From mandy.dailey at Thu Jul 10 11:58:12 2014 From: mandy.dailey at (Mandy Dailey) Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:58:12 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CFP: Announcing the Trust Challenge, the fifth HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition Message-ID: [dmlc5-trust-challenge.png] CFP: Announcing the Trust Challenge, the fifth HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition Full information: Trust, privacy, and safety are critical to learning in an open online world. How can learners exercise control over who sees and uses their data? What tools do they need to navigate, collaborate, and learn online with confidence? What solutions will foster greater civility and respect in online learning environments? How can open technical standards create more opportunities to share and collaborate online in a spirit of trust? The fifth open, international HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition, the Trust Challenge, will award $1.2 million to institutions and organizations that tackle these questions in real-life learning contexts. The Trust Challenge will fund successful collaborations or ?laboratories? that create scalable, innovative, and transformative exemplars of connected learning that bridge technological solutions with complex social considerations of trust. Awards: $10,000 to $150,000 year-long development grants; $1.2 million will be awarded in total. Timeline: Applications accepted September 3 to November 3, 2014. Final applications are due Monday, November 3, 2014 at 5pm PST/ 8pm EST. Who can participate: Successful proposals will include youth-serving organizations and institutions and institutions of higher learning anywhere in the world where challenges to trust in connected learning environments can be identified and addressed. Teams must include * institutional/organizational stakeholders and administrators that can provide and direct project objectives, inform design and implementation, and increase opportunities for scalability. Additionally, teams might also include * technologists, web developers, app developers, badge system designers, etc. that can design, build and implement the proposed digital solution; and * researchers, educators, learning experts, policy advisors, legal counsel, etc. that can give careful consideration to complex social and institutional/organizational considerations around trust and learning. Connect with the Trust Challenge to get the latest news and notifications Listserv: To receive notifications about the Trust Challenge, including reminders when the application opens, send a message to dmlcompnews-request at with ?subscribe? in the subject line. Web: Twitter: and #dmltrust Facebook: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the upcoming Webinar Series ?Building Trust in Connected Learning Environments? (a HASTAC/ collaboration) Why Trust Matters in Connected Learning Environments July 8, 11am PST/2pm EST (archived recording available) What do we mean by "trust" in relation to connected learning? Why we need to create connected learning environments that protect safety & privacy without compromising the ability to learn. Speakers: Cathy Casserly - Former CEO of Creative Commons, now a part-time Fellow at the Aspen Institute Communications & Society Program David Preston - English teacher at Righetti High School Sheryl Grant - Director of Social Networking, HASTAC Trust Challenges Across Connected Learning Environments July 15, 11am PST/2pm EST How trust is modeled in collaborative connected learning environments, and how we tackle serious issues--such as digital literacy and equity--so that people can take full advantage of learning opportunities. Speakers: Cathy Lewis-Long - Founding Executive Director of The Sprout Fund in Pittsburgh Nichole Pinkard - Co-Founder of the Digital Youth Network, and Co-Founder of YOUmedia Chicago Carla Casilli - Director of Design + Practice at the Badge Alliance Barry Joseph - Associate Director for Digital Learning at the American Museum of Natural History Doug Belshaw - Project lead for the Web Literacy Standard at the Mozilla Foundation Sheryl Grant - Director of Social Networking, HASTAC Social-Emotional Literacies and Digital Citizenship Best Practices July 22, 11am PST/2pm EST How to encourage multi-directional trust (from platforms to people) and empower learners of all ages to use learning resources confidently, effectively & safely. Speakers: Anne Collier - Youth/tech news blogger, and Editor of Janelle Bence - Educator at New Tech High @ Coppell in Dallas Jessie Daniels - Professor at the City University of New York (CUNY), and FemTechNet supporter Anna Smith - Educational researcher, teacher educator & teacher; founder of #literacies chat on Twitter Sheryl Grant - Director of Social Networking, HASTAC Higher Education as a Trusted Environment for Learning July 29, 11am PST/2pm EST Trust in research, public scholarship, pedagogy and distributed learning environments. How are higher education institutions already embracing principles for creating safe, optimized and rewarding learning? Speakers: Jonathan Worth - Creator of the massive, open Photography & Narrative (#Phonar) course, and a renowned British portrait photographer Audrey Watters - Technology and education journalist, and self-described "rabble-rouser & recovering academic" Howard Rheingold - Author, virtual community expert, and self-described "online instigator & expert learner" Sheryl Grant - Director of Social Networking, HASTAC -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: fNVZw6z-PKT3VbXsfu4pjOSRwt0uOcO_2qf00Vnw_X64rvluc_zH3OYwY4kJ29yVJVj0RWMeBhN_X9DRX2fyP7xZO5i0XpDivvlfh82ai6QqdoPF1OglTVkO1jYsA_G0-g.png Type: image/png Size: 35080 bytes Desc: fNVZw6z-PKT3VbXsfu4pjOSRwt0uOcO_2qf00Vnw_X64rvluc_zH3OYwY4kJ29yVJVj0RWMeBhN_X9DRX2fyP7xZO5i0XpDivvlfh82ai6QqdoPF1OglTVkO1jYsA_G0-g.png URL: From hrosenba at Fri Jul 11 08:53:27 2014 From: hrosenba at (Howard Rosenbaum) Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:53:27 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CALL FOR NOMINATIONS> The 2013 Social Informatics Best Paper Award Message-ID: <> Call for nominations for the 2013 Social Informatics Best Paper Award The Special Interest Group for Social Informatics (SIG-SI) of the Association for Information Science and Technology and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI) are seeking nominations for an award for the best paper published in a peer reviewed journal on a topic informed by social informatics during the 2013 calendar year. The author or authors will present their paper at the 10th Annual SIG-SI Symposium on Saturday, November 1, 2014 and receive a $1,000 cash award at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) in Seattle in November, 2014. Nominations letters should be sent to Howard Rosenbaum (hrosenba at or Pnina Fichman (fichman at by August 15, 2014 and must include a full citation, a brief explanation for the nomination, and a copy of the article. Self nominations are acceptable. Winners will be notified by August 30, 2014. For more information about the Special Interest Group for Social Informatics (SIG-SI): For more information about the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI): Pnina Fichman and Howard Rosenbaum School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University From hrosenba at Fri Jul 11 08:53:26 2014 From: hrosenba at (Howard Rosenbaum) Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:53:26 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CALL FOR NOMINATIONS> The 2013 Social Informatics Best Paper Award Message-ID: <> Call for nominations for the 2013 Social Informatics Best Student Paper Award The Special Interest Group for Social Informatics (SIG-SI) of the Association for Information Science and Technology and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI) are seeking nominations for an award for the best paper written by a doctoral student on a topic informed by social informatics. Nominations may include a published paper in a peer reviewed journal during 2013 or a conference paper presented in 2013. The author or authors will present their paper at the 10th Annual SIG-SI Symposium on Saturday, November 1, 2014 and receive a $500 cash award at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) in Seattle in November, 2014. Nomination letters should be sent to Howard Rosenbaum (hrosenba at or Pnina Fichman (fichman at by August 15, 2014 and must include a full citation, a brief explanation for the nomination, and a copy of the article. Self nominations are acceptable. Winners will be notified by August 30, 2014. For more information about the Special Interest Group for Social Informatics (SIG-SI): For more information about the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI): Pnina Fichman and Howard Rosenbaum School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University From bigdata at Mon Jul 14 11:16:03 2014 From: bigdata at (Zoe Andrews) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:16:03 -0500 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CALL FOR AUTHORS: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Big Data Message-ID: Hello, We are inviting academic contributors to the SAGE Encyclopedia of Big Data, a multivolume reference work to be published by SAGE Reference in 2016. As a phenomenon and discipline developed only in the past several years, Big Data can be described as the collection, manipulation, and analysis of massive amounts of data?and the decisions made from that analysis. According to the *New York Times*, Big Data ?is the shorthand label for the phenomenon, which embraces technology, decision-making and public policy?. First, it is a bundle of technologies. Second, it is a potential revolution in measurement. And third, it is a point of view, or philosophy, about how decisions will be?and perhaps should be?made in the future.? Moreover, Big Data is affecting and will affect almost all fields of study, from criminology to philosophy, business, government, transportation, energy, genetics, medicine, physics, and more. As we tackle Big Data in this proposed encyclopedia, we objectively report on the negative effects of loss of privacy, surveillance, and possible misuse of data in trade-offs for security. On the other hand, it is Big Data that is helping us to peer into the human genome for invaluable medical insights, or to reach deep across the universe, discovering planets much like our own. Our mission with this encyclopedia is to capture the Big Data phenomenon and make it accessible to students examining the philosophy of decision-making; exploring the measurement revolution; studying the technology; and considering the potential, both for good and ill. The encyclopedia features approximately 850 entries organized A-Z across multiple volumes. The encyclopedia will be available in a choice of electronic or print formats. Each 1,000- to 4,000-word article will be signed by the contributor. The General Editors, who will be reviewing each submission to the project, are Drs. Laurie A. Schintler and Connie L. McNeely, George Mason University. We are currently making assignments with a deadline of September 1, 2014. If you are interested in contributing to this cutting-edge reference, it is a unique opportunity to contribute to the contemporary literature, redefining sociological issues in today?s terms. Moreover, it can be a notable publication addition to your CV/resume and broaden your publishing credits. SAGE Publications offers an honorarium ranging from SAGE book credits for smaller articles up to a free set of the printed product for contributions totaling 10,000 words or more. The list of available articles is already prepared, and as a next step we will e-mail you the Article List (Excel file) from which you can select topics that best fit your expertise and interests. Additionally, Style and Submission Guidelines and a sample article will be provided that detail article specifications. If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference with *The SAGE Encyclopedia of Big Data*, please contact me by the e-mail information below. Please provide your CV or a brief summary of your academic/publishing credentials in related disciplines. Thank you very much, Zoe Andrews, Author Manager *bigdata at * -- Zoe Andrews Author Manager, Golson Media bigdata at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From apw06 at Mon Jul 14 14:52:33 2014 From: apw06 at (Adam Worrall) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:52:33 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Fwd: CFP: Special Issue of The Journal of Community Informatics References: <> Message-ID: For your potential interest and submissions; please forgive any duplication! - Adam > Call for Papers: The Journal of Community Informatics ( > > Special Issue ? Research Methods for Community Informatics > > The Journal of Community Informatics (JoCI) is seeking scholarly articles and notes from the field for a special issue on Research Methods for Community Informatics. Community Informatics is the study and the practice of enabling communities with Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). JoCI is an international journal that focuses on how researchers and practitioners work with communities towards the effective use of ICTs to improve their processes, achieve their objectives, overcome the ?digital divides? that exist both within and between communities, and empower communities and citizens. This is possible in areas such as health, cultural production, civic management and e-governance, among others. JoCI is a focal point for the communication of research of interest to a global network of academics, community informatics practitioners, and national and multi-lateral policy makers. JoCI is currently indexed in the IBSS and Google Scholar as well as several indexes of Open Access journals. Efforts are underway concerning additional scholarly indexing. More information regarding JoCI is available at > > The guest editors for the special issue are: Dr. Colin Rhinesmith (University of Oklahoma, USA), Dr. Mark Wolfe (University of Alberta, Canada), and Andy Bytheway (Retired Professor of Information Management at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa). > > Objective > > This special issue will focus on the methods used to investigate how ICTs can support local economic development, social justice, and political empowerment. Community Informatics (CI) is a point of convergence concerning the use of ICTs for diverse stakeholders, including community leaders and activists, nonprofit groups, policymakers, users/citizens, and the range of academics working across (and integrating) disciplines as diverse as Information Studies, Management, Computer Science, Social Work, Planning and Development Studies. This diversity brings with it a range of methodological approaches ? and tensions ? to the field of CI. The special issue seeks to both disentangle and organize the use of existing methods in CI research and to explore innovative new approaches used by researchers and practitioners in their work with communities. > > Topics > > This special issue seeks articles focused on methodological topics and issues related to community informatics research. We encourage contributions that come from a wide range of perspectives, including (but not limited to): > > Conceptual foundations. What are the pros and cons of positivist, interpretivist, and critical methods in the CI context? > Data elicitation. What techniques are needed for reliable data to be collected in local communities, and what is the role of the cloud, ?big data,? and data analytics in this context? > Measures of success. What is the extent to which key variables and measures of CI investment success are actually understood? > Ethics. How are research ethics understood in the context of CI work? > Comparative analysis. How can shared local and global research resources be developed for comparative studies in different regions of the world? > Cross-cultural studies. How are data elicitation techniques and methods used in a cross-cultural context? > Extant theory. What is the applicability of other extant theories from related research areas (e.g., MIS, anthropology, science and technology studies, etc.) to the field of CI methodology? > > We also invite authors to submit ?Notes from the Field? from CI practitioners and policy makers that describe relevant methodological topics and issues. > > Submission procedure and deadlines > > Full original and unpublished articles for this special issue should be submitted via the JoCI website. Authors are invited to submit full-length papers between 5000-7000 words and notes from the field between 3000-5000 words. All full-length research articles will be double blind peer-reviewed. Notes from the field containing insights and analytical perspectives from practitioners and policy makers are also encouraged ? these will not be peer-reviewed. All authors should provide a note to the editors via the website indicating their interest in having their submissions considered for the special issue on ?Research Methods for Community Informatics.? Interested authors should consult the journal?s editorial policies and author guidelines for submissions at > > Full article draft submissions due: November 15, 2014. > Notes from the field due: December 15, 2014. > > All inquiries should be directed to: > > Colin Rhinesmith, > Guest Editor > Email: crhines at (before August 1, 2014) / crhinesmith at (after August 1, 2014) > > --- > Colin Rhinesmith, Ph.D. > Graduate School of Library and Information Science > University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign > > From apw06 at Wed Jul 23 17:00:58 2014 From: apw06 at (Adam Worrall) Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:00:58 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CFP: iConference 2015 - submissions now being accepted References: <> Message-ID: <> A reminder to all of the Call for Participation for the 2015 iConference (previously posted to this list by Ingrid Erickson), for which submissions are now being accepted. Deadlines are in September and October (more details below), with the conference in Newport Beach, CA March 24-27, 2015. > The tenth annual iConference will take place March 24-27, 2015, in Newport Beach, California. The four days will include peer-reviewed papers [including short papers / notes], posters, workshops, and sessions for interaction and engagement. Also included are a doctoral student colloquium, Doctoral Dissertation Award, and student Social Media Expo. Links to sample topics can be found on the conference home page. The call also includes this useful timeline of submission deadlines: > ? 5 September 2014: Papers deadline > ? 12 September 2014: Doctoral Colloquium application deadline > ? 26 September 2014: Workshop deadline > ? 10 October 2014: Posters and SIE [sessions for interaction and engagement] deadline > ? 14 October 2014: Social Media Expo sponsoring-faculty letter-of-interest deadline > ? 15 October 2014: Doctoral Dissertation Award application deadline Conference registration will open in early November. Read the full call at for details, and good luck to all who submit! Adam Worrall Communications Officer, ASIS&T SIG SI Doctoral Candidate, Florida State University School of Information - Florida?s iSchool apw06 at adam at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From apw06 at Fri Jul 25 11:13:58 2014 From: apw06 at (Adam Worrall) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:13:58 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] New ASIS&T Blog and upcoming web site redesign Message-ID: <> (This announcement can also be read on our Web site at ASIS&T HQ has launched an official ASIS&T Blog, led by new ASIS&T Social Media Manager Diane Rasmussen Pennington, and is seeking contributions! The blog is available at From the launching post, > This blog is meant to be a forum for any issues related to information science. I?d love to see lively discussions and shared ideas about our field in this virtual space. Anyone can post. Do you have a research idea you?d like to share? Best practice tips in your specialty? Want to comment on a new JASIST article? Anything else? If you would like to post, email me at diane at, and I?ll be happy to create an author account for you. I will maintain editorial oversight as the Social Media Manager, but I will not censor anyone or control topics; I will just check for appropriateness (no sales, etc.) and for correct grammar and formatting. We love to see SIG SI members contributing in all potential venues ? the new blog, the ASIS&T Bulletin, journals, and conferences ? so we strongly encourage you to participate and contribute if you can! The current blog post also discusses the upcoming ASIS&T web site redesign (see, which all members should be at least aware of going forward. I (Adam, your SIG SI Communications Officer) was there in Maryland on Wednesday for the design workshop led by Seven Heads Design ( Speaking for myself, I think it went really well; the concerns of SIGs, chapters, and other key stakeholders are being heard, and we?ll have a much-improved ASIS&T site going forward, I think! Be sure to keep in touch about the redesign process by following the progress on the ASIS&T Blog. Again, the URL for the new blog is: Adam Worrall Communications Officer, ASIS&T SIG SI Doctoral Candidate, Florida State University School of Information - Florida?s iSchool apw06 at adam at From apw06 at Tue Jul 29 11:44:03 2014 From: apw06 at (Adam Worrall) Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:44:03 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] =?iso-8859-1?q?Conference_Announcement_-_5th_Informati?= =?iso-8859-1?q?on=3A_Interactions_and_Impact_=28i=B3=29=2C_23-26_June_201?= =?iso-8859-1?q?5?= References: <> Message-ID: <> Forwarded on request, please forgive any duplication! > From: "Katie Cooper (abs)" > Subject: Conference Announcement - 5th Information: Interactions and Impact (i?), 23-26 June 2015 > Date: July 29, 2014 at 4:29:14 am EDT > > > Don't miss out on the opportunity to attend i? 2015 ? June 23-26, 2015 at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. > > > i? focuses on the quality and effectiveness of the interaction between people and information and how this interaction can bring about change. > > Conference themes include: > > the quality and effectiveness of user/information interactions (e.g. information literacies); > patterns of information behaviour in different contexts (e.g. creativity, ethics, surveillance, ownership, information recycling/reuse); > the social, cultural and economic impacts of engagement with information, including the assessment of impact; > the value of information and knowledge as enablers of resilience and change in organisations and communities. > > Further details are available on our i? 2015 website ? If you would like to register your interest and receive further alerts, please email the conference team ati3information at > > > Katie Cooper on behalf of > Professor Dorothy Williams, i? Conference Director > > > > ________________________________ > Katie Cooper > Lecturer > Department of Information Management > Aberdeen Business School > Robert Gordon University > Tel: +44 (0)1224 263886 > Email: k.cooper2 at > > > Join us at the Information: Interactions and Impact (i3) conference, 23-26 June 2015 > > > P Please consider the environment before printing this email > > > Robert Gordon University is the top university for graduate jobs in the UK HESA 4 July 2013 > > Robert Gordon University, a Scottish charity registered under charity number SC 013781. > > This e-mail and any attachment is for authorised use by the intended recipient(s) only. It may contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any attachment and all copies and inform the sender. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Robert Gordon University. Thank you. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: