[Sigtis-l] SIG SI Officer Election, 2017-18 (please vote by Nov 9!)

Adam Worrall worrall at ualberta.ca
Thu Nov 2 11:00:02 EDT 2017

HI all, we are now ready to elect our 2017-18 SIG SI officers! Current
ASIS&T and SIG SI members should please *review the candidate biographies*
and *cast your ballot* for the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and
Communications officer positions by visiting the *following link*:


Ballots will be accepted until *11:59pm US Eastern time *on* Thursday
November 9th, 2017*. Thanks for your votes and to all who agreed to be a
nominee, and I hope everyone made (or is making) it back from the ASIS&T
Annual Meeting safely!

Adam Worrall, Ph.D.
Elections Coordinator, ASIS&T SIG SI
Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
School of Library and Information Studies
3-15 Rutherford South
Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4
worrall at ualberta.ca  (780) 492-0179
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