From rhill at Tue Sep 1 16:06:07 2015 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 16:06:07 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Save the date for RDAP16! Message-ID: <3813-220159212067794@LEN-dick-2011> Save the date for RDAP16! (with apologies for cross-posting) The 2016 Research Data Access and Preservation Summit will be held May 4-6, Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center, Atlanta, GA. Please mark your calendars and keep an eye out for more information over the coming months. Call for proposals will go out in late October/early November 2015. For the latest RDAP news: Visit our website - Join our listserv - Follow us on Twitter - Check out our Facebook page - And, send any questions to either of the RDAP16 program chairs, Lisa Zilinski at ldz at and Kate Dillon at katherine.dillon at Hope to see you in Atlanta! Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From richard.chbeir at Sat Sep 5 09:40:19 2015 From: richard.chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015 15:40:19 +0200 Subject: [Sigtis-l] IEEE SITIS'15 (extended deadline): CFP WeCA (Web Computing and Application), Bangkok-Thailand Message-ID: ****** Extended submission deadline ****** Apologies for multiple diffusion CALL FOR PAPERS ===================================================================== Track on WEB COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS (WeCA) The 11th IEEE International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET-BASED SYSTEMS (SITIS 15) Bangkok, Thailand, 23-27, November 2015 In cooperation with ACM SIGAPP French Chapter ====================================================================== The WeCA (Web Computing and Application) track will focus on emerging and novel concepts, architectures and methodologies for information management. The Internet and the related technologies have created an interconnected world in which information can be exchanged easily, tasks can be processed collaboratively, communities of users with similarly interests can be formed to achieve efficiency and improve performance. Taking full advantage of these interconnected environments to meet the ever increasing needs of emerging application requires solutions that address new issues and challenges. Novel architectures are being proposed to allow resource sharing and distributed processing of linked data and devices. Peer to peer computing, mobile information systems, semantic based applications, linked data systems, Internet of things etc. are a few examples. Topics of interest include, but not limited, to: ---------------------------------------------- * Data semantics * Web-Centric Systems * Semantic Web * Social media and networking * Big Data * Information System Interoperability * Digital Libraries * Cloud Computing * Integrated, Virtualized and Distributed Information Systems * Multimedia and application * Information security * Service Based Systems Submission and publication -------------------------- SITIS'15 WeCa Track invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics listed above. Allsubmitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes. Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for potential publication journals. Important dates --------------- * Paper Submission (extended): September 21, 2015 * Acceptance/Reject notification: October 15, 2015 * Camera ready: October 22, 2015 * Author registration: October 22, 2015 Track Chairs ------------ Kokou Yetongnon, University of Bourgogne, France Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France From mhomuth at Tue Sep 22 12:53:42 2015 From: mhomuth at (Sanfilippo, Madelyn Rose) Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 16:53:42 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] IFLA Satellite Meeting Call for Program Proposals Message-ID: IFLA Satellite meeting, Toronto, Canada August 10-11 2016 Call for Program Proposals Managing Human Resources in the library and information context: How do we want to work tomorrow? The library environment is currently characterized by many challenges due to profound changes driven by a variety of factors, including, technological, economic, socio-political, and educational developments. At the heart of these changes we find our most valuable resource, the personnel working in libraries. Human resource management is therefore at the forefront of many complex issues and opportunities, which need to be understood, debated, and deliberated upon, in order to strengthen our organizations and find new and dynamic solutions to unique problems, currently challenging the library environment. Keeping the above in mind, the IFLA Management and Marketing Section is organizing a satellite meeting on ?Managing Human Resources in the library and information context: How do we want to work tomorrow?? to take place before the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in 2016. Research papers, case studies and articles are invited. We encourage innovative and practical perspectives on current and forward looking approaches to library human resource management initiatives, programs, issues, and policies. An indicative list (not exhaustive) of such areas is stated below: - Change management/innovation and human resources - Changing needs for highly qualified people (HQP) - Competencies/training/education (initial and continuing) - Organizational structures/models/cultures - Leadership/motivation/management of teamwork - New roles/tasks/functions (professional/non-professional) - Job analysis and job market for library personnel - Ethical/deontological issues - Performance evaluations - Working with unions - Age/gender - Diversity - Equitable salary structures - Life balance - Turnover/retention/succession planning - Mentoring - Hiring practices - Gender imbalance in libraries - International comparisons - Historical aspects Venue University of Toronto, Hart House (Canada) How to submit a proposal Interested persons are invited to submit a proposal for a paper and presentation of about 20-25 minutes on the topics listed above. The conference presentations will have to be given in English or in French (funding for simultaneous translation has been requested). Proposals may be sent in any IFLA official language. The proposal should be not more that 500 words long (1 page), be submitted in electronic format, and be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae of the author(s). Proposals should be sent to: Professor R?jean Savard, Ph.D EBSI - Universit? de Montr?al (Canada) Rejean.Savard at Proposal evaluation: Evaluation of the proposals will be based on scientific quality (pertinence, theoretical base, methodology, originality) and on the competencies of the candidate(s) based upon: quality/quantity of their publications/communications; importance; relationship with the theme of the colloquium, professional experience etc. The following schedule will be applied: 1 December 2015: Deadline to submit proposals 25 February 2016: Notification of acceptance and dissemination of the program 1 June 2016: Deadline for authors to submit the final papers 10-11 August 2016: Meeting Autumn 2016: Publication of the proceedings Evaluation committee Stephen ABRAM, Lighthouse Consulting and Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (Canada) Martine ALL?GRE. Grenoble ?cole de management (France) Lamia BADRA, Universit? de Clermont-Ferrand (France) ?milie BARTHET, Universit? de Lyon 3 (France) France BOUTHILLIER, McGill University (Qu?bec-Canada) Judy BROADY-PRESTON, Aberystwyth University (Wales-UK) Alex BYRNE, New South Wales State Library (Australia) Thomas CHAIMBAULT, ?cole nationale sup?rieure des sciences de l?information et des biblioth?ques (France) Bernard DIONE, Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (S?n?gal) Julie FILION, R?seau Biblio des Laurentides (Qu?bec-Canada) Loida GARCIA FEBO, Information New Wave (USA) and IFLA Governing Board Dominique GAZO, Ville de Montr?al (Qu?bec-Canada) Daniel GODON, Universit? du Qu?bec en Outaouais (Qu?bec-Canada) Michel GORIN, Haute ?cole de Gestion de Gen?ve (Switzerland) Louise GUILMETTE-LABORY, Consultante (Quebec-Canada) Fran?oise HECQUARD, Consultante (France) Christie KOONTZ, Florida State University (USA) ?ve LAGAC?, Biblioth?ques publiques du Qu?bec (Quebec-Canada) Dominique LAHARY, Commission Ressources humaines et formation de l?Association des Biblioth?caires de France (France) Sueli MARA FERREIRA, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) ?ngels MASSISIMO, (Catalonia-Spain) Michael David MILLER, McGill University (Qu?bec-Canada) Marielle de MIRIBEL, Ville de Paris (France) Amadou Anta SAMB, Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop (S?n?gal) Madelyn Rose SANFILIPPO, Indiana University ? Bloomington (USA) Bonnie SMITH, University of Florida (USA) Nadia TEMMAR, ?cole Sup?rieure de Banque (Algeria) Leslie WEIR, Universit? d?Ottawa (Canada) Ludmila N. ZAYTSEVA, Russian State Library (Russia) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hrosenba at Wed Sep 23 16:14:59 2015 From: hrosenba at (Rosenbaum, Howard S.) Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 20:14:59 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] ASIST> The 11th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium Schedule Message-ID: <> The 11th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium (SIG SI) @ the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology The Impacts of Social Informatics Research Please join us in St. Louis and celebrate with us as we mark the 11th year of the SIG-SI Research Symposium! Saturday, November 7, 2015, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch ? St. Louis, Missouri, USA Organizers: Pnina Fichman, Indiana University (fichman at Howard Rosenbaum, Indiana University (hrosenba at Sponsored by SIG-SI and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics Note: Early registration deadline for the conference and the workshop is Friday, 9/25/2015 Schedule 8:00-8:15 Welcome 8:15-9:15 Papers 8:15-8:35 Social informatics and the study of ICTs in marginalised communities Natalie Pang and Schubert Foo, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 8:35-8:55 Managing the Unimaginable: Applying a social informatics lens to keep the human in big data Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson and Simon Buckingham Shum (Director), Connected Intelligence Centre, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia 8:55-9:15 Costello: Dude... I zone out like that all the time:? Banter as Phatic Communication in the Context of Online Discussion Forums Focused on Illicit Behavior Kaitlyn Costello, Rutgers University John D. Martin III, and Ashlee Edwards University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 9:15-9:30 Break 9:30-10:15 Panel: IT Education and iSchools: How to Develop the Scholarly Layer? Laura I. Spears, Marcia A. Mardis, Nicole Alemanne, andCharles R. McClure, Director, Information Institute, Florida State University College of Communication & Information 10:15-11:15 Papers 11:15-11:35 Human Rights Values in Social Informatics Research: A Case from Indonesia Abdul Roman, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 11:35-11:55 Striving for Research Impact: The Peculiar Case of the AIS Bright ICT Initiative Jonathan P. Allen, School of Management, University of San Francisco 11:55-12:30 Awards 11:55-12:10 Best Student paper ($500) How Do Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud Computing Impact Nonprofit Organizations? A Pluralistic Study of Information and Communication Technologies in Indian Context. Information Technology for Development Arpana Raman, Management Development Institute, India 12:10-12:30 Best Social Informatics Paper($1,000) Techno-social Life: The Internet, Digital Technology, and Social Connectedness Mary Chayko, Rutgers University Registration Fees: Early-bird: $100 Late: $120 To register for the workshop (and the conference): For more about the workshop: For more about Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics: From worrall at Wed Sep 23 19:01:53 2015 From: worrall at (Adam Worrall) Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 17:01:53 -0600 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Congrats to SIG SI's Best Paper / Best Student Paper winners! Message-ID: We congratulate the *winners* of the *2015 ASIS&T SIG SI Best Paper* and *Best Student Paper* awards: *Best Student Paper* ($500): "How Do Social Media, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud Computing Impact Nonprofit Organizations? A Pluralistic Study of Information and Communication Technologies in Indian Context" by *Aparna Raman* (Management Development Institute, India). Published in March 2015 in *Information Technology for Development*. *Best Paper* ($1000): "Techno-social Life: The Internet, Digital Technology, and Social Connectedness" by *Mary Chayko* (Rutgers University). Published in July 2014 in *Sociology Compass* vol. 8 no. 7, pp. 976-991. Congratulations to both of our award-winning authors! They will present their work during the *11th ASIS&T SIG SI Research Symposium* as part of the *ASIS&T 2015* Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO on Saturday morning, *November 7, 2015*. The *full schedule* for the symposium and information on *registering* is available here: We hope to see everyone in St. Louis! Adam Worrall, Ph.D. Communications Officer, ASIS&T SIG SI Assistant Professor, University of Alberta School of Library and Information Studies 3-15 Rutherford South Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4 worrall at (780) 492-0179 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: