From rsandusky at Mon May 1 12:32:50 2017 From: rsandusky at (Robert Sandusky) Date: Mon, 1 May 2017 11:32:50 -0500 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Register for the 2017 DataONE Users Group Meeting Message-ID: Dear DataONE Community Please mark your calendars for the DataONE Users Group (DUG) meeting to be held July 24th ? 25th 2017 and co-located with the Summer ESIP Federation Meeting at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. The DataONE Users Group (DUG) meeting will be a 2-day event featuring plenary presentations, topical breakout sessions, and community-led discussions. There is no registration fee to attend and participate in the DUG meeting Information, registration and group hotel rates can be found at: Meeting Theme and Objectives The 2017 meeting theme, ?Data Discoverability, Reproducibility, and Sustainability?, will bring together stakeholders to explore current advancements in these areas. Community talks and posters that explore broad topics of discoverability, reproducibility and sustainability are invited. Some examples are provided below: Data Discoverability: ?Describing, Documenting, and Representing Data ?Connecting journal articles to datasets to repositories ?Distinguishing between publishing, data, preservation repositories Reproducibility: ?Best Practices, Guidelines, and Standards ?Procedures, Tools, and Workflows ?Projects, Prototypes, and Use Cases Sustainability: ?Collaborations, Partnerships, and Stakeholders ?Infrastructure, Resources, and Support ?Computation, Integration, and Certification DataONE encourages DataONE Member Nodes, data scientists, researchers, scientists, students and others to submit abstracts for posters and talks. Abstract Submission for Posters and Talks Abstracts for talks and posters are solicited during the registration process. Talks will be approximately 10-20 minutes in duration, to be confirmed with development of the agenda. Submissions for talks will be accepted until June 2nd 2017. Oral presentations are not guaranteed and some submissions may be accepted as posters instead. Poster submissions will remain open until July. Important dates Oral Abstract Submission Deadline: June 2nd 2017 Author Notification: June 12th 2017 Thanks! Bob Sandusky University of Illinois at Chicago DataONE Users Group Steering Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dingying at Thu May 11 08:43:45 2017 From: dingying at (Ying Ding) Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 08:43:45 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] First International Workshop on Data-Driven Discovery, in conjunction with SIGKDD2017 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The First International Workshop on Data-Driven Discovery in conjunction with SIGKDD2017 ( August 14, 2017, Halifax, Nova Scotia - Canada ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The traditional mode of conducting science involves reading related articles, selectively evaluating datasets and ?thinking through? testable hypotheses. Data was the bottleneck in this traditional scientific method, reserved only for final testing. With the rise of high-throughput experiments and sensors, the associated production of enormous data, and publication of more papers on many topics than any individual or team can peruse, the same artisanal approach to hypothesis generation both slows and narrows the scope of science relative to its potential. For one common disease (i.e., diabetes), more than 500,000 articles have been published to date. If a scientist read 20 papers per day, it would take 68 years, by which time millions more will have been published. We need computational approaches to read, reason, and design hypotheses that transcend the capacity of individual teams. We need to deploy scientific creativity not only to craft individual questions, but the models and algorithms that will generate the most promising collections of questions. In short, we need computation to generate Big Questions equal to Big Data. Researchers generate hypotheses in different ways. A dominant approach in biology and medicine is first-hand observation and lab test results, mining electronic medical records, and engagement with experimental and gene sequence data. Generating hypothesis from literature is viewed as a serendipitous process with great uncertainty. With the digitization of the international medical corpus, and increased production of born-digital publications, the vast amount of published knowledge contains a diversity of insight to which domain experts are rarely exposed and about which they cannot casually reason. This situation is exacerbated for transdisciplinary domains. The flipside of this challenge reveals the promise. Generating hypothesis from literature in different but related disciplines can reveal potential connections never before realized because experts from distant domains have not mastered each other's knowledge. Mining literature to generate hypotheses need not be confined to biology or medicine. It should be extended to all areas of science, scholarship, engineering and the arts. Given the enormous resource constraints facing contemporary research, the acceleration of discovery is indispensable scientific and societal advance. This workshop aims to explore this timely topic because the Web has become the essential infrastructure to acquire, disseminate, and create data, information, and knowledge. Here we call for contributions on computational hypothesis generation to share their insights and move this field forward to generate scientific, technological, and societal impact. Ultimately, we hope that this event will visibly bring data and computation up the value chain of science from answers and certainty to questions and creativity. Our workshop call for contributions covering, but not limited to, the following topics: Tactics of Discovery ? Text mining (NLP) for Knowledge Discovery ? Graph Mining for Knowledge Discovery ? Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery ? Data Mining for Knowledge Discovery ? Modeling Cognition for Discovery ? Complex Systems for Discovery ? Creativity and Discovery ? Design Thinking and Discovery Medical Discovery ? Cancer pathways ? Literature, Data and Medical Record integration ? Drug repurposing ? Personalized medicine ? Discovery in Disease Discovering the Brain ? Learning and Memory in the Human Brain ? Making sense of Neuroscience Data ? Understanding how the brain views a complex world Computational Social Science and Service ? Discovery in Social Science ? Social Services ? Policing ? Education ? Business ? Poverty Reduction Digital Humanities and Arts ? Digital Humanities ? Digital Painting ? Digital Recipes ? Computational Creativity: Story, joke and poetry generation Workshop Schedule/Important Dates " Workshop paper submissions: June 10, 2017 " Workshop paper notifications: June 23, 2017 " Final submission of workshop program and materials: June 30, 2017 " Workshop date: August 14, 2017 All papers submitted should have a maximum length of 8 pages and must be prepared using the ACM camera-ready template Authors are required to submit their papers electronically in PDF format. The submission website is Workshop Chairs: Ying Ding, Indianan University James A. Evans, University of Chicago Scott Spangler, IBM Almaden Research Center Lav Varshney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dashun Wang, Northwestern University -- Ying Ding Associate Director of Data Science Online Program School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University From announce at Fri May 5 05:49:00 2017 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 5 May 2017 12:49:00 +0300 Subject: [Sigtis-l] 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2017): Fifth Call for Doctoral Consortium Message-ID: <> *** Fifth Call for Doctoral Consortium *** 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems ADBIS 2017 Hilton Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus 24 - 27 September, 2017 The internationally recognized ADBIS conference already for 21 years is gathering researchers and practitioners around topics related to databases, data processing, and information systems, in general. The conference is run in Europe but attracts researchers from all over the world. The 21st ADBIS conference will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus. The conference is accompanied by satellite events, including doctoral consortia and workshops. DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is a forum where PhD students can present their research ideas, confront them with the scientific community, receive feedback from mentors, and tie cooperation bounds. Students will receive inspiration from their peers and will have a chance to discuss their research objectives with senior members of the community in the context of an established international conference. The DC session will take place on September 24, in parallel with the workshop sessions. Each participant will present her/his work, followed by a discussion with senior researchers. ELIGIBILITY We seek PhD students who have either determined the direction of their thesis research (probably with some preliminary results already published), but who still have substantial work to complete, or PhD student participants who are in the early stages of their dissertation year. It is not required to have a paper accepted for the main conference in order to participate in the DC. SUBMISSIONS To apply to the DC, please submit a single-authored paper (which will appear in the proceedings of DC), accompanied by a short email from the thesis advisor stating support for your participation in the DC, describing the current status of the thesis research, and giving your expected date of graduation. The papers for DC should be at most 12 pages in Springer format (formatting instructions can be obtained via and describe the state of the whole PhD project, rather than a specific completed result. The paper should outline the objectives, the problem, state of the art, results obtained so far, and what is still to be done in the frame of the PhD project. If an author prefers to present a completed research result, the paper should be submitted to the main conference or one of accompanying workshops. A paper submitted to the DC may not be under review for any other conference or journal during the time it is being considered for the DC. Submissions should be made electronically in PDF format at CMT: In case of multiple files, please submit a single compressed file (zip or rar). After logging into CMT, please choose the "ADBIS 2017 Doctoral Consortium" track. REVIEW PROCESS Each paper submitted to the DC will be reviewed by at least two members of the DC program committee and will be judged based on originality, technical merit, presentation quality, and relevance. The authors of successful submissions must take into account the reviewers' comments during the preparation of the final version and describe the changes in a separate document to be submitted together with the final camera-ready version. The program committee reserves the right to reject a paper if the final version does not meet the requirements above. Applications not adhering to the provided guidelines (including page limits) will not be considered. The authors of accepted papers must register to the conference, attend the DC and present their work. PROCEEDINGS The DC papers will be published by Springer, together with the ADBIS workshops proceedings, in the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series. IMPORTANT DATES ? Submission: May 19, 2017 ? Acceptance/Rejection Notification: June 30, 2017 ? Camera-ready Submission: July 14, 2017 ? Doctoral Consortium: September 24, 2017 COMMITTEES Steering Committee Chair ? Leonid Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Science, Russia General Chair ? George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Program Chairs ? Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University, Latvia ? Kjetil Norvag, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Proceedings Chair ? Christos Mettouris, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Workshops Chairs ? Johann Gamper, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy ? Robert Wrembel, Poznan University of Technology, Poland Doctoral Consortium Chairs ? Jerome Darmont, Universite Lyon 2, France ? Stefano Rizzi, University of Bologna, Italy -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Fri May 12 08:31:33 2017 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Fri, 12 May 2017 15:31:33 +0300 Subject: [Sigtis-l] 5th European Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2017): Last Call for Papers Message-ID: <> *** Last Call for Papers *** 5th European Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems ECBS 2017 Lordos Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus 31 August - 1 September, 2017 In Cooperation with ACM SIGAPP, SIGOPS and SIGSOFT *** Final Extension Deadline: 1 June, 2017 *** ECBS 2017 is a formal meeting dedicated to formulating and advancing methods, techniques, and tools for engineering of computer-based systems. The conference is devoted to the design, development, deployment, and analysis of the complex systems whose behavior is largely determined or controlled by computers. Such systems are characterized by functional, performance, and reliability requirements that mandate the tight integration of information processing and physical processes. ECBS integrates software, hardware, and communication perspective of system engineering through its many facets that include system modeling, requirements specification, simulation, architectures, safety, security, reliability, human-computer interaction, system integration, verification and validation, high performance/parallel computing, cloud-based technologies, and project management. The conference provides a bridge between industry and academia, blending academic research and industrial development. The proceedings will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series of ACM and after the conference they will be accessible in the ACM Digital Library. A Best Paper Award will be presented to the best paper presented at the conference, and a Best Student Paper Award will be presented to the best paper written solely or mostly by students. Scope Papers are sought which reflect this intent in fundamental ECBS technologies and application domains including, but not limited to the following topics: ? Agile and Lean Approaches and Human Aspects of Software Development ? Architectures ? Advanced Modularity ? Cloud-based Applications ? Co-Design ? Component-Based System Design ? Cyber-Physical Systems ? Parallel & Distributed Systems ? Parallel Programming Methodologies and Languages ? FPGA Systems Design ? ECBS Infrastructure (Tools and Environments) ? Education and Training ? Embedded Real-Time Software Systems ? Integration Engineering ? Lifecycle Processes and Process Evolution ? Model-Based System Development ? Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems ? Networked Control Systems ? Reengineering & Reuse ? Reliability, Safety, Dependability, and Security ? Software Engineering ? System Assessment, Testing, and Metrics ? Verification and Validation Industrial reports of practical solutions, trends, and new system characteristics for ECBS, taking an integrated systems approach, are particularly welcome. They may target application domains such as: Aerospace Systems, Command and Control, Continuous and Discrete Manufacturing, Environmental Systems, Instrumentation and Control Applications, Internet Technology and Applications, Intelligent Highway- Vehicle Systems (IHVS), Medical Systems, High Performance Computing Development Environments and Applications, and Telecommunications. Submission of Papers The conference solicits regular (no more than 10 pages) and short papers (no more than 4 pages). The Program Committee may require an accepted paper to be adapted into a short paper or extended abstract (no more than 2 pages and poster presentation only). All papers must be prepared according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template format (see the conference web site for further information). The papers must be original contributions not submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. A submitted contribution should clearly indicate the conference topics it targets. For an accepted contribution to be included in the proceedings, at least one author must register and present the paper at the conference. For further information, see the submission guidelines on the conference web site. The conference proceedings will be published by ACM ICPS and archived in the ACM Digital Library. Important Dates ? Submission of Papers: 1 June, 2017 (firm) ? Notification of Acceptance: 1 July, 2017 ? Camera-ready Submission: 17 July, 2017 ? Registration and Payment for Authors: 17 July, 2017 ? Early Registration for Non-Authors: 9 August, 2017 Organization General Chair ? George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Program Chair ? Ondrej Rysavy, Brno University of Technology , Czech Republic Program Co-Chair ? Valentino Vranic, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia Steering Committee ? Hassan Charaf, ECBS-EERC 2013 General Chair ? George Angelos Papadopoulos, General Chair ? Miroslav Popovic, ECBS-EERC 2009 General Chair ? Ondrej Rysavy, ECBS-EERC 2015 General Chair ? Valentino Vranic, ECBS-EERC 2011 General Chair Program Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Sun May 14 04:13:07 2017 From: announce at (Announce Announcements) Date: Sun, 14 May 2017 11:13:07 +0300 Subject: [Sigtis-l] 16th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2017): Fourth Call for Papers Message-ID: <> *** Fourth Call for Papers *** 16th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning mLearn 2017 Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus 30 October - 1 November, 2017 In Cooperation with ACM SIGAPP (proceedings in ACM ICPS) The International Association for Mobile Learning (IAmLearn) ( is the custodian of the mLearn conference series. mLearn is the leading annual international conference for researchers, policy makers, educators, developers and solutions providers in the fields of mobile, ubiquitous and contextual learning, as well as learning with emerging ambient and wearable technologies. mLearn attracts a large number of participants from more than 60 countries representing all continents, and is, therefore, the world's largest international conference on mLearning and emerging ambient technologies. Conference Themes The overarching conference theme is 'mLearning and Design for Social Change and Innovation'. Higher education institutions are called upon to provide for the competencies and skills that foster design for social change and innovation. In addition, knowledge and skills alliances are encouraged by funding bodies to cultivate, share and disseminate competencies that foster social entrepreneurship and innovation. However, little is known on how mlearning can facilitate this process, how it can contribute towards social change, innovation and entrepreneurship. The topics of interest can go beyond the conference theme, and can include any of the following: ? The development, deployment and implementation of mlearning in the context of social entrepreneurship, innovation and social change ? mLearning as a tool that fosters social change and social entrepreneurship ? Innovations in mlearning theory and pedagogy ? From pilot projects to mainstream implementation: strategies for the deployment of mLearning ? Mobile technology to support open and distance learning ? Mobile technology for teaching and learning support ? Assessment techniques and practices in mLearning ? Design and development of learning material for mLearning ? Learning objects and metadata for mLearning ? Informal and lifelong learning with the aid of mobile technologies ? Challenges for mLearning in developing countries ? Building and implementing mLearning strategies in educational institutions, companies and public sector organisations ? mLearning management systems (mLMSs) ? Computer tablets ? Creating interactive and collaborative mLearning environments ? Future trends in mLearning technology, including the impact of emerging technologies ? Emerging hardware and software for mLearning including wearable technologies ? Location-aware technologies ? Contextual and situated learning ? Augmented reality ? Serious gaming and simulations ? Ambient intelligence and ubiquitous learning Submission Information The conference solicits regular papers (no more than 8 pages), short papers (no more than 4 pages), as well as posters (no more than 2 pages). The Program Committee may require an accepted paper to be adapted into a short paper or poster. All papers must be prepared according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template format (see the conference web site for further information). The papers must be original contributions not submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. A submitted contribution should clearly indicate the conference topics it targets. For an accepted contribution to be included in the proceedings, at least one author must register and present the paper at the conference. For further information, see the submission guidelines on the conference web site. The conference proceedings will be published by ACM ICPS and archived in the ACM Digital Library. Important Dates ? Submission Deadline for Conference Papers: 15 June 2017 ? Accept/Reject Notification for Conference Papers: 15 July 2017 ? Camera-Ready Submission of all Papers: 1 September 2017 Information on registration categories and registration fees for the mLearn 2017 is available online at: Organization General Chair ? George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Program Chairs ? Fernando Loizides, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom ? Nicos Souleles, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus Program Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From richard.chbeir at Fri May 19 13:28:38 2017 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 19:28:38 +0200 Subject: [Sigtis-l] ACM MEDES 2017 (Bangkok, Thailand): Submission deadline has been extended Message-ID: <> * Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting * *************** CALL FOR PAPERS *************** (Extended submission date: June 26th, 2017) *** Extended versions of selected papers will be published in Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, published by Springer *** The 9th International ACM Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'17) In-Cooperation with ACM, ACM SIGAPP and IFIP WG 2.6 November 7-10, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand Description and Objectives --------------------------- In the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), the rapid growth and exponential use of digital components leads to the emergence of intelligent environments namely "digital ecosystems" connected to the web and composed of multiple and independent entities such as individuals, organizations, services, software and applications sharing one or several missions and focusing on the interactions and inter-relationships among them. With the help of the computational intelligence, these digital ecosystems can exhibit new self-* properties (such as self-management, self-healing and self-configuration) environments, thanks to the re-combination and evolution of its "digital components", in which resources provided by each entity are properly conserved, managed and used. The underlying web-based resources mainly comprehend big data management, innovative services, smart and self-* properties platforms. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of digital ecosystems, they are highly complex to study and design. This also leads to a poor understanding as to how managing resources will empower digital ecosystems to be innovative, intelligent and value-creating. The application of Information Technologies has the potential to enable the understanding of how entities request resources and ultimately interact to create benefits and added-values, impacting business practices and knowledge. These technologies can be improved through novel techniques, models and methodologies for fields such as big data management, web technologies, networking, security, human-computer interactions, artificial intelligence, e-services and self-organizing systems to support the establishment of digital ecosystems and manage their resources. The International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES),previously named "The International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems", aims to develop and bring together a diverse community from academia, research laboratories and industry interested in exploring the manifold challenges and issues related to resource management of Digital Ecosystems and how current approaches and technologies can be evolved and adapted to this end. MEDES 2016 calls for full papers presenting interesting recent results or novel ideas in all areas of Emergent Digital EcoSystems. At the same time, the conference calls for short papers presenting interesting and exciting recent results or novel thought-provoking ideas that are not quite ready, and preferably include a system demonstration. Topics ------- MEDES 2017 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Digital Ecosystem Infrastructure - Data & Knowledge Management - Computational and Collective Intelligence - Semantic Computing - Software ecosystems for software engineering - Big Data - Services - Trust, Security & Privacy - Software Engineering - Internet of Things and Intelligent Web - Cyber Physical Systems - Social and Collaborative Platforms - Human-Computer Interaction - Open Source - Applications (Logistics, Energy, Healthcare, Environment, Smart Cities, Digital Humanities, Robotics, etc.) - Complex Systems and Networks Paper Submission ---------------- Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. The submitted paper should be at most 8 ACM single-space printed pages. Papers that fail to comply with length limit will be rejected. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. After the preliminary notification date, authors rebut by evidence and arguments all reviewer inquiries and their comments. Based on the rebuttal feedback, reviewers notify authors with the final decision. Selection criteria will include: relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. Preference will be given to submissions that take strong or challenging positions on important emergent topics related to Digital Ecosystems. At least one author should attend the conference to present the paper. The conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library and DBLP. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline: June 26th, 2017 - Notification of Acceptance: July 25th, 2017 - Camera Ready: September 1st, 2017 - Paper Registration: September 1st, 2017 - Conference Dates: 7-10 November 2017 Advisory Chairs ---------------- Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Ernesto Damiani, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy Conference Chairs ---------------- Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France Asanee Kawtrakul, Kasetsart University, Thailand Program Chairs ---------------- William Grosky, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA Toshikazu Kato, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan Ali Ouni, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan International Program Committee: -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From fichman at Mon May 22 16:38:18 2017 From: fichman at (Fichman, Pnina) Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 20:38:18 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CFP HICSS Minitrack Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS Message-ID: <> CFP HICSS Minitrack Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in IS Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS) January 3-6, 2018, Big Island, Hawaii, USA Papers Due: June 15, 2017 Globalization has historically been tied to technological innovation, and the present era of a networked information society is no different. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have provided the infrastructure for multinational businesses, created new cultural connections irrespective of geographic boundaries and distances, and allowed an increasingly mobile global population to be connected to their friends, families, and cultures no matter where they are. The issues surrounding global, international, and cross cultural issues in Information Systems (IS) attracted much scholarly attention and have been explored under myriad contexts. This minitrack focuses on the sociotechnical dynamics and the ways in which the Internet affects people, groups, organizations, and societies. We are in particular interested in the impact of global, international, and cross-cultural issues on ICT development, implementation and use across the globe. Globalization has historically been tied to technological innovation, and the present era of a networked information society is no different. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have provided the infrastructure for multinational businesses, created new cultural connections irrespective of geographic boundaries and distances, and allowed an increasingly mobile global population to be connected to their friends, families, and cultures no matter where they are. The issues surrounding global, international, and cross cultural issues in Information Systems (IS) attracted much scholarly attention and have been explored under myriad contexts. In line with the track recognition that the Internet has transformed the way we work, learn, and play, our minitrack focuses on the sociotechnical dynamics and the ways in which the Internet affects people, groups, organizations, and societies. We are in particular interested in the impact of global, international, and cross-cultural issues on ICT development, implementation and use across the globe. The minitrack welcomes submissions that relate to all aspects of global IS, or IS research situated in a global, international or cross-cultural context. The minitrack is open to all methodological approaches and perspectives. We are interested in empirical and theoretical work that addresses these and related socio-technical issues. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ? The impacts of cultural values (e.g. on adaptive user interfaces) on ICT design, adoption, and use. ? The impact of cultural values on policies and practices of big data collection and use (e.g., ? Cross cultural studies of quantification of self at work, by individuals or organizations ? Cross-cultural comparisons of big data collection and use ? Cross-national and cross-cultural comparisons of ICT adoption, use and development (e.g. Internet diffusion and impacts compared between different economies) ? Effects of global social computing on work organization and practices (e.g. pricing strategies) ? Issues relating to globally distributed teams (e.g. the adoption and use of social media by cross-national virtual teams, worker motivation, and human error diversity) ? Issues relating to Internet adoption and the digital society at the national level (e.g. digital infrastructure sophistication across countries) ? Issues relating to global knowledge management (e.g. different knowledge-sharing cultures in multi-national corporations) ? Issues relating to cross-national legislation and regulation (e.g. implications of different regulations governing Green IT in the EU vs. US or Asian countries) ? Issues relating to global ICT governance (e.g. sustainable strategies for standardization and harmonization in evolving business networks) ? Research on global Cloud sourcing strategies ? Single country studies showing implications for other locations or results different from other contexts (e.g. impact of ICT policies on a transition economy) ? Multi-country studies of ICT adoption, use, and development (e.g. e-commerce adoption involving multiple countries) ? Global impacts of big data on governments, multinational companies, NGOs and other organizations Minitrack Organizers: Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington; fichman at Edward W.N. Bernroider, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Institute for Information Management and Control, Vienna, Austria; edward.bernroider at Important deadlines for authors: June 15: Submit full manuscripts for review. Review is double-blind. Aug 16: Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. September 15: Submission final papers. Oct 1: Early Registration fee deadline. Oct 15: Papers without at least one registered author will be removed from the Proceedings. ------------------------ Pnina Fichman Professor and Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: