From isto.huvila at Thu Feb 5 02:11:08 2015 From: isto.huvila at (Isto Huvila) Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 09:11:08 +0200 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CfP: CoLIS9 in Uppsala June 27-29, 2016. Deadline Jan 15, 2016 Message-ID: <> We invite authors to submit research papers (up to 5000 words), short research papers (up to 3000 words), panels, workshops, alternative events and posters to the 9th conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS) held in Uppsala, Sweden June 27-29, 2016. Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS) is a series of international conferences aiming to provide a broad forum for the exploration and exchange of ideas in the field of Library and Information Science, Information Studies, and related disciplines. It welcomes diverse contributions offering empirical, theoretical and historical perspectives. The 9th conference in the series is organised by the Department of ALM, Uppsala University and Division of ALM, Lund University. Three keynote lectures by ? Prof. Geoffrey Bowker, University of California, Irvine, USA ? Prof. Louise Limberg, University of Bor?s, Sweden ? Assoc. Prof. Pamela McKenzie, University of Western Ontario, Canada Consult the full Call for papers available at for details about submissions, and the conference. Deadline for all submissions (apart from the doctoral forum) is Jan 15, 2016. Questions regarding paper submissions incl. posters should be directed to Dr. Isto Huvila (firstname.lastname at Questions regarding panels, workshops and other formats should be directed to Dr. Jutta Haider (firstname.lastname at Questions about the conference should be sent to the conference chair Kerstin Rydbeck (firstname.lastname at or the co-chair Olof Sundin (firstname.lastname at From adam at Fri Feb 6 13:37:14 2015 From: adam at (Adam Worrall) Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2015 13:37:14 -0500 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Call for applications, CSST 2015 Sociotechnical Research Summer Institute Message-ID: The Research Summer Institute organized by the Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST) has issued its annual call for applications. 2015?s Summer Institute will be held July 20th ? 24th, 2015 at The Nature Place, near Colorado Springs, CO. Applications are due by February 25. The call for applications is available at > Personal health and well-being; open innovation, eScience, and citizen science; co-production, open source, and new forms of work; cultural heritage and information access; energy management and climate change; civic hacking, engagement and government; disaster response; cybersecurity and privacy; education and learning ? these are just a few problem domains where effective design and robust understanding of complex sociotechnical systems are critical. > > To meet these challenges, a trans-disciplinary community has come together, drawing together scholars from intellectual communities such as CSCW, HCI, social computing, organization studies, information visualization, social informatics, sociology, information systems, medical informatics, computer science, ICT for development, education, learning science, journalism, and political science. Through Summer Research Institutes, extended workshops, preconference workshops, and other activities, this community of researchers from academia and industry has developed a strong focus on problems and opportunities arising from the interplay of social and technological systems that span individuals, groups, organizations, and societies. > > The 2015 Summer Research Institute builds on this tradition to strengthen and expand this diverse community by bringing together graduate students, post-doctoral students, faculty, and other researchers. Applications are accepted from three groups: - doctoral students, post doctoral students, pre-tenure faculty, and early career researchers; - emerging multi-disciplinary research teams; and - research infrastructure development teams. Application materials are due to Summer Research Institute Co-Director Diane Bailey at by February 25, 2015. For more details about the workshop and what materials members of each group should provide in their application, view the announcement and call on the CSST Web site, or contact Summer Institute co-coordinators Diane Bailey and Dan Cosley . More about CSST can be found at Good luck to everyone! Adam Worrall, Ph.D. Communications Officer, ASIS&T SIG SI Adjunct Professor, Florida State University School of Information - Florida?s iSchool adam at aworrall at From mcunha at Sat Feb 7 12:56:24 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2015 17:56:24 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Call for Papers - ICT Trends for Enterprises workshop | To be held in CENTERIS 2015 - Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 October 2015 Message-ID: <> Please, accept our apologies in case of multiple copies of this CFP. ======================================================================================== Workshop ICT Trends for Enterprises To be held in CENTERIS 2015 ? International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 October 2015 AIS Affiliated Conference ======================================================================================== WORKSHOP OBJECTIVE The social business is based on technology trends (powerful mobile devices, broadband Internet, and low-cost data storage), work (culture, globalization) and society (propensity for sharing). This new way of doing business will enable a paradigm shift, "comes out of the hierarchy and works on the net", which will surely be the "essence of the fast enterprises and the next generation." Nowadays, according to the McKinsey Global Institute, in its report "The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies", there are over 1.5 billion users of social networks, 80% is the proportion of total users that interact with social networks regularly, 70% is the proportion of companies using social technologies, and it is used about 28 hours a week to write emails, search for information and perform internal collaboration. Strategies of platform and application integration need to be established and social technology tools need to be integrated, while a common culture of collaborative communication has to be maintained. Questions of user adoption, communication facilitation and measurable business value are arising. Benefits of information sharing, interactive knowledge exchange and usability extension seem to be apparent, whereas concerns of technical operationalization, security control and practicability of social technology features are still persistent. This workshop encourages studies on technical, social and theoretical issues in ICT trends for enterprises that will interest both practitioners and researchers. WORKSHOP TOPICS AND AREAS OF INTEREST (not limited to) - Social Tools - Web 2.0 and Social Networking - Platform Integration and Management - Global Online Communities - Interactive Applications - Operational Criteria and System Integration - Real-time Video Collaboration, Knowledge Management and Activity Streaming - Metrics and Methods - Usability, Content and Security - Ethical issues - Success factors for social workplace adoption - Key drivers for leveraging social value generation and business transformation - Visions for future work and process organization SUBMISSIONS We welcome full research papers, short papers, posters and practitioner papers on the workshop theme. Submitted manuscripts must be written in English. Each manuscript should not exceed the maximum number of pages predefined for each submission type, considering the format available for download at the conference webpage. Manuscript should be submitted electronically at the CENTERIS webpage until April 3, 2015. Submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis, and authors will be notified of the review process results by May 17, 2015. Authors of accepted papers can receive recommendations to revise their manuscript according to the reviewers? comments and should submit the revised version until June 12, 2015. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for paper submission: April 3, 2015 Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 17, 2015 Revised version: June 12, 2015 Conference Date: October 7-9, 2015 PUBLICATION Accepted full and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings (with ISSN). Poster and practitioner papers will be published in the conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of a selection of papers will be invited to enhance their manuscripts for inclusion in a book of chapters or in a journal. WORKSHOP CHAIR Fernando Moreira (fmoreira at, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal WORKSHOP SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE George Dragoi, University of Bucarest, Romania Olaf Bassus, University of Technology, Business and Design, Germany Arnaldo Martins, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal Dimitra I. Kaklamani, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Fawzy Soliman, University of Technology Sydney, Australia Giorgio Bruno, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Kathryn Comircan, National University of Ireland, Ireland Manel P?rez Cota, Universidade de Vigo, Espanha Matjaz Mulej, University of Maribor, Slovenia Samo Bobek, University of Maribor, Slovenia From mcunha at Sat Feb 7 12:58:43 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2015 17:58:43 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Call for Papers - Mobile Web Portals workshop | to be held in CENTERIS 2015 - Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 October 2015 Message-ID: <> Please, accept our apologies in case of multiple copies of this CFP. ======================================================================================== Mobile Web Portals To be held in CENTERIS 2015 ? International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 October 2015 AIS Affiliated Conference ======================================================================================== WORKSHOP OBJECTIVE According to the European Commission report "A Roadmap for Advanced Cloud Technologies H2020 under", the environment of IST (market research, industry, education, training, etc.) undergoes constant changes. Thus, it is necessary to identify the major changes that can be expected in the next 5-10 years and may, or will, affect the environment of IST. It is expected, for example, that in 2015 billions of people connected by nearly a trillion devices, the concept BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is practically general, as well as Cloud Computing. Additionally, mobile malware has been around for a while, but it is only in the last few years that it is been used as a tool in the hands of cybercriminals. The growth of mobile malware is only going to continue as people increasingly conduct business and sensitive transactions via mobile devices and it is a result of a number of different factors. First, the huge numbers of smartphones being used; second, the variety of ?interesting? data now stored on these devices, such as: contacts, photographs, SMS messages, banking credentials and social networking logins; and finally, the growing use of mobile devices in business and the lack of awareness from organizations around mobile threats. There are a number of major trends in the mobile space which will change the way software providers deliver applications and services. One of these trends is the move toward Mobile Websites instead of apps, hence Mobile Web Portals have a great impact. This progress it is important because literature in information systems rarely addresses the particulars of Mobile Web Portals from pure ICT view. This workshop encourages studies on technical, social and theoretical issues in mobile computing that will interest both practitioners and researchers. WORKSHOP TOPICS AND AREAS OF INTEREST (not limited to) - Web Services and Web Engineering - Authentication and Access Control - Web Security and Privacy - Databases and Datawarehouses - Portal strategies - Accessibility issues and Technology - Usability and Ergonomics - Web Geographical Information Systems - Social and Legal Issues - Mobile Navigation and Assistance - Context Detection - Mobile Social Network Interaction - Mobile learning - Mobile commerce - Mobile cloud SUBMISSIONS We welcome full research papers, short papers, posters and practitioner papers on the workshop theme. Submitted manuscripts must be written in English. Each manuscript should not exceed the maximum number of pages predefined for each submission type, considering the format available for download at the conference webpage. Manuscript should be submitted electronically at the CENTERIS webpage until April 3, 2015. Submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis, and authors will be notified of the review process results by May 17, 2015. Authors of accepted papers can receive recommendations to revise their manuscript according to the reviewers? comments and should submit the revised version until June 12, 2015. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for paper submission: April 3, 2015 Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 17, 2015 Revised version: June 12, 2015 Conference Date: October 7-9, 2015 PUBLICATION Accepted full and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings (with ISSN). Poster and practitioner papers will be published in the conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of a selection of papers will be invited to enhance their manuscripts for inclusion in a book of chapters or in a journal. WORKSHOP CHAIR Fernando Moreira (fmoreira at, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal WORKSHOP SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chad Lin, Curtin University of Technology, Australia Christian Bonnet, Mobile Communications Department of Eurocom, France Hassan Karimi, University of Pittsburgh, USA Claudia Winegarden, Georgia Tech, USA Nabeel Ahmad, Columbia University, USA Carl Chang, Iowa State University, USA Vincenzo Pallota, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Hideyuki Takahashi, Tohoku University, Japan Ramiro Gon?alves, UTAD Joaquim Sousa Pinto, Universidade de Aveiro From mcunha at Sat Feb 14 20:14:47 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 01:14:47 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CENTERIS 2015 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> CENTERIS 2015 Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 3, 2015 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 17, 2015 Final Submission due date: June 12, 2015 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 3, 2015. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science series (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker Conference chairs: - Petra Schubert, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany - Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal Advisory Board Chair: - Jo?o Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal Keynote speaker: - Rodney Turner, SKEMA Business School, Universit? Lille Nord de France, France ---------- We look forward to welcome you in our beautiful Vilamoura, Algarve, next October. From mcunha at Sat Feb 14 20:15:41 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 01:15:41 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] ProjMAN 2015 - International Conference on Project MANagement | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> ---------- ProjMAN 2015 International Conference on Project MANagement an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 3, 2015 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 17, 2015 Final Submission due date: June 12, 2015 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 3, 2015. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science series (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker Conference chairs: - Albert Boonstra, University of Groningen, The Netherlands - Jo?o Eduardo Quintela Varaj?o, University of Minho, Portugal Advisory Board Chair: - Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, Polytechnic Institute of C?vado and Ave, Portugal Keynote speaker: - Rodney Turner, SKEMA Business School, Universit? Lille Nord de France, France ---------- We look forward to welcome you in our beautiful Vilamoura, Algarve, next October. ---------- You are receiving this email because of your research activities on the conference topic. To unsubscribe please send an email to secretariat at with the subject "Unsubscribe" ---------- From mcunha at Sat Feb 14 20:16:22 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 01:16:22 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Call for Papers - Mobile Web Portals workshop | to be held in CENTERIS 2015 - Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 October 2015 Message-ID: <> Please, accept our apologies in case of multiple copies of this CFP. ======================================================================================== WORKSHOP ON MOBILE WEB PORTALS To be held in CENTERIS 2015 ? International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 October 2015 AIS Affiliated Conference ======================================================================================== WORKSHOP OBJECTIVE According to the European Commission report "A Roadmap for Advanced Cloud Technologies H2020 under", the environment of IST (market research, industry, education, training, etc.) undergoes constant changes. Thus, it is necessary to identify the major changes that can be expected in the next 5-10 years and may, or will, affect the environment of IST. It is expected, for example, that in 2015 billions of people connected by nearly a trillion devices, the concept BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is practically general, as well as Cloud Computing. Additionally, mobile malware has been around for a while, but it is only in the last few years that it is been used as a tool in the hands of cybercriminals. The growth of mobile malware is only going to continue as people increasingly conduct business and sensitive transactions via mobile devices and it is a result of a number of different factors. First, the huge numbers of smartphones being used; second, the variety of ?interesting? data now stored on these devices, such as: contacts, photographs, SMS messages, banking credentials and social networking logins; and finally, the growing use of mobile devices in business and the lack of awareness from organizations around mobile threats. There are a number of major trends in the mobile space which will change the way software providers deliver applications and services. One of these trends is the move toward Mobile Websites instead of apps, hence Mobile Web Portals have a great impact. This progress it is important because literature in information systems rarely addresses the particulars of Mobile Web Portals from pure ICT view. This workshop encourages studies on technical, social and theoretical issues in mobile computing that will interest both practitioners and researchers. WORKSHOP TOPICS AND AREAS OF INTEREST (not limited to) - Web Services and Web Engineering - Authentication and Access Control - Web Security and Privacy - Databases and Datawarehouses - Portal strategies - Accessibility issues and Technology - Usability and Ergonomics - Web Geographical Information Systems - Social and Legal Issues - Mobile Navigation and Assistance - Context Detection - Mobile Social Network Interaction - Mobile learning - Mobile commerce - Mobile cloud SUBMISSIONS We welcome full research papers, short papers, posters and practitioner papers on the workshop theme. Submitted manuscripts must be written in English. Each manuscript should not exceed the maximum number of pages predefined for each submission type, considering the format available for download at the conference webpage. Manuscript should be submitted electronically at the CENTERIS webpage until April 3, 2015. Submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis, and authors will be notified of the review process results by May 17, 2015. Authors of accepted papers can receive recommendations to revise their manuscript according to the reviewers? comments and should submit the revised version until June 12, 2015. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for paper submission: April 3, 2015 Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 17, 2015 Revised version: June 12, 2015 Conference Date: October 7-9, 2015 PUBLICATION Accepted full and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings (with ISSN). Poster and practitioner papers will be published in the conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of a selection of papers will be invited to enhance their manuscripts for inclusion in a book of chapters or in a journal. WORKSHOP CHAIR Fernando Moreira (fmoreira at, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal WORKSHOP SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chad Lin, Curtin University of Technology, Australia Christian Bonnet, Mobile Communications Department of Eurocom, France Hassan Karimi, University of Pittsburgh, USA Claudia Winegarden, Georgia Tech, USA Nabeel Ahmad, Columbia University, USA Carl Chang, Iowa State University, USA Vincenzo Pallota, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Hideyuki Takahashi, Tohoku University, Japan Ramiro Gon?alves, UTAD Joaquim Sousa Pinto, Universidade de Aveiro From mcunha at Sat Feb 14 20:16:48 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 01:16:48 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Call for Papers - ICT Trends for Enterprises To be held in CENTERIS 2015 - Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 October 2015 Message-ID: <> Please, accept our apologies in case of multiple copies of this CFP. ======================================================================================== Workshop ICT Trends for Enterprises To be held in CENTERIS 2015 ? International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 October 2015 AIS Affiliated Conference ======================================================================================== WORKSHOP OBJECTIVE The social business is based on technology trends (powerful mobile devices, broadband Internet, and low-cost data storage), work (culture, globalization) and society (propensity for sharing). This new way of doing business will enable a paradigm shift, "comes out of the hierarchy and works on the net", which will surely be the "essence of the fast enterprises and the next generation." Nowadays, according to the McKinsey Global Institute, in its report "The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies", there are over 1.5 billion users of social networks, 80% is the proportion of total users that interact with social networks regularly, 70% is the proportion of companies using social technologies, and it is used about 28 hours a week to write emails, search for information and perform internal collaboration. Strategies of platform and application integration need to be established and social technology tools need to be integrated, while a common culture of collaborative communication has to be maintained. Questions of user adoption, communication facilitation and measurable business value are arising. Benefits of information sharing, interactive knowledge exchange and usability extension seem to be apparent, whereas concerns of technical operationalization, security control and practicability of social technology features are still persistent. This workshop encourages studies on technical, social and theoretical issues in ICT trends for enterprises that will interest both practitioners and researchers. WORKSHOP TOPICS AND AREAS OF INTEREST (not limited to) - Social Tools - Web 2.0 and Social Networking - Platform Integration and Management - Global Online Communities - Interactive Applications - Operational Criteria and System Integration - Real-time Video Collaboration, Knowledge Management and Activity Streaming - Metrics and Methods - Usability, Content and Security - Ethical issues - Success factors for social workplace adoption - Key drivers for leveraging social value generation and business transformation - Visions for future work and process organization SUBMISSIONS We welcome full research papers, short papers, posters and practitioner papers on the workshop theme. Submitted manuscripts must be written in English. Each manuscript should not exceed the maximum number of pages predefined for each submission type, considering the format available for download at the conference webpage. Manuscript should be submitted electronically at the CENTERIS webpage until April 3, 2015. Submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis, and authors will be notified of the review process results by May 17, 2015. Authors of accepted papers can receive recommendations to revise their manuscript according to the reviewers? comments and should submit the revised version until June 12, 2015. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for paper submission: April 3, 2015 Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 17, 2015 Revised version: June 12, 2015 Conference Date: October 7-9, 2015 PUBLICATION Accepted full and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings (with ISSN). Poster and practitioner papers will be published in the conference book of abstracts, industry and poster papers (with ISBN). Authors of a selection of papers will be invited to enhance their manuscripts for inclusion in a book of chapters or in a journal. WORKSHOP CHAIR Fernando Moreira (fmoreira at, Universidade Portucalense, Portugal WORKSHOP SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE George Dragoi, University of Bucarest, Romania Olaf Bassus, University of Technology, Business and Design, Germany Arnaldo Martins, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal Dimitra I. Kaklamani, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Fawzy Soliman, University of Technology Sydney, Australia Giorgio Bruno, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Kathryn Comircan, National University of Ireland, Ireland Manel P?rez Cota, Universidade de Vigo, Espanha Matjaz Mulej, University of Maribor, Slovenia Samo Bobek, University of Maribor, Slovenia From mcunha at Sun Feb 15 13:06:53 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 18:06:53 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist | Call for Papers | Algarve, Oct 2015 Message-ID: <> ---------- CENTERIS 2015 Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems ---------- ProjMAN 2015 International Conference on Project MANagement ---------- HCist 2015 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies ---------- Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 3, 2015 ---------- AIS affiliated conferences ---------- All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science series (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. ---------- From Richard.Chbeir at Tue Feb 17 03:13:52 2015 From: Richard.Chbeir at (Richard Chbeir) Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 09:13:52 +0100 (CET) Subject: [Sigtis-l] CFP AIAI 2015: 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (September 14-17, 2015 - Biarritz/Bayonne, France) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> * Sorry for cross-posting * ************************************************* CALL FOR PAPERS ************************************************* The 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI'15) September 14-17, 2015 Bayonne/Biarritz - France Description and Objectives --------------------------- The importance of Artificial Intelligence is underlined by the fact that it is nowadays being embraced by a vast majority of research fields across different disciplines, from Engineering Sciences to Economics and Medicine, as a means to tackle highly complicated and challenging computational as well as cognitive problems. Being one of the main streams of information processing, Artificial Intelligence may now offer solutions to such problems using advances and innovations from a wide range of sub-areas that induce thinking and reasoning in models and systems. The Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Conference (AIAI) is a major technical event in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. The 11th AIAI Conference will be held in Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne (BAB) in France, from September 14th to 17th 2015. Its general focus is to present different perspectives on how Artificial Intelligence may be applied and offer solutions to real world problems, serving the study, analysis and modelling of theoretical and practical issues. The primary target of AIAI is to present highly novel research papers describing innovative algorithms, systems, tools and techniques, as well as proposing advanced prototypes in the area of Artificial Intelligence. General survey papers indicating future directions and professional work-in-progress reports are of equal interest. Acceptance will be based on quality, originality and practical merit of the work. AIAI is supported and sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Topics ------- AIAI 2015 seeks contributions in the following areas: - Theoretical Advances Machine Learning Adaptive Control Data Fusion Reasoning Methods Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Planning and Scheduling Artificial Neural Networks Expert Systems Fuzzy Logic and Systems Genetic Algorithms and Programming Particle Swarm Optimisation Bayesian Models - Knowledge Engineering Data Mining and Information Retrieval Decision Support Systems Knowledge Management for e-Learning and Enterprise Portals Intelligent Information Systems Web- and Knowledge-Based Information Systems Ontologies - Multimedia, Graphics and Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Computing Multimedia Ontologies Smart Graphics Colour/Image Analysis Speech Synthesis - Signal Processing Techniques and Knowledge Extraction Computer Vision Human-Machine Interaction / Presence Learning and Adaptive Systems Pattern Recognition Signal and Image Processing Speech and Natural Language Processing - Artificial Intelligence Applications eBusiness, eCommerce, eHealth, eLearning Engineering and Industry Environmental Modelling Finance Telecommunications - Transportation Crisis and Risk Management Medical Informatics and Biomedical Engineering Political Decision Making Natural Language Processing Planning and Resource Management Project Management Emerging Applications Forensic Science - Trends in Computing Accessibility and Computers Affective Computing Agent and Multi-Agent Systems Autonomous and Ubiquitous Computing Distributed AI Systems and Architectures Grid-Based Computing Intelligent Profiling and Personalisation Robotics and Virtual Reality - Other AI and Ethical Issues Evaluation of AI Systems Social Impact of AI Paper Submission ---------------- Authors are invited to electronically submit original, English-language research contributions no longer than 10 pages formatted according to the well known LNCS Springer style, or experience reports. Submitted papers must present unpublished work, not being considered for publication in other journals or conferences. Paper submission deadline is April 26th, 2015. Submissions must be in an electronic form as PDF format and should be uploaded using the conference website. Submitted papers will be refereed by at least three reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. Notification and reviews will be communicated via email. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and included in the proceedings, which will be published by SPRINGER and they will be available on site. At least, one author must register and attend the conference to present the paper. Proceedings will be published by Springer in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology Series and indexed by major indexes. Paper submission is available online via: EasyChair for AIAI 2015 website. Important Dates ---------------- - Submission Deadline: April 26th, 2015 - Notification of Acceptance: May 29th, 2015 - Camera Ready: June 15th, 2015 - Paper Registration: June 17th, 2015 - Conference Dates: 14-17 September 2015 Special issues and Journal Publication --------------------------------------- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in several peer reviewed journals, such as: - Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering - International Journal of Neural Systems General Chairs --------------------- - Richard Chbeir, University of Pau and Adour Countries, France - Yannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Program Chairs ???????----------------------- - Ilias Maglogiannis, University of the Piraeus, Greece - Reda ElHajj, University of Calgary, Canada International Program Committee: -------------------------------- (Please check the web site for the full list) From mcunha at Sun Feb 22 12:48:16 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 17:48:16 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] HCist 2015 - International Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies | CALL FOR PAPERS Message-ID: <> ---------- HCist 2015 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies an AIS affiliated conference ---------- Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015 ---------- ---------- ---------- Important dates Submission deadline: April 3, 2015 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: May 17, 2015 Final Submission due date: June 12, 2015 ---------- ---------- Submission types and guidelines Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their manuscript electronically at the Conference webpage ( until April 3, 2015. Submissions can be made as full papers, short papers, poster papers and industry papers, and must strictly follow the submission guidelines available at the webpage: - A full paper corresponds to a completed or finished research, including the discussion of research results (a full paper should have between six and eight pages, considering the template and the guidelines provided at the conference webpage); - A short paper introduces preliminary results of ongoing research (a short paper should be between four to six pages in length); - A poster paper introduces initial research, ideas, and models at a discussion phase (a poster paper should be three pages in length); - An industry paper presents practical approaches to research, applications, tools, solutions, etc., aligned with the conference scope and topics (its page length can vary between four and six pages). All conference submissions will be double-blind and peer-to-peer reviewed. ---------- ---------- Proceedings and publications Only original contributions will be accepted. Papers must not have been published before, and not be under review for any other conference or publication. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science series (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for publication in international journals and in edited books. For more detailed information, please visit ---------- ---------- Committees and Keynote speaker Keynote speaker: - Rodney Turner, SKEMA Business School, Universit? Lille Nord de France, France Conference Chairs: - Ricardo Correia, University of Porto, Portugal - Alexander Berler, Gnomon Informatics, Chair of HL7 Hellas, Greece Advisory Board Chair: - Rui Rijo, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal - Ricardo Martinho, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal Program Chair: - Domingos Alves, University of S?o Paulo, Brazil Organization Chair: - Ant?nio Cunha, University of Tr?s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal ---------- From mcunha at Sun Feb 22 12:49:56 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 17:49:56 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist | Call for Papers | Algarve, Oct 2015 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS ---------- CENTERIS 2015 Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems ---------- ProjMAN 2015 International Conference on Project MANagement ---------- HCist 2015 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies ---------- Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 3, 2015 ---------- AIS affiliated conferences ---------- All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Elsevier as a Procedia Computer Science series (which is indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and will be available on Sciverse ScienceDirect. ---------- From mcunha at Sun Feb 22 13:20:49 2015 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 18:20:49 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Call for papers | Workshops to be held in CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist | Algarve, Oct 2015 Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS ---------- ---------- Workshops to be held in: -- CENTERIS 2015 ? International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems -- ProjMAN 2015 - International Conference on Project MANagement -- HCist 2015 - Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies ---------- ---------- Multicriteria Decision Making & Applications in Enterprise Information Systems ---------- Big Data Analytics and Process Innovation ---------- Digital Marketing ---------- Search-Based Software Engineering (IWoSBSE'15) ---------- ICT Trends for Enterprises ---------- Mobile Web Portals ---------- Industry-Academia Projects and Partnerships ---------- Healthy and Secure People ---------- ---------- Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-9, 2015 ---------- Paper submission deadline: April 3, 2015 ---------- AIS affiliated conferences ---------- ---------- From mhomuth at Thu Feb 26 11:19:32 2015 From: mhomuth at (Sanfilippo, Madelyn Rose) Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 16:19:32 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CSST Summer Research Institute Deadline Extension In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Forwarded: EXTENDED DEADLINE to March 2 (Monday)? The Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems (CSST) Calls for Participation in the 2015 Summer Research Institute When: July 20 ? 24, 2015 Where: The Nature Place, near Colorado Springs, CO Deadline: Taking applications until 2 March, 2015 (Note this is the same call, but with five days? grace on the deadline. It seems easier to do this than respond to all of you asking for a few more days to complete your applications!) Personal health and well-being; open innovation, eScience, and citizen science; co-production, open source, and new forms of work; cultural heritage and information access; energy management and climate change; civic hacking, engagement and government; disaster response; cybersecurity and privacy; education and learning ? these are just a few problem domains where effective design and robust understanding of complex sociotechnical systems are critical. To meet these challenges, a trans-disciplinary community has come together, drawing together scholars from intellectual communities such as CSCW, HCI, social computing, organization studies, information visualization, social informatics, sociology, information systems, medical informatics, computer science, ICT for development, education, learning science, journalism, and political science. Through Summer Research Institutes, extended workshops, preconference workshops, and other activities, this community of researchers from academia and industry has developed a strong focus on problems and opportunities arising from the interplay of social and technological systems that span individuals, groups, organizations, and societies. The 2015 Summer Research Institute builds on this tradition to strengthen and expand this diverse community by bringing together graduate students, post-doctoral students, faculty, and other researchers in three groups: Doctoral students, post-doctoral students, pre-tenure faculty, and early career researchers ? Mentoring, peer networking, and skill-building tutorials will help doctoral students, post-doctoral students, pre-tenure faculty, and early career researchers identify substantive ways that the theories, approaches, and tools within the larger community can advance their work with the design and study of sociotechnical systems. Emerging multi-disciplinary research teams ? Groups of researchers seeking to develop cross-disciplinary collaborations will work with mentors to refine problem statements and research goals; connect with collaborators with complementary skills and interests; and create actionable research agendas and funding proposals. Preference will be given to groups interested in designing and studying sociotechnical systems that address societal grand challenges such as (but not limited to) healthcare; energy management and climate change; cybersecurity and privacy; education and learning; disaster response; technology development and innovation; economic development and work; and civic engagement and participation. Research infrastructure development teams ? Groups of researchers interested in creating computational or analytic tools, data resources, training materials, or other infrastructure to support the design and study of sociotechnical systems will come together to work on new challenges. These infrastructure ?hackathon? sessions will result in community resources such as use cases, prototypes, draft materials, and deployable systems. Applying for CSST 2015 Summer Research Institute We encourage applications from all academic, industry, NGO, and public sector organizations worldwide. To apply for the 2015 Summer Research Institute, select the group that best fits your needs and situation: Doctoral students, post-doctoral students, pre-tenure faculty, and early career researchers should send their CV and a short (up to 300 words) response to the question ?How does/will your work advance our ability to design and understand critical sociotechnical systems?? Include three relevant references to situate your work within the larger research community. Doctoral students should have completed their dissertation proposal prior to attending and should seek a letter of recommendation from their advisor/department chair indicating their expected graduation date as well as how the CSST Summer Research Institute will advance their scholarship. Emerging multi-disciplinary research teams should apply as a group, sending their CVs and a short (up to 500 words) response to these questions: ?What is the research focus/problem domain? What types of activities/studies are needed to engage that domain? How will pursuing this agenda help advance our ability to design and understand critical sociotechnical systems?? Include references and potential funding sources, if known, to situate the proposal within the larger research community. Your team may have from three to six people. Preference will be given to cross-institutional teams in which junior/mid-career researchers play significant leadership roles. Research infrastructure development teams should apply as a group, sending their CVs and a short (up to 500 words)) response to these questions: ?What is the problem you are seeking to address? What will you do to address that problem? How will creating these technologies, tools, materials or infrastructure improve our ability to design and understand critical sociotechnical systems?? Include references to examples from other domains, if possible, to situate your proposal. Your team may have from three to six people from multiple disciplines and institutions. Lodging, meals, and other onsite costs will be covered for all Summer Research Institute participants. Limited travel support is available, if needed, for participants from US and Canadian institutions (with preference given to doctoral and post-doctoral students). To be considered for all available financial support you should provide the following information when you apply: ? What college or university do you attend? ? What is your primary department affiliation? ? If you are applying from a Canadian university, are you a member of the GRAND network? Send your application materials to Summer Research Institute Co-Director Diane Bailey at diane.bailey at by March 2, 2015. The CSST Summer Research Institute Advisory Group will review applications using the following criteria: ? Clear articulation of the hoped-for contribution to the theory, practice, or design of sociotechnical systems ? Likelihood of Summer Research Institute participation providing significant practical benefit for the individual/team ? Contribution to a balanced and diverse group of participants The number of participants we select will depend on the available funding and the fit between applicants? interests and CSST goals. For more information about the Summer Research Institute, contact the Summer Research Institute Co-Directors, Diane Bailey (diane.bailey at and Dan Cosley (drc44 at For information about the broader community of researchers interested in design and study of sociotechnical systems, see: CSST (, the ?Researchers of the Socio-Technical? Facebook group, or the CSST listserv (csst at 2015 CSST Summer Research Institute Mentors Ken Anderson Intel Cecilia Aragon University of Washington Diane Bailey University of Texas (Co-Director) Elizabeth Churchill Google Dan Cosley Cornell University (Co-Director) Cliff Lampe University of Michigan Bonnie Nardi University of California, Irvine Leysia Palen University of Colorado, Boulder Scott Robertson University of Hawaii Michael Twidale University of Illinois With support from these Digital Societies Research Coordination Network members: Brian Butler University of Maryland Wayne Lutters University of Maryland, Baltimore County Steve Sawyer Syracuse University Andrea Tapia The Pennsylvania State University