From news at Mon Dec 1 10:05:21 2014 From: news at (news at Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 17:05:21 +0200 Subject: [Sigtis-l] LAST CALL: ABSTRACT SUBMISSION WILL BE CLOSED ON DECEMBER THE 7th (ICCSS Helsinki) Message-ID: <> ***APOLOGIES FOR MULTIPLE POSTINGS*** CALL FOR ABSTRACTS International Conference on Computational Social Science Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, 8-11 June 2015 WEBSITE IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for abstract submission: 7 December 2014, 23:59 GMT Opening of registration: 15 January 2015 Conference dates: 8-11 June 2015 CONFERENCE FEE We are seeking continuously funds for the conference, but we can anticipate that the conference fee for early registration will be of about 350 euro for regular participants and around 200 euro for students. EVENT OVERVIEW The conference will bring together scientists from different areas to meet and discuss problems on social systems and dynamics, as well as research questions motivated by large datasets, either extracted from real applications (e.g. social media, communication systems), or created via controlled experiments. PROGRAM CHAIRS Karen Cook (Stanford) Santo Fortunato (Aalto University) Michael Macy (Cornell) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Opening talk by Michael Macy (Cornell) Lada Adamic (Facebook) Sinan Aral (MIT) Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (Northeastern University and CEU) Nicholas Christakis (Yale) Robin Dunbar (Oxford) Andreas Flache (University of Groeningen) Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich) Matthew Jackson (Stanford) David Lazer (Northeastern University) Jure Leskovec (Stanford) Alex Pentland (MIT) Alessandro Vespignani (Northeastern University) Duncan Watts (Microsoft) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Santo Fortunato (Aalto University) Aristides Gionis (Aalto) Heikki H?mm?inen (Aalto) Kimmo Kaski (Aalto) Walter Quattrociocchi (IMT Lucca) Jari Saram?ki (Aalto) Juuso Valim?ki (Aalto) TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE (but are not limited to) Social networks Social contagion Communication dynamics Information diffusion and other spreading phenomena Social influence Crowd-sourcing Popularity dynamics Smart cities Attention economics Social design and user behavior Group formation, evolution and group behavior analysis Human mobility Mobility and context-awareness Economics of trust SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Contributions to the conference have to be submitted via Easychair (, the name of the event there is IC2S2. Each submission consists of an extended abstract of max 2 pages. Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work, put at least one figure, otherwise it will be difficult for the PC to assess its relevance. Short, paper-like abstracts will not be considered. Abstracts do not need to refer to unpublished work. If the work is published or under submission elsewhere it is fine. We want to give to everyone the opportunity to present the most relevant work to the topics of the conference. There will be no proceedings, but we are going to have a special issue in EPJ Data Science (, where selected contributions will be published. Authors of those contributions would be invited to submit full papers after the conference. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by two PC members. Abstracts can be submitted from September the 15th till December 7th, 2014. We will do out best to have mostly oral presentations of the selected contributions, both plenary and in parallel sessions. However, we are probably going to have a poster session as well. During the submission process, you will be asked to specify whether your contribution is intended for a) Plenary session presentation, b) Parallel session presentation or c) Poster session presentation. The final allocation of each contribution will be decided by the Program Committee. CONTACT For any question you might have please contact Prof. Santo Fortunato (santo.fortunato at From eric.meyer at Mon Dec 1 04:53:01 2014 From: eric.meyer at (Eric Meyer) Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 09:53:01 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Oxford OII-Ruskin Funded DPhil Position / Artists and the Internet Message-ID: <> Please distribute widely, particularly to any potentially interested British or European applicants you might know: The Oxford Internet Institute and the Ruskin School of Art in partnership with DACS (Design and Artists Copyright Society) invite applications for a three year doctoral studentship which will lead to a DPhil in Information, Communication and the Social Sciences at the University of Oxford beginning in the academic year 2015-16. The successful student will be located primarily at the Oxford Internet Institute in Oxford, but will also be required to spend periods of time at the Ruskin School of Art in Oxford and DACS in London as part of this Knowledge Exchange (KE) Studentship. The student will also be affiliated with St Catherine's College, Oxford and a member of St Catherine's Middle Common Room (MCR). This three-year doctoral studentship will aim to use a variety of sources and methods to investigate opportunities for transforming the economic and policy-making landscape for artists. In doing so the successful applicant might address some of the following key research themes and approaches: * The relationship between working artists and the public as mediated by the Internet, and how new online markets are altering the traditional roles of artists, arts organisations, art fans, and art buyers * How historic and contemporary data from DACS can be analysed, transformed, visualised, and communicated to understand better the changing economic landscape for working artists * How theories emerging from the aesthetic turn in the social sciences can be applied to understand better the ways DACS and other arts organisations work with artists * How the experiences of various members of the art world are being transformed by uses of the Internet, and what the policy implications of these transformations might be * Policy-related questions concerning artists' revenues, copyright protections and exceptions in the UK, EU and elsewhere, and governmental policy towards art and arts funding * Developing novel approaches to working with quantitative data to contribute to contemporary art discourse * Using qualitative approaches to understand more comprehensively the role of the Internet in the working practices of contemporary artists and arts organisations Applicants are welcome to suggest other areas of research that would capitalise on the unprecedented access to DACS and working artists offered by this studentship. The award pays all tuition and college fees for home (UK) or EU applicants. Those students who satisfy the ESRC residency requirements will receive the full award including a yearly stipend (approximately ?14,000 for 2015-16). Students who do not meet the residency requirements will receive a fees-only award. The closing date for applications is noon (UK time) 23 January 2015. For more details, including how to apply and eligibility rules, please see: Professor Eric T. Meyer Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor Director of Graduate Studies Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford Email: eric.meyer at Web: Google Scholar: SSRN: Twitter: @etmeyer -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From news at Mon Dec 1 10:04:38 2014 From: news at (news at Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 17:04:38 +0200 Subject: [Sigtis-l] LAST CALL: ABSTRACT SUBMISSION WILL BE CLOSED ON DECEMBER THE 7th (ICCSS Helsinki) Message-ID: <> ***APOLOGIES FOR MULTIPLE POSTINGS*** CALL FOR ABSTRACTS International Conference on Computational Social Science Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, 8-11 June 2015 WEBSITE IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for abstract submission: 7 December 2014, 23:59 GMT Opening of registration: 15 January 2015 Conference dates: 8-11 June 2015 CONFERENCE FEE We are seeking continuously funds for the conference, but we can anticipate that the conference fee for early registration will be of about 350 euro for regular participants and around 200 euro for students. EVENT OVERVIEW The conference will bring together scientists from different areas to meet and discuss problems on social systems and dynamics, as well as research questions motivated by large datasets, either extracted from real applications (e.g. social media, communication systems), or created via controlled experiments. PROGRAM CHAIRS Karen Cook (Stanford) Santo Fortunato (Aalto University) Michael Macy (Cornell) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Opening talk by Michael Macy (Cornell) Lada Adamic (Facebook) Sinan Aral (MIT) Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (Northeastern University and CEU) Nicholas Christakis (Yale) Robin Dunbar (Oxford) Andreas Flache (University of Groeningen) Dirk Helbing (ETH Zurich) Matthew Jackson (Stanford) David Lazer (Northeastern University) Jure Leskovec (Stanford) Alex Pentland (MIT) Alessandro Vespignani (Northeastern University) Duncan Watts (Microsoft) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Santo Fortunato (Aalto University) Aristides Gionis (Aalto) Heikki H?mm?inen (Aalto) Kimmo Kaski (Aalto) Walter Quattrociocchi (IMT Lucca) Jari Saram?ki (Aalto) Juuso Valim?ki (Aalto) TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE (but are not limited to) Social networks Social contagion Communication dynamics Information diffusion and other spreading phenomena Social influence Crowd-sourcing Popularity dynamics Smart cities Attention economics Social design and user behavior Group formation, evolution and group behavior analysis Human mobility Mobility and context-awareness Economics of trust SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Contributions to the conference have to be submitted via Easychair (, the name of the event there is IC2S2. Each submission consists of an extended abstract of max 2 pages. Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work, put at least one figure, otherwise it will be difficult for the PC to assess its relevance. Short, paper-like abstracts will not be considered. Abstracts do not need to refer to unpublished work. If the work is published or under submission elsewhere it is fine. We want to give to everyone the opportunity to present the most relevant work to the topics of the conference. There will be no proceedings, but we are going to have a special issue in EPJ Data Science (, where selected contributions will be published. Authors of those contributions would be invited to submit full papers after the conference. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by two PC members. Abstracts can be submitted from September the 15th till December 7th, 2014. We will do out best to have mostly oral presentations of the selected contributions, both plenary and in parallel sessions. However, we are probably going to have a poster session as well. During the submission process, you will be asked to specify whether your contribution is intended for a) Plenary session presentation, b) Parallel session presentation or c) Poster session presentation. The final allocation of each contribution will be decided by the Program Committee. CONTACT For any question you might have please contact Prof. Santo Fortunato (santo.fortunato at From bigdata at Mon Dec 1 10:54:09 2014 From: bigdata at (Joanne Steinberg) Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 09:54:09 -0600 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Call for Authors: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Big Data Message-ID: Greetings! We are inviting academic editorial contributors to *The SAGE Encyclopedia of Big Data*. Big Data is affecting and will affect almost all fields of study, from communications and media to criminology to philosophy, business, government, transportation, energy, medicine, physics, and more. As we explore Big Data in this encyclopedia, we objectively report on the negative effects of loss of privacy, surveillance, and possible misuse of data in trade-offs for security. On the other hand, it is Big Data that is helping us to peer into the human genome for invaluable medical insights, or to sweep across the universe, and better discover the every-day world around us. Over 800 entries organized A-Z across 4 volumes are included in the encyclopedia within the following categories: Analytics and Visualization Business and Industry Data and Information Management Economy and Finance Education Environment and Climate Fundamentals Geographic: Countries/Regions Government and Organizations Health and Medicine Research Societal Issues Software (centered around functionality) The list of available articles is already prepared, and as a next step we will e-mail you the Article List (Excel file) from which you can select topics that best fit your expertise and interests. Additionally, Style and Submission Guidelines and a sample article will be provided that detail article specifications. If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference with The SAGE Encyclopedia of Big Data, please contact me by the e-mail information below. Please provide your CV or a brief summary of your academic/publishing credentials in related disciplines. The General Editors, who will be reviewing each submission to the project, are Drs. Laurie A. Schintler and Connie L. McNeely, George Mason University. We are currently making assignments with a deadline for submissions of January 2, 2015. To be published by SAGE Reference in 2016, the encyclopedia will be available in a choice of electronic or print formats. Each 1,000- to 5,000-word article will be signed by the contributor. This can be a notable publication addition to your CV/resume and broaden your publishing credits. In addition, SAGE Publications offers an honorarium ranging from SAGE book credits for smaller articles up to a free set of the printed product for contributions totaling 10,000 words or more. Thanks very much. Joanne Steinberg, Author Manager bigdata at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ierick at Fri Dec 5 08:55:06 2014 From: ierick at (Ingrid Erickson) Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 08:55:06 -0500 Subject: [Sigtis-l] iConference 2015: Early-bird registration Message-ID: <> ************************************************************* iConference 2015: Early-bird registration available through Jan. 15, 2015 24-27 March, 2015, Newport Beach, California, USA Conference Home: ************************************************************* iConference 2015 registration is now open. Discounted early rates are available through Jan. 15, 2015. Register today to secure the early rate! The iConference is an international gathering of scholars and researchers concerned with critical information issues in contemporary society. iConference 2015 will take place March 24-27, 2015, at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Spa. The iConference pushes the boundaries of information studies, explores core concepts and ideas, and creates new technological and conceptual configurations---all situated in interdisciplinary discourses. All information scholars, researchers and practitioners are welcome. The official iConference 2015 schedule will be posted soon, and includes the following: . Keynote addresses by noted luminaries Christine L. Borgman, Carole Goble, and Scott E. Page. . 51 completed research papers offering new and interesting perspectives on key topics in the information field. . 40 preliminary results papers that explore developing thinking and perspectives. . Nearly 100 poster presentations by present and future thought-leaders in the field. . 12 workshops providing a meaningful and immersive experience in specific areas of study. . 8 thought-provoking sessions for interaction and engagement. . Myriad socializing and networking opportunities, including our evening Opening Reception, and also our Banquet Dinner at the waterfront Newport Dunes. . Special meetings for iSchools leadership, staff, and practitioners. . The student Social Media Expo, presentation of the annual iSchools Doctoral Dissertation Award, and much, much more! Registration is open now. Participants are also encouraged to book their lodging in our specially priced room block at the conference hotel. See our Accommodations Page for details. iConference 2015 is presented by the iSchools and hosted by University of California, Irvine: The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences. The conference champion sponsors are Microsoft Research and UCI Hana Lab; contributors include Facebook and Nokia; additional support provided by Google, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, the UCI Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and UCI Newkirk Center. Conference Home: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hrosenba at Wed Dec 10 15:43:36 2014 From: hrosenba at (Rosenbaum, Howard S.) Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 20:43:36 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Indiana University Ph.D. Program in Information Science Accepting Applications by January 15th Message-ID: Indiana University Ph.D. Program in Information Science Accepting Applications by January 15th Apply Today! Funding packages with $21,500 per year stipends are available for top candidates. As the Indiana University Ph.D. in Information Science celebrates 50 years (1964 to 2014) ? and over 185 graduates, we are pleased to accept new applications to our program in the School of Informatics and Computing, Department of Information and Library Science. Our doctoral program is one of the longest continuously running information science programs in the U.S. with one of the highest number of graduates. We are proud of our graduates. They have authored books and articles, and have been teachers of thousands of students over the past 50 years. A number have gone on to become Deans of schools and libraries, Directors of doctoral programs, Editors of journals, and Presidents of national professional associations. Our Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science trains the next generation of information scientists?the people who will advance the knowledge in this field. Doctoral students are advised by faculty that are engaged in cutting-edge research areas such as: - social informatics - data science - computer mediated communication - scholarly communication - online communities - information visualization - social media analysis - digital humanities - scientometrics - digital library - knowledge entity and graph mining - semantic web and linked data - complex network analysis - data and text mining and information retrieval - knowledge mining in healthcare, medicine and cognitive science - metadata management - science of team science Our students can benefit from our active community of scholars that includes these Research Centers: - Catapult Center for Digital Humanities and Computational Analysis - Center for Computer Mediated Communication - Center for Research on Mediated Interaction (CROMI) - Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science (CNS) Center - Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI) - Web Science Lab Located in the ideal university town of Bloomington, Indiana, the program is supported by both an extensive research infrastructure ? and, by a beautiful setting. The technology and library resources at IU are stellar. The trees, the music, and the food in Bloomington enrich out-of-class hours. Interested in our doctoral program? Have questions? Contact: Dr. Ying Ding, ILS Ph.D. Program Director at dingying at ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mcunha at Wed Dec 10 18:21:36 2014 From: mcunha at (Maria Manuela Cruz Cunha) Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 23:21:36 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist 2015 - Call for Invited Sessions and Workshops Message-ID: <> First Call for Invited Sessions and Workshops to be held in conjunction with CENTERIS ? Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems ProjMAN ? International Conference on Project MANagement HCist ? International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems AIS Affiliated Conferences Algarve, Portugal October 2015 ======= Deadline for submissions: December 15, 2014 ======= We invite senior academics, scientists and professionals to consider submitting a proposal for an invited session / workshop to be held in conjunction with CENTERIS / ProjMAN / HCist 2015. An invited session consists of a presentation session of five to six papers on a specific conference topic, organized as a 90 or 120 minutes session. A workshop consists of presentation sessions for at least ten papers, as a half day workshop or one-day mini conference. Each invited session/workshop should provide a forum to address a particular topic on information systems, project management or health and social care information systems and technologies, in which participants discuss and interact in order to jointly learn and explore a specific subject. The invited session/workshop chair is expected to take the responsibility for her/his sessions, gathering papers from a range of research /professional expertise around the world (no more than 35% of papers from the same country), managing the overall process of the workshop conduction (call for papers, review of submitted papers, workshop activities during the conference). A minimum number of five papers (accepted after double-blind peer review) is required for the invited session/workshop realization. Researchers who would like to organise an invited session/workshop on topics falling within the scope of the conferences are invited to submit a proposal for consideration, including the following items: The title of the invited/ workshop session; Objectives; A paragraph describing the theme of the session and initial list of topics; Preliminary program committee; Preliminary forecast on possible number of submissions and accepted papers; Workshop chair(s); A short biography (of around 200 words) of the proponent. A submission form is available at Please submit your workshop / invited session by no later than December 15. Decisions on acceptance will be taken and announced within two weeks from the submission deadline. Sincerely, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist Conference Chairs From rhill at Mon Dec 15 11:31:48 2014 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:31:48 -0500 Subject: [Sigtis-l] 2015 ASIS&T Annual Meeting now open Message-ID: <3815-2201412115163148738@LEN-dick-2011> 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting November 6-10, 2015 - Hyatt Regency - St. Louis, MO USA Information Science with Impact: Research in and for the Community This year?s conference theme provides an opportunity for information science researchers ? including academics and practitioner researchers ? to discuss the impact of their research on industry, on government, on local/national/global community groups, on individuals, on information systems, on libraries/museums/galleries, and on other practice contexts. The theme highlights the introduction of a new conference focus on Applied Research, which recognizes that basic research in information science is also inspired by, and/or connected to, information practice contexts. Submissions are encouraged that present theoretical or applied research with results that demonstrate one or more of the following themes: Impact on Individuals Impact on Society Impact on Organizations Impact on Systems & Technology Impact on Information Contexts Important Dates Papers, Panels, Workshops & Tutorials Submissions: April 30, 2015 Notifications: June 11, 2015 Final copies: July 15, 2015 Posters, Demos & Videos: Submissions: July 1, 2015 Notifications: July 30, 2015 Final copies: August 20, 2015 Conference Chair: Lisa Given Paper Co-Chairs: Brian Detlor, Hazel Hall Panel Co-Chairs: Heather O'Brien, Alison Brettle Poster Co-Chairs: Lynn Westbrook, Michael Khoo Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From hrosenba at Thu Dec 18 10:34:13 2014 From: hrosenba at (Rosenbaum, Howard S.) Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 15:34:13 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] =?windows-1252?q?AMCIS_2015_CFP=3E_Minitrack=3A_Social?= =?windows-1252?q?_Theory_in_Information_Systems_Research_=28STIR_=9215=29?= Message-ID: <> Call for papers: Social Theory in Information Systems Research (STIR ?15) Join us in Puerto Rico for AMCIS 2015 August 13-15, 2015 El Conquistador Resort *The theme of AMCIS 2015 is Blue Ocean Research* Minitrack chairs: Howard Rosenbaum Indiana University hrosenba at Pnina Fichman Indiana University fichman at STIR?15 solicits papers that make use of social theory in information systems research drawing upon such approaches as sociotechnical theory, critical theory, social informatics, organizational theory, cultural anthropology, sociology and others. We are interested in understanding and supporting the evolution of social theory, socio-technical theory, and social informatics in IS research. We want to highlight research that uses these approaches to critically examine the constitution of ICT, and their roles in organizations and society. We are particularly interested in research that makes use of social theory to address the main theme of the conference, blue ocean IS research, meaning work that is bringing a new theory, conceptual framework, or methodology to an existing or new research domain; for this mini track, it can mean innovative uses of social theory and methodologies to study the impacts of new and emerging technologies on people in their organizational and social lives. Issues might include designing smart and sustainable digital futures, critically examining the constitution of ICTs, and their roles in the design, maintenance and dissolution of online and offline organizations and social groups, and posing and investigating questions about how we are interacting with ICTs in our work and social lives in ways that help and hinder the move towards more useful, productive, and happier lives. We are interested in high quality empirical and conceptual work that uses social theory to study and theorize about application domains including large-scale social and organizational phenomena. We seek to attract research papers and research-in-progress papers from IS researchers who are using the work of social theorists, organizational theorists, sociotechnical theorists, and cultural anthropologists, symbolic interactionists, and many others. We are particularly interested in research that makes use of social theory to 1) investigate designing smart and sustainable digital futures; 2) critically examining the constitution of ICTs, and their roles in the design, maintenance and dissolution of online and offline organizations and social groups; and 3) posing and investigating questions about how we are interacting with ICTs in our work and social lives in ways that help and hinder the move towards more useful, productive, and happier lives This will be the 15th consecutive year for the Mini Track at AMCIS, and we hope to continue a tradition of high quality paper submissions, thought-provoking presentations and lively discussion for all IS researchers using, or considering the use of, social theory in their work. SUGGESTED TOPICS In addition to research aligned with the conference theme we are also interested in high quality empirical and conceptual work that uses social theory to study and understand: ? The interplay between ICT and the development, implementation, and evaluation of Blue Ocean Strategy ? The implications of social networks for organizations and social groups ? Conceptual and empirical work focusing on the ways ICT can promote or hinder social inclusion ? The significance of cyberinfrastructure for commerce, governing and research and sustainable development ? The relationships between ICTs and people as they participate in online communities and virtual teams ? Online communities of practice, their processes and outcomes ? The dynamics of and social and cultural impacts on ICT ? Hacktivism and the use of technology to mobilize resources and advance ideology ? Unintended consequences of technology implementation and use in organizations and in social life ? Scientific collaboration and scholarly communication as enabled and constrained by ICTs ? The impacts of social computing on our social and work lives SUBMISSION PROCESS: Full paper submissions must be made electronically through the AMCIS on-line submission system by February 25, 2015. Manuscript Central will start accepting paper submissions on January 5, 2015 at: The URL for submission to Scholar One is not yet available and will be available at the URL below. In addition, the instructions for authors and AMCIS 2015 Submission template are here: Important Dates: January 5, 2015: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2015 begin February 25, 2015 2 PM EST: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors April 21, 2015: Final decisions on AMCIS 2015 program are made April 28, 2015: For accepted papers, camera ready copy due From GogginsS at Fri Dec 26 12:34:33 2014 From: GogginsS at (Goggins, Sean Patrick) Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 17:34:33 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Two Open Rank Tenure Track Positions at Missouri's iSchool In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Two Tenured / Tenure Track Faculty Positions in Information Science & Learning Technologies Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Rank School of Information Science & Learning Technologies iSchool at University of Missouri To Apply Download Word document version The mission of the School of Information Science & Learning Technologies (SISLT) is to improve the professional practice of information specialists and learning technologists; advance research on information, learning, and performance; disseminate knowledge, products, and services to improve the quality of life for all; and advance the economic well being of Missouri and the Nation. As a member of the iSchool consortium (, SISLT faculty share the common fundamental interest of all iSchools in investigating and disseminating knowledge about the relationship between information, people, and technology. This fundamental interest is reflected in the number and depth of collaborations among the SISLT faculty, and with other academic and administrative units at the University of Missouri. We are searching for two faculty members to join our team who share our commitment to research, teaching excellence, exceptional service to students, and continuous quality improvement in an environment of civility and respect. Applicants should provide evidence of expertise in one or more of the following key areas: * Human Centered Computing * Cognitive Tools for Learning * Gaming for Learning * Learning Analytics and Big Data Minimum Qualifications * Doctorate in a relevant field, by the time of appointment Candidates will be evaluated on the following factors * Competency in advancing and researching innovative systems * Ability to conduct or collaborate on an externally funded program of research and scholarship * Ability to teach graduate courses, consistent with program and SISLT instructional needs * Ability to advise and provide research supervision to graduate students, and serve on dissertation committees for other students within SISLT About SISLT The School offers MS and Ed.S. degrees in Educational Technology, MA degree in Library Science, and a Ph.D. degree in Information Science and Learning Technologies. SISLTreceived the Outstanding Mature Program Award in 2012 for its online master's degree program in Educational Technology from the University Professional and Continuing Education Association, Central Region. SISLT faculty maintain active, funded research programs in areas including Cognitive Tools for Learning, Human Centered Computing, Games for Learning, Information Policy, Information Behavior, Library Science, Privacy, Learning Analytics, and Social Computing. Many of our projects are housed within the Allen Institute (, a physical space that supports SISLT faculty, staff, and students in research and development activities. Also, the Information Experience Lab (IE Lab) is a usability laboratory in the Allen Institute that conducts research and evaluates technology. The IE Lab offersSISLT students an authentic opportunity to engage in usability testing and information behavior research of websites and software for on-campus, statewide, and global clients.SISLT is one of five academic units within the College of Education, all of which promote continuous improvement as one of the college's core values. About MU MU, the flagship institution in the University of Missouri System, has nearly 34,000 undergraduate and graduate students. It is a member of the American Association of Universities, a state land grant institution and a RU/VH: Research University (very high research activity) as designated by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Salary Competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications. Appointment Tenure-track, nine-month appointment beginning September 1, 2015 To Apply Direct Link to Position: Apply on-line at Upload (a) a letter of application in which candidates describe in detail their qualifications for the position, (b) research statement, (c) 2 sample scholarly artifacts, (d) evidence of teaching effectiveness (course syllabi, student evaluations, chair/advisor/peer reviews) (e) evidence of experiences in generating external funding, and (f) names and contact information for three reference in the Attachments section of the application. Your CV must be uploaded in the Resume/CV and Cover Letter section. Please contact Dr. Sean Goggins, Search Committee Chair, gogginss at or (484) 683-5037 for questions about the position. Beginning Review Date Formal review of applications will begin January 15, 2015 and continue until the positions are filled. An Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer Women, minorities and disabled individuals are strongly encouraged to apply. To request ADA accommodations, please contact the Dean's Office at 573-882-5124. Sean P. Goggins Assistant Professor Sociotechnical Data Scientist University of Missouri The iSchool at Missouri MU Informatics Institute (816) 368-1364 visit: "I force people to have coffee with me, just because I don't trust that a friendship can be maintained without any other senses besides a computer or cellphone screen.? ? John Cusack "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead "Probably the most dangerous thing about college education, at least in my own case, is that it enables my tendency to over-intellectualize stuff, to get lost in abstract arguments inside my head instead of simply paying attention to what?s going on right in front of me." ? David Foster Wallace -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: