Information & Library Science
Pratt Institute
144 West 14 Street
New York, NY  10011
Email: lcooper at pratt.edu
Tel: 212-647-7703   Fax: 212-367-2492

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