From rhill at Thu Mar 17 13:46:27 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 13:46:27 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] DEADLINES ASIS&T AM - Copenhagen, October 14-18 -- Deadlines Message-ID: <3815-220163417174627264@LEN-dick-2011> Deadlines - Proposals Papers, April 17 Panels and Workshops, May 3 Posters, Videos and Demos, June 24 Join your colleagues from around the world at the first ASIS&T Annual Meeting outside North America ASIST AM 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 14-18, 2016 PLENARY speakers, are now on the web at meeting-2016/pleanary-speakers/ Greg Welch, Florida Hospital Endowed Chair in Healthcare Simulation, University of Central Florida Markus Bundschus, Roche Diagnostics, Head Scientific & Business Information Services CHECK AIRFARES: Right now Norwegian Air has round trip tickets from cities in the east, west and mid America for less than $600. DEADLINES Papers, April 17 Panels and Workshops, May 3 Posters, Videos and Demos, June 24 Camera-ready accepted panels and workshop descriptions are due: 25 July 2016 Posters Submission of posters due: 24 June 2016 Notifications regarding submitted posters: 30 July 2016 Camera-ready accepted posters are due: 10 August 2016 Submission site: Final versions of accepted workshops and tutorials must be formatted according to guidelines provided at: . Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From agreenwood at Wed Mar 23 15:02:28 2016 From: agreenwood at (Greenwood, Audrey) Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 19:02:28 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Read The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science latest issue on Project MUSE Message-ID: The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science Volume 40, Number 1, March / mars 2016 This issue contains: Time Changes Things: Time as a Linguistic Resource for Professionals in Information-Intensive Fields / Le temps change toutes choses : Le temps comme ressource linguistique pour les professionnels dans les champs ? forte concentration informationnelle Deborah Hicks, Theresa J. Schindel In accounts of identity and making sense of professional roles, time is a linguistic resource that librarians and pharmacists?members of information-rich professions?draw upon. Accounts of time organize narratives of professionalism, make sense of new and evolving roles, frame a profession?s future, and create meaning from the profession?s past. Quand il s?agit d?identit? et de donner un sens ? des r?les professionnels, le temps est une ressource linguistique tr?s utile aux biblioth?caires et aux pharmaciens, deux professions ? forte concentration informationnelle. Le temps racont? met en sc?ne des r?cits sur le professionnalisme, sur les r?les nouveaux et ceux qui ?voluent, cadrent l?avenir d?une profession et cr?ent du sens ? partir du pass? de cette profession. Becoming Librarians, Becoming Teachers: Kairos and Professional Identity / Devenir biblioth?caire, devenir enseignant : Le Kairos et l?identit? professionnelle Emily Drabinski Using kairos as an analytic lens, this article examines debates around the professional role of librarians as teachers as an example of professionalizing discourse. Rather than inexorably leading librarians toward the best way to understand and teach information literacy, kairos surfaces the discourse as being productive instead of the profession itself. Cette ?tude s?appuie sur la notion de kairos comme outil d?analyse pour examiner le d?bat autour du r?le professionnel des biblioth?caires en tant qu?en-seignants, comme exemples de discours de professionnalisation. Plut?t que mener les biblioth?caires inexorablement ? la meilleure fa?on de comprendre et d?enseigner la comp?tence informationnelle, le kairos ?merge du discours comme productif en lieu et place de la profession elle-m?me. Napol?on et l??valuation bibliom?trique de la recherche : Consid?rations sur la r?forme de l?universit? et sur l?action de l?agence nationale d??valuation en Italie / Napoleon and the Bibliometric Evaluation of Research: Considerations on University Reform and the Action of the National Evaluation Agency in Italy Les r?formes de l?Universit? entreprises en Italie ont introduit des innovations dans un appareil administratif napol?onien inadapt? ? les recevoir, g?n?rant ainsi un syst?me institutionnel compl?tement d?s?quilibr?. Le centre de gravit? du syst?me est pass? de l?administration minist?rielle ? l?Agence nationale d??valuation de l?universit? et de la recherche (ANVUR), par l?attribution directe au groupe d??lite choisi par le gouvernement, d?un pouvoir ?norme et sans contrepoids sur la recherche et les universit?s. Une mauvaise conception de la gouvernance de l?ANVUR a d?termin? la r?alisation d?activit?s d??valuation techniquement inad?quates. Les critiques adress?es aux activit?s d??valuation et aux m?thodes bibliom?triques ont r?anim? le d?bat sur la politique de la recherche en Italie, et suscit? l??mergence d?un scientific counterpublic. The academic reforms in Italy have introduced innovations in a Napoleonic administrative apparatus unfit to receive them, thus generating a completely unbalanced institutional system. The system?s center of gravity has moved from the administration by the ministry to the National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research (ANVUR), assigning directly to the elite group chosen by the government enormous power on research and the universities, without counter-weight. The poor design of the governance of the ANVUR has resulted in the realization of technically inadequate evaluations. Criticism addressed to the evaluation activities and to the bibliometric methods used have revived the debate on research policy in Italy, with the emergence of a scientific counter-public. Open Access in the Developing Regions: Situating the Altercations About Predatory Publishing / L?acc?s libre dans les r?gions en voie de d?veloppement : Situation de la controverse concernant les pratiques d??dition d?loyales W.E. Nwagwu A notable event in the current revolution of the World Wide Web is the open access model of publishing, which promotes freedom of inquiry and full and open availability of scientific information on a global scale. The promise of open access to replace existing scientific information dissemination practices and ethos has been contentious, with the interests of different stakeholders?countries, publishers, and open access activists, among others, clashing on an unprecedented scale. With special reference to the emergence of predatory journals, this article examines some of the challenges that have been triggered by the open access movement. Basically, open access is technology heavy, and its economic arrangements benefit mainly the developed world. There exists evidence of open access initiatives in the Africa region, but these initiatives are mainly individually based and are largely underdeveloped and sometimes predatory. The author argues that what is required now is a regional open access policy that spells out how the issues of right and cost, and others, will be viewed and addressed in the region to ensure that the benefits of open access do not bypass Africa. Un ?v?nement notable dans la r?volution actuelle du web est le mod?le du libre acc?s dans le domaine de l??dition, qui favorise la libert? de la recherche et la disponibilit? pleine et enti?re de l?information scientifique ? l??chelle mondiale. La promesse du libre acc?s de remplacer les pratiques existantes et la philosophie de diffusion de l?information scientifique a fait l?objet de controverses, les int?r?ts des diff?rentes parties prenantes?pays, ?diteurs, militants du libre acc?s, entre autres, s?affrontant sur une ?chelle sans pr?c?dent. Faisant r?f?rence particuli?rement ? l??mergence de revues aux pratiques d?loyales, le pr?sent article examine certains des d?fis qui ont ?t? d?clench?s par le mouvement du libre acc?s. Fondamentalement, le libre acc?s implique une forte composante technologique et ses arrangements ?conomiques profitent essentiellement au monde d?velopp?. Il existe des preuves d?initiatives de libre acc?s en Afrique, mais ces initiatives sont essentiellement des initiatives individuelles, g?n?ralement sous-d?velopp?es, et recourant parfois ? des pratiques d?loyales. L?auteur fait valoir que ce qui est n?cessaire maintenant est une politique de libre acc?s r?gionale pr?cisant la fa?on dont les questions de droit et de co?t, parmi d?autres, doivent ?tre con?ues et abord?es dans cette r?gion afin de s?assurer que l?Afrique ne soit pas exclue des avantages du libre acc?s. The Application of the TOPSIS Method in Selecting the Best Academic Library at the University of Ni? / L?application de la m?thode TOPSIS en vue d?un choix de la meilleure biblioth?que acad?mique de l?Universit? de Ni? Mirjana D. Man?ev Multi-criteria analysis and its methods have become indispensable in the decision making and planning that occurs in all scientific disciplines because they are methodologically consistent, reliable, and easy to use. The main objective of this study is to analyze the quality of the services provided by the libraries at the University of Ni?. To achieve this goal, the author has applied a method of multi-criteria analysis, the so-called TOPSIS method. Using this method, libraries were ranked based on the following criteria: the time required to search the library fund through available electronic databases, the size of the library space, and the size of the library fund available to the users. The research has shown that the library at the Faculty of Medicine, in relation to the given criteria, has the best conditions for the provision of services to its users. The results of this study indicate that the use of this method is justified because it provides an objective solution to the problem of choosing a library providing the highest quality of customer service. L?analyse multicrit?res et ses m?thodes sont devenues indispensables ? la prise de d?cision et ? la planification aujourd?hui dans toutes les disciplines scientifiques, parce qu?elles sont m?thodologiquement coh?rentes, fiables et faciles ? utiliser. L?objectif principal de cette ?tude ?tait d?analyser la qualit? des services fournis par les biblioth?ques de l?Universit? de Ni?. Pour atteindre cet objectif, l?auteur a appliqu? une m?thode d?analyse multicrit?res, la m?thode dite TOPSIS. En utilisant cette m?thode, les biblioth?ques ont ?t? class?es selon les crit?res suivants: le temps n?cessaire pour effectuer des recherches dans le fonds de la biblioth?que en utilisant les bases de donn?es ?lectroniques disponibles sur les ordinateurs, les dimensions spatiales de la biblioth?que et la taille du fonds de la biblioth?que mis ? la disposition des utilisateurs. La recherche a montr? que, selon les crit?res choisis, c?est la biblioth?que de la Facult? de m?decine qui offrait les meilleures conditions pour la prestation de services ? ses utilisateurs. Les r?sultats obtenus par l?application de cette m?thode indiquent que son utilisation est justifi?e par le fait qu?elle apporte une solution objective au probl?me du choix d?une biblioth?que fournissant la meilleure qualit? de service ? sa client?le. A respected source of the most up-to-date research on library and information science, The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science is recognized internationally for its authoritative bilingual contributions to the field of information science. Established in 1976, the journal is dedicated to the publication of research findings, both in full-length and in brief format; reviews of books; software and technology; and letters to the editor. Join CJILS email list! Please sign up for important news relating to The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science. You'll receive emails with peeks inside new issues, Tables of Contents, Calls for Papers, editorial announcements, open access articles, and special offers. Sign up here - -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rhill at Fri Mar 25 09:22:13 2016 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 09:22:13 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Survey re: ASIS&T Webinars Message-ID: <3815-220163525132213187@LEN-dick-2011> (Apologies for cross posting) The webinars by the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) connect information professionals across fields and disciplines and provide ongoing professional development and educational opportunities to both ASIS&T members and non-members. The list of the past and upcoming ASIS&T webinars can be found here: I n our continuous effort to improve the relevance and quality of the offered webinars, we are conducting this brief survey and hoping that you will take a few minutes to complete it. The survey will be open between March 24, 2016 and April 22, 2016 at: Whether or not you are an ASIS&T member and whether you have or lack the experience of attending an ASIS&T webinar, we invite you to contribute your thoughts and opinions. Thank you! *** Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900