From agreenwood at Thu Aug 14 13:49:05 2014 From: agreenwood at (Greenwood, Audrey) Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:49:05 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Summer issue of The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science is now available on Project MUSE Message-ID: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science Volume 38, Number 2, June/juin 2014 This issue contains: New Immigrants' Perceptions and Awareness of Public Library Services / L'opinion des nouveaux immigrants et leur sensibilisation aux services des biblioth?ques publiques Katherine van der Linden, Joan Bartlett, Jamshid Beheshti Although numerous articles and books offer advice on serving immigrant populations in public libraries, little research has been conducted which asks immigrants directly about their needs and experiences. This paper reports the results of three focus groups which took place with a total of 14 different individuals who moved to Canada in the past 10 years from countries in Asia, Central America, and Africa. Focus group discussions found that the participants appreciate the library system but were largely unaware of the range of library services available. Bien que de nombreux livres et articles offrent des conseils concernant le service des populations immigr?es dans les biblioth?ques publiques, tr?s peu de recherches ont ?t? men?es s'enqu?rant directement aupr?s des immigr?s de leurs besoins et de leur exp?rience. Cet article pr?sente les r?sultats obtenus dans trois groupes de discussion qui ont eu lieu avec un total de quatorze personnes diff?rentes install?es au Canada au cours des dix derni?res ann?es en provenance de pays en Asie, en Am?rique centrale et en Afrique. Les groupes de discussion ont constat? que les participants appr?ciaient le r?seau des biblioth?ques, mais qu'ils ?taient loin d'?tre au courant de la gamme des services offerts dans les biblioth?ques. La place du livre num?rique dans les biblioth?ques publiques fran?aises : ?tat des lieux et prospective / The Situation of Digital Books in French Libraries: Current Status and Prospective Hans Dillaerts, Beno?t Epron L'offre commerciale de livres num?riques port?e par les ?diteurs fran?ais est aujourd'hui absente des collections des biblioth?ques publiques. Peu de biblioth?ques publiques disposent aujourd'hui en effet d'une offre de livres num?riques satisfaisante. Cet article a comme objectif d'analyser plus pr?cis?ment le contexte fran?ais qui est marqu? par le d?ploiement d'un projet d'exp?rimentation d'un service de pr?t du livre num?rique (le projet PNB). En plus d'identifier les freins au d?veloppement du pr?t du livre num?rique, nous mettons ici en avant un certain nombre de facteurs cl?s de r?ussite pour l'int?gration progressive du livre num?rique dans les collections des biblioth?ques. The current commercial production of digital books by French publishers is not made available in public libraries. Few public libraries hold a satisfactory number of digital books in their collections. This article aims to analyze more precisely the French context, where an experiment with a loan service of digital books (PNB: Pr?t num?rique en biblioth?que) is being conducted at present. Obstacles to the development of a public e-book lending service in France are identified, as well as some key factors for the successful progressive integration of digital books in library collections. "Pure Delight and Professional Development": The Reading Practices and Library Use of an Active Poetry Community / ? Pures d?lices ? et d?veloppement professionnel : Les pratiques de lecture d'une communaut? active de po?sie et la fr?quentation de la biblioth?que Carey Toane, Paulette M. Rothbauer This paper reports the findings of an online survey designed to explore the reading practices, library habits, and book acquisition of adult members of an active poetry community (n = 32) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Findings show the close relationship between poetry reading and poetry writing and the tight interweaving of poetry throughout the working and personal lives of respondents. Reading and finding out about poetry are also highly social in nature with a clear reliance on the poetry community rather than the public library. Our findings have implications for the roles of reading institutions such as bookstores, libraries, and publishers, as well as for collection development and readers' advisory services to specialized reading communities. Cet article pr?sente les r?sultats d'un sondage en ligne visant ? explorer les pratiques de lecture, les habitudes en biblioth?que et les acquisitions de livres des membres adultes d'une communaut? de po?sie tr?s active (n = 32), au Toronto, Ontario, au Canada. Les r?sultats montrent l'?troitesse des liens entre la lecture et l'?criture de po?sie et l'?troite imbrication de la po?sie dans tous les aspects de la vie professionnelle et de la vie personnelle des r?pondants. La lecture et les d?couvertes po?tiques sont ?galement des activit?s de nature tr?s sociale, marqu?es par une d?pendance claire ? l'?gard de la communaut? de po?sie plut?t que de la biblioth?que publique. Nos r?sultats ont des implications concernant le r?le des institutions vou?es ? la lecture comme les librairies, les biblioth?ques et les ?diteurs, ainsi que pour le d?veloppement des collections et les services consultatifs de lecteurs aux communaut?s de lecture sp?cialis?s. A Preliminary Study of the Relationship between the h-Index and Excess Citations / ?tude pr?liminaire de la relation entre l'indice de Hirsch (indice-h) et les citations exc?dentaires Xiaoyuan Yuan, Weina Hua, Ronald Rousseau, Fred Y. Ye This article presents a study of the average number of excess citations of papers in the h-core, denoted as e2/h and the ratio between the e-area and the h-area, denoted as e2/h2. Real-world citation data from different countries are studied. It is found that at the country level, a small set of publications generate a disproportionately large amount of citations. Although different countries have different e2/h2 values in different fields, average e2/h2 values are all above 1. The e2/h values vary widely between fields, reflecting the general citation density in these fields. For cumulative data e2/h2 and e2/h values each converge quickly. Neither a shifted Zipf nor an exponential model could fit the data. Cet article pr?sente une ?tude du nombre moyen de citations exc?dentaires d'articles dans le core-h, not? e2/h et le rapport entre la zone-e et la zone-h, not? e2/h2. Les donn?es ?tudi?es sont des donn?es de citations de pays du monde r?el. On constate qu'au niveau des pays, un petit groupe de publications g?n?re un montant disproportionn? de citations. Bien que diff?rents pays aient des valeurs e2/h2 diff?rentes dans diff?rents domaines, les valeurs moyennes e2/h2 sont toutes sup?rieures ? l'unit?. Les valeurs e2/h varient consid?rablement suivant les domaines, ce qui refl?te la densit? g?n?rale de citation dans ces domaines. Pour les donn?es cumulatives, chacune des valeurs e2/h2 et e2/h converge rapidement. Aucun mod?le zipfien d?cal? ou exponentiel ne correspond aux donn?es. A respected source of the most up-to-date research on library and information science, The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science is recognized internationally for its authoritative bilingual contributions to the field of information science. Established in 1976, the journal is dedicated to the publication of research findings, both in full-length and in brief format; reviews of books; software and technology; and letters to the editor. About Project MUSE Project MUSE is a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers, providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to a comprehensive selection of prestigious humanities and social sciences journals. MUSE's online journal collections support a diverse array of research needs at academic, public, special and school libraries worldwide. For more information about The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science or for submissions information, please contact: University of Toronto Press - Journals Division 5201 Dufferin St. Toronto, ON M3H 5T8 Tel: (416) 667-7810 Fax: (416) 667-7881 E-mail: journals at Website: Join us on Facebook Join us for advance notice of tables of contents of forthcoming issues, author and editor commentaries and insights, calls for papers and advice on publishing in our journals. Become a fan and receive free access to articles weekly through UTPJournals focus. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jhuns at Tue Aug 19 13:17:44 2014 From: jhuns at (jeremy hunsinger) Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 13:17:44 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] cfp: Closed Systems / Open Worlds ( extended deadline: Sept. 15, 2014) Message-ID: <> Apologies for x-posting-jh Closed Systems / Open Worlds ( extended deadline: Sept. 15, 2014) Contact: ClosedandOpenBook at Deadline for pr?cis: 15 September 2014 Edited by: Jeremy Hunsinger (Wilfrid Laurier University), Jason Nolan (Ryerson University) & Melanie McBride (York University) This book will consist of explorations at the boundaries of virtual worlds as enclosed but encouraging spaces for exploration, learning, and enculturation. Game/worlds like Second Life, OpenSim, Minecraft, and Cloud Party are providing spaces for the construction of alternatives and reimaginings, though frequently they end up more as reproductions. We seek to challenge those spaces and their creativities and imaginings. These worlds exist as both code and conduct. Code is a modulating multiple signifier, in that the interpreters of the code vary from human to machine and that our understanding of the signifier changes the worldliness in itself. The conduct of both participants and administrators of these spaces influences how they flourish and then fade. As such the worlds and their anima/animus are socially constructed fictions where authors/creators/users, both above and below the actions are sometimes in concert, yet often in conflict with the space and intentions of the originators. This book seeks critically engaged scholars who want to risk the possibility of change in the face of closed systems. We are looking for critical or speculative essays that must be theoretically, empirically and/or contextually grounded chapters of 5000-6500 words plus apparatus. Doctoral students and non-tenure faculty members will be afforded blind peer review upon request. We are aiming for 12 -14 chapters that define the boundaries and thus likely futures of research on virtual worlds. Dates Sept. 15, 2014 ? 250 word pr?cis with 5-10 key references Sept. 30, 2014 ? accept/reject proposals Feb 1, 2015 ? final draft due July 1, 2015 ? feedback from reviewers September 1, 2015 ? final version December 1, 2015 ? in press Queries and submissions: ClosedandOpenBook at Topics may include: ? alternative and minor game/virtual/etc. worlds ? archeologies/genealogies of virtuality ? augmented and mixed-reality worlds ? distributed cognitions ? early explorations in virtual learning environments ? the freedom of limitations ? identity construction and/or identity tourism ? the limits of simulation and emulation ? memories and forgetting in virtual worlds ? multisensory virtual environments ? multisensory exclusions in virtual worlds ? narratival and post-narratival andragogies, ?learning worlds? ? negative spaces as learning spaces (bullying, trolling, flaming, etc.) in virtual worlds ? non-social virtual worlds (dwarf fortress, some forms of minecraft, etc.) ? real world virtual worlds and boundaries (Lego, Hello Kitty, WebKinz, etc.) ? replication of real world environments/problems ? surrealism, unrealism and constructable alterities of/within virtual worlds ? transformative virtual classroom ? vapourware and virtuality ? the virtuality of learning jeremy hunsinger Communication Studies Wilfrid Laurier University Center for Digital Discourse and Culture Virginia Tech () ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail /\ - against microsoft attachments The Association of Internet Researchers stswiki Transdisciplinary Studies:the book series From rhill at Wed Aug 27 09:54:45 2014 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 09:54:45 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] 2014 ASIS&T Annual Meeting now open Message-ID: <3815-220148327135445562@LEN-dick-2011> ASIST 2014 Annual Meeting See for full information and to register October 31-November 5, 2014, Seattle, WA Come to Seattle for the 77th ASIS&T Annual Meeting. The theme for this year?s conference is Connecting Collections, Cultures, and Communities - we chose this theme to celebrate the breadth of information science, its historical roots, its user-centeredness, and its unique aim of bringing people together around ideas, thoughts, and the exchange of information and knowledge. The program includes 42 papers, 26 panels, 102 posters, 12 workshops, and many opportunities for socializing at receptions. All in all this conference is packed with intellectually stimulating sessions, lots of opportunities to network and meet new people, and engage in the health and well-being of this wonderful association. We are delighted to present two excellent and accomplished keynote speakers: Kris M. Kutchera is Vice President, Information Technology for the Alaska Air Group Alessandro Acquisti is Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From preben at Wed Aug 27 10:13:16 2014 From: preben at (Preben Hansen) Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 16:13:16 +0200 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Call for Chapters for Springer book on Collaborative Information Seeking In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> *CALL FOR CHAPTERS For a Springer Book in the CSCW Series on Collaborative Information Seeking (CIS)* Springer Book series on CSCW seeks submissions for a 2015 book on Collaborative Information Seeking (CIS). We are looking for original chapters on this topic - from scholars in academia and industry. For many years, information retrieval has focused on individual users searching for information. Algorithms have assumed that one person is reviewing the results, and user interfaces have supported the needs of individual searchers. CIS - also referred to as collaborative information retrieval and collaborative search - focuses on the notion that information seeking is not always a solitary activity, and that people working in collaboration to perform information-seeking tasks should be studied and supported. CIS occurs in many contexts, including healthcare, business intelligence, technical fields, strategic research, information analysis, planning tasks, and everyday activities such as shopping and travel. While the submission could be a synthesis of some of the prior works, it should not be published before. Manuscripts may describe research, experiences, and software tools/algorithms/architectures focused on support for collaborative information seeking. Specific topics include ? CIS theories and models; ? Design experiences of CIS systems; ? User Interfaces for CIS systems and tools; ? CIS applications and use cases in different domains, such as e-learning environments, healthcare, office work, and intelligence analysis; ? Approaches for incorporating CIS with social search; ? Issues related to collaborators? awareness of actions, Team/group aspects and participants? roles; ? Evaluation measures for CIS systems; ? Methodologies for studying CIS; and ? Software tools and algorithms to support collaborative search. All chapter submissions are subject to double peer review based on both technical merit and relevance to Springer CSCW book series readership. Accepted chapters will be professionally edited for content and style. Direct inquiries to the guest editors: Dr. Preben Hansen, Stockholm University, Sweden, (preben at ) Dr. Chirag Shah, Rutgers University, USA; (chirags at ) and Dr. Claus-Peter Klas, GESIS, Germany (Claus-Peter.Klas at ) *Timeline*: ? Chapter submission: *October 15, 2014* (submission information at ? Decision: *December 15, 2014* ? Final chapter: *January 15, 2015* *Editors of the book*: *Dr. Preben Hansen* Associate Professor Department of Computer and Systems Sciences Stockholm University, Sweden *Dr. Chirag Shah* Assistant Professor School of Communication & Information (SC&I) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA *Dr. Claus-Peter Klas* GESIS - Leibniz-Institut for Social Sciences Wissenstechnologien fur Sozialwissenschaften (WTS), Germany -------------------------------------- Preben Hansen Associate Professor Stockholm University Dept. Computer and Systems Sciences -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: